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Sonoma PvP Thread

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lol ZARC.. here's a little of your logic for ya....


Oh Strung, you are sad. Your reading comprehension still sucks. Do you even know what reading comprehension is?

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and ummm..... if you think he doesn't understand anything your saying YET you still keep asking.. exactly how much smarter are you ??? =P

AND.... if you say there were 10 TBA in vent and 6 spawning, then they were being sneaky out in t2a somewhere and I wasn't up for looking for em.

ANYWAY.... for the rest of you.. ENOUGH with the quote trees.... I barely had the patience to read that stuff 1x let alone x 20.

lol Shadow..... the hero's comment cracked me up. I caught a flash of it while I was at work and bailed so that I could watch it @ home on the TIVO.... heh


I can either get a point across by explanation or repetition; repetition allows someone to embarass themselves a lot more easily

If you look back at their responses, by repeating myself I just helped them make themselves look slightly dumb because they didn't carefully read what I wrote. They just jumped the gun and answered off hand. They had an unbalanced verbal defense and offense, if you will

Heroes v Lost... gah... I try not to compare either because they each have their strong points (mainly I love the story for both of each). Last night's ep was pretty B.A. though.

Murderous MinX


Rename this thread: Sonoma Hackers Thread

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I can't find the page/quote where I'm being accused of having some uber ethy mounting timer hack.. sound familiar to anyone? was it in this thread? if so, please quote it for me! thanks

Murderous MinX


then they were being sneaky out in t2a somewhere and I wasn't up for looking for em.

[/ QUOTE ]

Being sneaky in t2a? LOL, I'm sorry that TBA prefers to open field fight at places like CoD, Island, Khaldun.. than to play the "hold the despise" bridge game, maybe if you guys made more of an effort to CHECK spawns you'd get better fights [when both sides don't have ALL their members on].

Seriously, that's the stupidest thing I've read from you thus far. ..Yay.. fighting in dungeons.. wooo.. so exciting.. the challenge of holding/pushing a 2x10 chokepoint..omygooses, such PvP.

And that's pretty much all I have to say.


LOL ......


I'm sorry that TBA prefers to open field fight at places like CoD, Island, Khaldun.. than to play the "hold the despise" bridge game, maybe if you guys made more of an effort to CHECK spawns you'd get better fights [when both sides don't have ALL their members on].

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I don't care what you really prefer ........ I was simply saying that the "easy / accessible" pvp happens at the gate or fel dungeons and being tired and too lazy to go looking for you @ 1am all was my well within my rights.. BUT...
your 100% right...... how could I have missed it!!! you wanted to fight so badly you popped Khaldune! &lt;sarcasm&gt;

PS... the fight at Oaks was a blast, you and Ron got me once but I returned your favor on 5 other's heh. Moving shot ftw!

PPS... ZARC... I love your "Drive the point home with repetition " comment. That's What Sa-Vok is all about = P.


Unlike you Zarc not everyone cares if they appear intelligent or dumb on an online video game board
. I'm very intelligent when it comes to what counts and that is my RL job so if I want to come to these boards and appear to be dumb and continually get a rise out of people why not?

Seriously trying to flaunt your intellectual abilities on these boards is really putting them to poor use as well you could be arguing with a 10 yr old or a 50 yr old who is to say lol.

We Run It


Unlike you Zarc not everyone cares if they appear intelligent or dumb on an online video game board
. I'm very intelligent when it comes to what counts and that is my RL job so if I want to come to these boards and appear to be dumb and continually get a rise out of people why not?

Seriously trying to flaunt your intellectual abilities on these boards is really putting them to poor use as well you could be arguing with a 10 yr old or a 50 yr old who is to say lol.

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Good point.


I think it's funny people get so into this $12.99 virtual chatroom. That sucks to Sgt.Slaughter, you can thank EA for bringing in forgein GM's that sympathize with forgein people.

