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(SPOILERS) Inu the Crone Thread #17! (Also Blackrock, Ricardo, and other ItC subplots)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alrighty folks... with the already length Thread #16, and new content expected later today... it's time for thread #17!

Wondering who Inu the Crone is? Never heard of this "Ricardo" fellow? Wondering where to find Blackrock? Wondering how that mage just blew himself up with a spell you've never heard of? Know tons about just about everything Inu, but forgot about or miss some detail along the way?
Check out the Inu the Crone section over at UOEvents, as well as the InuWiki, recently moved to UOGuide.
Both sites very much appreciate user submitted information - UOGuide works as a Wiki that anybody can edit, and UOEvents is updated by me.

Think this thread is getting too long? (Well... obviously it isn't now, but it will be before long if the past Inu threads have shown us anything!) Think we need a new thread? Don't waste your typing asking for a new one - make one yourself!
When making a new thread, poke one of the UHall moderators to unsticky the old one and sticky the new one, and please try to keep the first post of the new one of a similar format to this one.

For the ease of reading the thread, and to avoid over-spoiling people who prefer a lesser level of spoiler, please consider using the following styles when reporting the following types of information...

NPC Responses:<blockquote><hr>

Bob responds to the following -
Hello: Hi there!
Job: I'm a farmer.
&lt;keyword&gt;: &lt;response&gt;

[/ QUOTE ]

Localization text:<blockquote><hr>

The following localized text was added with the recent patch (highlight to read):
<font color="#E2E2E2">#####: Localization text
#####: Localization text</font>
End of hidden text.

[/ QUOTE ]

New Graphics:<blockquote><hr>

A new image was added with the recent patch. Click here to see it.
My theories (highlight to read):
<font color="#E2E2E2">Looks like it's a miniature pink elephant! I bet this guy is going to appear randomly and follow people around, making those people invulnerable!</font>
End of hidden text.

[/ QUOTE ]

Discussion on items not yet found in game:<blockquote><hr>

Re: the new image (highlight to read) -
<font color="#E2E2E2">What are you talking about? That is clearly a purple soulstone! How in the world does that look like a pink elephant?</font>
End of hidden text.

[/ QUOTE ]

Discussion on items found in game, but not yet known to definately be linked to ItC:<blockquote><hr>

This is on the Catskills shard:
I just found this altar near the dungeon wrong, it's got ore piled on it in different areas, and it's empty in the middle. Could this be the blackrock locating device?

[/ QUOTE ]

When stating something specifically to one person, that doesn't have any information that could be useful to others, please keep that as a PM (assuming the person you are saying something to is accepting PMs).

*editted to add suggestions to ease discussion*
*editted again to add more suggestions*

Fayled Dhreams


Good suggestion for a format for any "new starts"
but I'm thinking this will actually be the last...Inu arc wise

Tis Feb....this is pretty much "the end game"(my guess)

We'll need to free Ricardo, to pick a few remaining locks
We'll need to feed Inu to her hungry beetle, to cease her rambling's

A quest to construct our own personal blackrock detectors
(at much peril for our tinks
darn multi lingual directions

need to "restore" our land to its former self...no not that... remove the traces of this arc, like npc's running on, note/deeds laying about... etc

*loads uo.com in 5min refresh mode*


I think we are far from the end.
We still have the voids and the contraption that is secretly being made to locate all the blackrock....
Plus who knows what will happen with Ricardo and the Council....

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe they said the scenario will run until Kingdom Reborn, if so, then we have a good 3 months left.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

but I'm thinking this will actually be the last...Inu arc wise

[/ QUOTE ]Well... we know it will last at least until the release of UO:KR, and I'm guessing that parts of the arc are also leading towards the content in UO:SA (seeing as most [all?] of the stuff that is in that is the bits that was supposed to be the content portion of UO:KR)... plus I wouldn't be suprised if the arc continues on beyond that (though at that point we'll probably want to name it something different, as Inu is already being pushed away from the focal point that she was at the start).

I'd expect the same "new thread for the major UO event every few weeks" pattern to last for a long time, and a similar format should be maintained even if the next arc isn't even close to being related - just with different links.

*hopes nothing too much gets learned Friday so he can help with the learning on Saturday*


I think we are waiting on someone(on each shard?) getting the true 'Book of Truths' to proceed further. Think it was posted that there are several fake books of truths but there is one real book out there....and it will show us the way to the future. So far no one has notified us of finding this book.

