Another April Fools Day behind me... Thank god...
I don't hate it...
Well, I do. But not as much as I do, say, a Salmonella/Appendicitis combo.
I can, however, appreciate a good, witty April Fools joke.
Legend of Zelda movie? Tauren Space Marines? Battle of Amon Hen? Google and Virgin teaming up to settle on Mars? Flying Penguins?
All fine. I even got a few laughs out of them, which is saying something.
Far too much emotional coercion, in most April Fools, these days.
If someone messages me, saying that they have a particular medical condition. I'm left either being sympathetic to their plight, as anyone who is a caring human being should do, and thereby being the fool. Or, not falling for the joke, and coming across as an insensitive jerk.
Allow me to introduce you to Kimi; insensitive jerk du jour, who has grown sick and tired of believing practically every announcement she's read today is a lie, and more so, being right every time.