Whats the point in arguing if somone speed hacks? it's not like EA is going to do anything about it, EA only bans people for things like saying b1tch and skank, they don't care about people who push packets faster so that they have an edge at the game, oh no no, thats not as serious as cussing.

Seriously, some people need to ligten up, its a video game =/

If your honestly proud of yourself for excelling at a video game, and not gaining anything from it IRL, seriously get a life.


i think its funny that you allied tek after they were begging us for an alliance. I guess if you cant kill us even numbers just keep on recruiting. I just wish FOO would grow any balls and fight even numbers ever.

si foo


I just wish FOO would grow any balls and fight even numbers ever.

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This is the funniest post i've read. I wrote the challenge, nobody has responded. Accept the challenge or kindly stfu.

Slip, you came to the shard allied with 3F, WAKA and absorbed KNR. How about TBA vs. FOO? Like I said, read the challenge, we'll run your guild over, true story.



Unlike you Zarc not everyone cares if they appear intelligent or dumb on an online video game board
. I'm very intelligent when it comes to what counts and that is my RL job so if I want to come to these boards and appear to be dumb and continually get a rise out of people why not?

Seriously trying to flaunt your intellectual abilities on these boards is really putting them to poor use as well you could be arguing with a 10 yr old or a 50 yr old who is to say lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

Flaunt my intellectual abilities? I've never done that, lol. This isn't even a forum where I could even do so effectively if that was what I really wanted to do. I merely said you're an idiot because you responded to a post which you didn't read carefully. Which is true. The only time I've ever even started a discussion in which I felt intellgence was an issue was when Rikku pulled out the old N word and you tried to defend the use of it but ended up digging yourself into a deep hole. You proved yourself to be fairly ignorant (which in the end even you admitted to).

I'm intelligent, so what. I know plenty of people that are (and plenty of people that aren't) in this game. That's neither here nor there.Talking about your reading comprehension skills isn't really an argument about intelligence, just your ability to read critically. Maybe you're detail oriented, maybe you're not. I only mentioned it multiple times because TWO people responded to my post putting forth assumptions that I supposedly made but in reality did not because they failed to read carefully.

So if you truly believe asking you to read my post a little bit more carefully is flaunting my intelligence, then that's fine. I don't think it's an accurate portrayal of the situation, but, hey, I can't control what you think/say/do so you can keep on keepin' on.

PS Save the racism thing I don't consider anything I've ever said on here to be "arguing". Just commenting, really. For me, I only argue when something I care about or really matters to me is on the line. I guess people misunderstand the tone of some of my posts, which is understandable since you are simply being presented with text.




I just wish FOO would grow any balls and fight even numbers ever.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the funniest post i've read. I wrote the challenge, nobody has responded. Accept the challenge or kindly stfu.

Slip, you came to the shard allied with 3F, WAKA and absorbed KNR. How about TBA vs. FOO? Like I said, read the challenge, we'll run your guild over, true story.

[/ QUOTE ]

KrN was Bino Hawke and Amy who all got booted From K4H i was planning on joining them and when TBA came over we had friends in TBA but WAKA 3F and TBA didnt want another alliance with just 4 people so they took us all in. I left K4H (No hard feelings towards K4H great people and had alot of fun but i had to go with some old friends and some real life friends.) and when i asked Hawke to guild my char into KrN he let me know about what was going on.

The way i see it is this, not that anyone cares, This is just a game. Who cares who wins or loses or can beat who and who cant. why dont we all just get off the forums get back in game drop the trash talk and have a good time playing.

As for Rikku and Sed i know you both are probley steamed at me and i am sorry. I have nothing against you or your guild just friends are friends and when it comes to a guild + friends vs real life friends it really boils down to what will be there when the game isnt and thats real life friends. It wasnt a easy choice and it took me awhile to fully make up my mind on what to do. I look forward to the fights on the field and hope you guys dont hold it against me.

I dont play this game to be better then anyone nor do i play it to make people mad. i just play to have fun. I dont talk alot in game and dont trash talk a whole lot. It just isnt worth it.