The question is will there be anything going on tonight?????


New Story Up!

A Quest for the Truth
Menzzobaanea, Seeker of Truth Feb 2 2007 7:18PM

As I write this, evil times are before us, but I’m confident the hearts of our people shall persevere. Though the days grow darker, there are many who still seek the light of Truth, for it is Truth that lends our arts the power to overcome all evil, if we but trust in it.

But what is Truth, you might ask?

Truth is that which is inherent in all things. It is the truth that we discover when we are able to see clearly, free from other distractions. As Lord British once wrote in the book titled Virtue, “Truth alone becomes Honesty, for without honesty between our people, how can we build the trust that is needed to maximize our successes? Truth tempered by Love gives us Justice, for only in a loving search for the truth can one dispense fair Justice, rather than create a cold and callous people. Courage and Truth give us Honor, great knights know this well, that chivalric honor can be found by adhering to this code of conduct.”

It is thus more than a mere symbol that we have lost in the Book of Truth; it is a necessary constituent of the very fabric of our way of life. Though the task of retrieving it is monumental and the risk grave indeed, we must continue to bravely venture forth until that which has been taken from us all has been restored to its rightful place.

Finally, my fellow seekers, let it be known that the brave soul who recovers the actual Book of Truth will be forever known for that great deed, his or her name immortalized in stone for all to see. Though we certainly do not wish to foster pride, we would be foolish not to honor the true heroes in our midst as exemplars of the Virtues


I guess that means one book per shard? Is it out there somewhere right now?


I doubt it can be found this week. They specific mentioned this hunting for book event will last for multiple weeks. If we found the book today, the book hunt quest should be over, and it will be last for one week only, not multiple weeks.

Fayled Dhreams

Well, darn it, I was "relying" (no, not gosepl in stone heavily) on this:
December 15, 2006 FoF

"So, Ricardo's guilty, blackrock's creepy, and Inu's still crazy. Where is this all going?"
Well, the Ricardo plotline is wrapping up - there are a few loose ends to tie up, but we're mostly going to be moving forward with the larger plotline. Coming up, you'll start to see events that foreshadow great changes to our world, and offer the opportunity to do great deeds. (as well as the occasional silly event, just to keep you guessing

Know better .... but

theres that " ... springs eternal in the heart" thing

Hopes that Larisa hasn't locked "the one true book down as carpet"

GOOD chance there'll be more than 1 book per shard.... maybe an internal timer... maybe just a first turn first winner...*shrugs*
I'd Like... more than that.... but ..... not been much since nov ....

starting to doze



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wonder if there is any relevance in Menzzobaanea being the quest-giver for the 50 book 'Gorget of Honesty' task?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

"So, Ricardo's guilty, blackrock's creepy, and Inu's still crazy. Where is this all going?"
Well, the Ricardo plotline is wrapping up

[/ QUOTE ]Ricardo's plotline is a sub-plotline of the Inu plotline, which is "the larger plotline" that they are "mostly going to be moving forward with".


GOOD chance there'll be more than 1 book per shard

[/ QUOTE ]There most definately should not be more than 1 real book per shard. The Book of Truth is such a core item that it should remain as unique as possible. They've already made one blunder of making it so there were 2 on most of the shards (one stolen, plus one given by Lord British to somebody [different on each shard, all players, only shards that were old enough] years ago).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Wonder if there is any relevance in Menzzobaanea being the quest-giver for the 50 book 'Gorget of Honesty' task?

[/ QUOTE ]The quest giver was the writer of the article.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Wonder if there is any relevance in Menzzobaanea being the quest-giver for the 50 book 'Gorget of Honesty' task?

[/ QUOTE ]The quest giver was the writer of the article.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I know.... I was pondering whether her being in charge of the 'biggest' reward, the Gorget of Honesty, was a clue that the real book might be in the 'anti-Honesty' dungeon', but it seems more likely it will be a 'randomly determined' item instead of one out there to be 'found'.


I've turned in 500+ books of truth today (was farming all day), made about 1.5m just from the books, no "real" book of truth, i take it we find out who gets it next week.



I've turned in 500+ books of truth today (was farming all day)

[/ QUOTE ]
*picks up book number 49 after 2 weeks of farming*
*feels humbled by the farming skills of others*
*remembers humility is a virtue*
*feels better*

*begins to worry that three letter "hum" may not be sufficient to equate the roots of the two words*
*pulls out a dictionary, forgets to keep farming*

woohoo! 50!!


