4 I have read of reference to (im not up on all UO history so may need pointers) a FELOWSHIP (identity unsure, FOA ?) creating a black gate to help a creature called the Guardian gain access to Sosaria.
[/ QUOTE ]
Somebody hasn't played Ultimas 7-9! The Guardian is the focus of these Ultimas.
In Ultima VII we come to Britannia to find that the virtues are quickly being abandoned in favour of The Fellowship and it's principles. After much investigation the Avatar soon finds out that the Fellowship is basically a front and a dangerous cult that is attempting (at it's higher levels) to help a malevolent world-enslaving entity from another dimension gain access to Britannia, of which it currently has none. The only way to do this is to build a BLACK Moongate which would theoretically allow entities from other universes to travel to Britannia, entities such as The Guardian.
I can't see The Fellowship being a part of UO at the moment, creepy ****s that they are. It IS possible however, and it IS also possible that The Guardian may come into play, considering that UO has typically focused on Ultimas 1-4 and largely ignored Ultimas 5-9. However with the entry of Gargoyles and the Stygian Abyss we might see some introduction of plot elements from Ultimas 6-7, but it seems unlikely to me.
4 I have read of reference to (im not up on all UO history so may need pointers) a FELOWSHIP (identity unsure, FOA ?) creating a black gate to help a creature called the Guardian gain access to Sosaria.
[/ QUOTE ]
Somebody hasn't played Ultimas 7-9! The Guardian is the focus of these Ultimas.
In Ultima VII we come to Britannia to find that the virtues are quickly being abandoned in favour of The Fellowship and it's principles. After much investigation the Avatar soon finds out that the Fellowship is basically a front and a dangerous cult that is attempting (at it's higher levels) to help a malevolent world-enslaving entity from another dimension gain access to Britannia, of which it currently has none. The only way to do this is to build a BLACK Moongate which would theoretically allow entities from other universes to travel to Britannia, entities such as The Guardian.
I can't see The Fellowship being a part of UO at the moment, creepy ****s that they are. It IS possible however, and it IS also possible that The Guardian may come into play, considering that UO has typically focused on Ultimas 1-4 and largely ignored Ultimas 5-9. However with the entry of Gargoyles and the Stygian Abyss we might see some introduction of plot elements from Ultimas 6-7, but it seems unlikely to me.