So far TBA has been an awsome guild and alot of very nice peeps. I enjoy the guild (although i am going to kill one of my friends who is being a trammie instead of pvping).

So enough about all that. Can we all just drop the trash talking? or at least let it be for a week or 2? its a game who cares just go have fun!!!!


P.S. K4H/KOS- Please have Ashton ICQ me when he gets on. I owe him 4.5mil still and need to pay him back. Thanks!!


How about this for my reading.....your posts or so long and boring that I dont think its just me who doesnt read the whole post but probably over half the people who read the pvp thread.

To be quite honest with you I rather enjoy the fact that you still respond to my posts after all this time. I do infact think its you who cannot comprehend anything I type due to the fact on numerous occasions I have said that I write on these boards to get a rise out of people or simply a response. The fact that you, after months, still respond to me makes me laugh and the people in my vent laugh. To put it simple, you would probably not see me writing on these boards if you didnt respond to my posts unless A)asking a question or B)actually making a normal post.

P.S. cuz I know the PS gets attention. If you have read my post now you will see that numerous times I have said I probably wouldnt post on these boards if you quit responding to my posts that 90% of the time are to get some sort of response from people like you. Comprehend that? So now ill take it every time that you respond to me as you also playing the same game I am and we shall see who finally is smart enough to give up on this little game.

Edit: you forgot to mention I said I was ignorant and that I would argue with you on a subject even if I didnt agree with the side I was on just to get a response out of you. So once again you forgot to read carefully or you forgot



I'm fine with you arguing just to argue and get a rise out of people. There are indeed people like that in the world.

We'll agree to agree that you're still ignorant though (keeping in mind that the reason you argued about the whole racism thing wasn't because you wanted to argue, but actually because you wanted to defend yourself: if you want go back and read the part where you said you use the N word flippantly and even call your sister and your mom it). I left out the part about you arguing with people (especially me) just to be on the opposite side of the issue because it didn't really need to be brought up since you've repeated it quite a few times since the whole n***er incident (i.e. it had no bearing on what the issue was, which was your inability to read correctly. In fact, you bringing up the whole arguing for the sake of arguing comment is kinda funny it makes it look like you're trying to distance yourself from the comments you originally made... but... I digress).

And with that I'm done with you. If you want to respond to this post to get in the last word, i think it would be funny if all you wrote was "olol".


Blade, in the spirit of this, here's my offering:

Zhuang Foo.

The fight I just had with you 10 mins ago was an absolute blast. I thought of some new things that worked against insta-death and that kept me alive long enough for you to break out the warfork and fight me with that for a while. Twas a good fight; when i realized how much health i had when that last fs of yours hit me, all i could do was chuckle, hehe.

Thanks for the rez and my box + petals back.



Are you serious? Not one of you other than clinx and eggplant will even fight me 1 v 1 on the field. All you people do is curse, run away, prep exp run up, pray your bokuto hits and then FS. WOW that is so uber!!!! Too bad i have too many HP and pots for your crappy combo to work. Then the second i get one spell of you run away til you can A) repeat the combo or B) find someone else to help you gank me. Its really rather pathetic, I have fought many many people on many many different shards and I wouldnt put any of you in the top rankings of field fighters. Seriously get over yourself and your "leet dueling abilities". Besides this if I remember correctly from my time on PAC the only person i can actually remember from there is A) Ryan's Smithy and B) Snow Dog. I dont remember any of the rest of you being anything special and keep in mind I have played with most of the best mages on the west coast at one time or another (Amfekk, Morrolan, Chunaraii, etc) not to mention fighting the best that FL ever had in the guild BW?. Now those guys were truly the single best field fighting unit I have ever seen. Tamer Lady Dark Pheonix was absolutely disgusting on the field and he also had some of the best ever mages the west coast has ever seen (morrolan, vapor, bodo mclkintok, etc etc.). In the end FOO is nothing special, honestly I had a much harder time fighting a few of the remnants of FL than you guys (at least they have decent teamwork).