I'm surprised at how little I feel I understand about where this whole Inu plotline is going. After having misread the "dwarf-pointing" clues, I now find myself wondering if I have anything I can latch on to. We have lots of talk about gates and plots ... but I just don't see where it's leading (other than the KR redraw of the map of course). Perhaps I'm anticipating too much, perhaps the road is shifting as we walk it.



I'm surprised at how little I feel I understand about where this whole Inu plotline is going. After having misread the "dwarf-pointing" clues, I now find myself wondering if I have anything I can latch on to. We have lots of talk about gates and plots ... but I just don't see where it's leading (other than the KR redraw of the map of course). Perhaps I'm anticipating too much, perhaps the road is shifting as we walk it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Truth be told I think this is going to last until the UO:SA expansion. I think it is then that we will blow ourselves into or over to or out to wherever it is that the "gargoyles" live, therefore giving us the new gargoyle race...


Does anyone know exactly what the Text for live event content added to the Client patch last week? Didn't see anything new.......


Thanks Aurelius. Hope that those content will be enable this week


Hate to tag onto this post with a similar request, but where do you find the "spoiler" data? Is it in the cliloc data file, or elsewhere? I've always wondered how to go about reading the patch info.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's in the cliloc.enu file, which you can open with notepad or a Mac equivalent - it's a single lengthy file, and since I don't have anything on this PC that would compare two versions and highlight differences, I have to resort to skimming through all the text and hoping I spot what's 'new' in there..


I too have dealt with that many books, probably more. I turned in enough for two gorgets, two redeemers, a gear, a few boxes, and sold the rest. This is the best event ever according to my bank balance!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK folks, I'll go die of embarassment now.... seems what I tripped over in the cliloc isn't a new addition, it's been in there since December, but as far as I know not used so far.....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Does anyone know exactly what the Text for live event content added to the Client patch last week? Didn't see anything new.......

[/ QUOTE ]I don't know if this is all for event content, but these are the strings added to the Cliloc file with the most recent patch (highlight to read):
<font color="#dddddd">&gt; 1077456 Pearl Necklace
&gt; 1077458 I'm not interested in giving you an another offer so soon after you turned in an order. Try again later.
&gt; 1077461 Hail, ~1_name~
&gt; 1077462 Hail and well met, ~1_name~
&gt; 1077463 Ah, 'tis ~1_name~
&gt; 1077464 'Tis a pleasure to see thee
&gt; 1077465 Art thou well?
&gt; 1077466 Thy presence honors us
&gt; 1077467 ~1_name~!
&gt; 1077468 Oho! ~1_name~!
&gt; 1077469 Well if it isn’t ~1_name~!
&gt; 1077470 Welcome!
&gt; 1077471 ‘Tis good to see ye
&gt; 1077472 Have yourself a drink!
&gt; 1077473 Here! On the house!</font>
End hidden text.

Rand al'Thor DR

What about all that stuff about being picked for the jury?
I thought for sure we were going to re-trial Ricardo. At least that way I can help convict that murdering thief and see him hanged.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

What about all that stuff about being picked for the jury?
I thought for sure we were going to re-trial Ricardo. At least that way I can help convict that murdering thief and see him hanged.

[/ QUOTE ]That stuff was added at the same time as all the other trial stuff was added.



What about all that stuff about being picked for the jury?
I thought for sure we were going to re-trial Ricardo. At least that way I can help convict that murdering thief and see him hanged.

[/ QUOTE ]

Free Ricardo! I think as more is revealed, Ricardo's innocence will be even more glaringly obvious. As he said in the trial, all he did was steal some artifact from a bunch of freaky snake creatures. I have been into that same lair and slain countless numbers of the creatures for sport and spoils. I was considered a Glorious Lord for my actions, not a criminal. The creatures are evil, they attack both elves and humans on sight and deserve extermination.

As for these books of truth that have been appearing in the packs and lairs of creatures in the old dungeons... I think the TRUE book will be discovered entirely at random from the books turned in, those kept as decorations will not be considered. A date will arrive, anyone who turned in books will have a chance at having discovered the real Book of Truth. Even now, experts in the Lycaeum are painstakingly studying each and every one of the bloody things in hopes of discovering the real McCoy. I hope its me, I've never been immortalized outside of my own head.


And if we steal something of value from the gargoyles and later that year a portal is opened up and we find that they are a sentient race of "peoples" have we then committed a crime?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

And if we steal something of value from the gargoyles and later that year a portal is opened up and we find that they are a sentient race of "peoples" have we then committed a crime?

