It wasn't our Harrower to begin with. I was actually surprised that FL showed up until I found out it was a “choke point”. Which is code word for “FL is logging on”. Also the house in Yew wasn't Fears and frankly I'm glad it's gone. I can't stand Yew gate to begin with but it's really the only place that there's any sort of fighting going on even if it is a gate fight. I think it will work more for us then against us because it deters us from going there hopefully forcing others to go elsewhere to fight us. FL believes that because they log on once a week with 50 people and with entourage of guilds to back them up that they are accomplishing something on ORIGIN, they aren't. Fighting us at one choke point with multiple guilds only to shortly log off claiming victory only proves how cowardly your guild is. FL doesn't want to fight BTH they only want to hit and run and post on Stratics that they are making a difference. If ORIGIN citizens or anyone but FL actually believed you (which they don't) they would be out spawning all the time without fear of us raining down on them but they don’t because they aren't stupid. They see the exact same thing we do but it shows us exactly how much we have enslaved the people of ORIGIN over the years because they are so quick to fight with you then fight for themselves. You give yourselves too much credit “D” guild was in my opinion the hardest opponent we have ever fought. FL is nothing more then watered down LLC and I’m not sure if I can give them that much credit because LLC actually comes to fight us despite their ability and numbers. In the long run, if they get a new GM they pose a greater threat to us because they have the ability to recruit people who actually play on ORIGIN shard. You don’t have to like me or what I say but what I say isn’t just opinion it’s factual . To me that’s far more important then trying to come here and spin the truth.
(Hmmmmm I wonder if I can be ORIGINS “NO SPIN” warrior?)
(Hmmmmm I wonder if I can be ORIGINS “NO SPIN” warrior?)