[/ QUOTE ]Morally speaking - if your theft causes the gargoyles to go out and actively search for that item in a way that makes it clear that if they don't get their item back they will start war against the people they believe are harboring the thief and you do nothing to return said item nor anything to make it clear that there is no way for you to return said item, then yes. Arguably yes even if that does not happen, and even if they are not discovered to be sentient (though it is known already that the Gargoyles are sentient, just not very talkative or very good with combat tactics).
Britannian Law speaking - only if your theft causes the gargoyles to kill lots of Britannians or destroy lots of Britannian property, unless the Royal Britannian Council adds more conditions onto the High Treason law.
Theft from sentient beings is not currently a Britannian crime. Theft from Britannians or recognized visitors to Britannia are the only forms of theft by Britannian Law I believe.

Britannian Law really needs to be fixed, but Ricardo was still a deciding factor in the death of lots and lots of people and should be held partially responsible for those deaths.



Morally speaking - if your theft causes the gargoyles to go out and actively search for that item in a way that makes it clear that if they don't get their item back they will start war against the people they believe are harboring the thief and you do nothing to return said item nor anything to make it clear that there is no way for you to return said item, then yes. Arguably yes even if that does not happen, and even if they are not discovered to be sentient (though it is known already that the Gargoyles are sentient, just not very talkative or very good with combat tactics).
Britannian Law speaking - only if your theft causes the gargoyles to kill lots of Britannians or destroy lots of Britannian property, unless the Royal Britannian Council adds more conditions onto the High Treason law.
Theft from sentient beings is not currently a Britannian crime. Theft from Britannians or recognized visitors to Britannia are the only forms of theft by Britannian Law I believe.

Britannian Law really needs to be fixed, but Ricardo was still a deciding factor in the death of lots and lots of people and should be held partially responsible for those deaths.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see the direction of your thoughts but I must disagree with your assertion of morality in this particular "crime". No precedent had been established prior to Ricardo's unfortunately poor luck at theft targets. Also, I doubt anyone could have forseen the reaction of the Ophidians, so the only real crime commited by the thief Ricardo is a lack of precognitive abilities. I know nothing of any law requiring adventurers to see the future before plundering the lairs of these sorts of monstrosities. Also, while it may be argued that the ophidions are sentient, they are NOT civilized.

Furthermore, holding Ricardo responsible for the actions of these creatures would only discourage others from descending into the dungeons and holding in check the never-ending hordes of monsters that boil up like a plague from within. Should we hold this Ricardo guilty of violating a law that had not been passed or even concieved of PRIOR to the act it violated even transpired? Will we allow outrage to give our courts the power to enforce laws that have not yet been passed? How will this affect those with little wealth or influence? I say this is the beginnings of a dictatorship, for free, civilized societies do not allow courts to decide the laws in the midst of a trial, they simply ENFORCE those that already exist.

Ricardo did not cause these snake-things to attack our towns. As stated, they are sentient, they can think and decide on a course of action with a clear understanding of the consequences that may follow. Therefore the Ophidians themselves are responsible. They could have sent representitives to negotiate the objects return or even made threats. They chose to raid and slaughter unarmed men women and children. NOT civilived.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


Morally speaking - if your theft causes the gargoyles to go out and actively search for that item in a way that <u>makes it clear</u> that if they don't get their item back they will start war against the people they believe are harboring the thief <u>and</u> you do nothing to return said item nor anything to make it clear that there is no way for you to return said item, then yes.

[/ QUOTE ]Also, I doubt anyone could have forseen the reaction of the Ophidians

[/ QUOTE ]*italicizes and underlines*
In Ricardo's situation, he wasn't undisputably morally in the wrong until after the Ophidians went out, killed 4 thieves they thought may have been Ricardo, posted 4 notices at the area where they killed those 4 thieves stating "Return to us what was stolen". Immediately when that happened, everybody who knew Ricardo was in the Ophidian Keep and hidden in that little "jail" area in the back suspected that the Ophidians were only attacking because of Ricardo, and Ricardo actually knowing that he took something had no reason to not believe it was him the Ophidians were after.



*italicizes and underlines*
In Ricardo's situation, he wasn't undisputably morally in the wrong until after the Ophidians went out, killed 4 thieves they thought may have been Ricardo, posted 4 notices at the area where they killed those 4 thieves stating "Return to us what was stolen". Immediately when that happened, everybody who knew Ricardo was in the Ophidian Keep and hidden in that little "jail" area in the back suspected that the Ophidians were only attacking because of Ricardo, and Ricardo actually knowing that he took something had no reason to not believe it was him the Ophidians were after.

[/ QUOTE ]

And who would weep at the loss of a few more thieves? Certainly not the leaders of fair Brittannia. Did they send troops to roust out the angry mobs of slithering vermin? No! They relied on the resourcefulness of able bodied citizens to do the work themselves. Perhaps our leaders were hoping more thieves might expire? Whatmore, "Return to us what was stolen" is a rather general statement. No one seemed concerned beyond the state these groups left our trade routes in. Even at that point I don't believe any one expected the savagery that followed. If so, why were there no guards sent to help patrol those areas affected? No, Ricardo was made a scapegoat for the failings of many. Himself included.

Make no mistake, I offer no excuses for the lack of character of this Ricardo fellow. Things would have gone much better had the Ophidians found him. No doubt he would have recieved a trial not unlike the one he got. If Ophidians concerned themselves with such trivialites as a system of justice...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Did they send troops to roust out the angry mobs of slithering vermin? No! They relied on the resourcefulness of able bodied citizens to do the work themselves. Perhaps our leaders were hoping more thieves might expire?

[/ QUOTE ]I NEVER once said that the leadership of Britannia was not ALSO responsible. Ricardo, the Britannian Council, the Britannian Royal Guard leaders, and the Ophidians are ALL responsible.


Whatmore, "Return to us what was stolen" is a rather general statement.

[/ QUOTE ]But when it is being said immediately after Ricardo took something that clearly had importance - Ricardo should've known it was in response to his actions, especially when coupled with the attacks against R thieves.


Even at that point I don't believe any one expected the savagery that followed. If so, why were there no guards sent to help patrol those areas affected?

[/ QUOTE ]Lots of people expected it.


No, Ricardo was made a scapegoat for the failings of many. Himself included.

[/ QUOTE ]So then you agree that he is partly responsible for the deaths of all those poeple?
Yes, the legal action taken against him made him take the responsibility of the Ophidians and the Britannian leadership as well as his own - but I am not defending the legal action, I'm saying he is responsible for the actions and needs to be held responsible for them. Personally, I believe the appropriate punishment for his actions is to be forced to help rebuild the damage dealt to the cities by the Ophidian armies and to help the families that had deaths return to their "normal" lives through financial assistance. This should be coupled with similar such punishments towards the Britannian leadership and the Ophidians, and I'd say Ricardo should be doing the least of the three - but all three sides are very much responsible for what happened.



So then you agree that he is partly responsible for the deaths of all those poeple?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a game, nobodys opinion matters but the developers, his fate was determined before anyone knew who ricardo was.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend


So then you agree that he is partly responsible for the deaths of all those poeple?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a game, nobodys opinion matters but the developers, his fate was determined before anyone knew who ricardo was.

[/ QUOTE ]Perhaps his fate was determined before we knew who he was, but even if it was any discussions we have now about what has happened and what we think should've happened based on what we witnessed will have an impact on the developers as to how they do things in future events.

Plus, the debating on what should've happened and what still should happen is fun

Fayled Dhreams

Just a thought

the valentine "slice of bacon"?

The tiniest of clues?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

blessed slice of bacon

Nobel beds classic foe

[/ QUOTE ]Classic b beef noodles?

imported_Trebr Drab


Interesting looking stuff to come!



[/ QUOTE ]

I'm wondering if that's something like the mirrored tiles you can find some places in the game, where you walk on them and you see a mirror image of your legs. If they are made to actually appear invisible and show the object behind them, yet allow for us to click it for an effect, this could be very interesting for EM events. Normal art could be made to function like a secret button to open something else, or to cause some other effect such as summoning some being or whatever. That could be really interesting.

I've been very down on UO lately, seriously considering cancelling out. But if that is what it is, I'll have to reconsider. But that depends on what actually come out of all this.

By the way, has the Inu events petered out? I have some things that I think I figured out, but comments from players who know Devs say these things are done with. So, I'm left wondering but without hope.


There has been a bit of a lull. I suspect with the town halls and the approach of KR, attention has been focused elsewhere. However, there are hints that Moonglow is building towards a very bad day (but then again, I got burned on dwarves/gargoyles so I'm a little more cautious about thinking I know where hints are pointing).