Not one of you other than clinx and eggplant will even fight me 1 v 1 on the field. All you people do is curse, run away, prep exp run up, pray your bokuto hits and then FS. WOW that is so uber!!!!

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Sip... you may have just been referring to Foo but I'll sure as hell fight you 1 on 1. I love how you think that combo is sooooo uber when god knows how many on your side are using it... ? As people have pointed how ohhhh sooooo often moo / Kos are mostly archers and that's the majority of the people in our alliance, so when it comes down to complaining about the lameness of bokuto's How many in TBA are just as lame ?

PS.... I remember when Dark Lady Pheonix was on Sonoma too.. Sure was 1 badass tamer, but at that time Sa-Vok was doing the Horrific Beast form 55 point stealth AI Archer... I dropped that guy sooo many times it was funny. Instant hit AI wait 2.5 sec swing timer and kill. If I missed smokebomb.. gimp but very fun... The only thing I've seen outgimp that in the "surprise your dead" area was the hiding WoD archers.. heh fun stuff.....

si foo


Seriously get over yourself and your "leet dueling abilities".

I have played with most of the best mages on the west coast at one time or another (Amfekk, Morrolan, Chunaraii

best ever mages the west coast has ever seen (morrolan, vapor, bodo mclkintok, etc etc.).

[/ QUOTE ]

We've been to almost every shard on the west, and nobody has beat Zhuang in a duel once since we've left pac, and he has killed everyone using no poison. He also has a winning record against every top mage on the west (alki, amfekk, morrolan, cookie monster) etc. I've issued open challenges for 20mil to ANYONE from any shard who can beat him in a pure mage duel. (go zhuang yay (im his cheerleader))

Secondly, I believe Kyrite can beat anyone on the west in a pure mage duel.

That's all for dueling.

As far as field fighting. Why would we try and fight you 1 v 1, when everytime I've tried to fight 1 v 1 I get ganked? Wouldn't we want to return the favor? Is guild field fighting now 1 v 1?

*note - slipper if you would like, we can go to the farms and do 1 v 1's, your whole guild vs. FOO, kthanx.


Maybe you didnt hear me, I DONT CARE IF ZHANG IS GOOD AT DUEL. All im saying is that all of foo talks mad [censored] about how they are a great guild yet none of them save the ultimate gimplates (clinx and eggy) can kill me 1 v 1 on the field. I am by no means the best person in my guild (I am about average, granted we have some very very good mages in TBA) and there isnt one of you i wont fight field mage to mage. Dont talk [censored] about how great your guild is if THE ONLY THING you can rest this on is a pure mage duel. I dont give a [censored] about pure mage duels (and yes along time ago i used to be good too, probably before you started playing uo) because no one even plays pure mages anymore. All I know is that I walk over most of the people in your guild easily on the field and that means that your guild isnt that good. Furthermore Si FOO i dont know where you get the balls to post because you are the worst of any of the FOO's, you wont even bother to pretend to fight me 1 v 1, you just immediatly run away every time I see you. The one time you did fight me on your evader dexer trash gimp I WTF pwned you in like 15 seconds.
On a side note, why dont you go ally a few more guilds cause you are getting owned, that will show how good FOO is. After all, we all know you can compete with anyone even numbers. Not only that I think it is HILARIOUS that you let Tek back into your alliance after we turned them down for an alliance, I guess you need all the trashy meat shields you can get huh?



at least they have decent teamwork.

[/ QUOTE ]


hey, if you want to 1v1 any of us, just ask. "1v1?" while on the field. we love even matches, and i'm sure the majority of FO_O players will accept.

i'd put money on zhuang, kyrite, levi, si (on a non-laggy day), gernize, deaths betrayal winning a 1v1 against you.


rofl both zhang and levi ran from me yesterday. Hell levi even dog form bola'd me and still ahd to run away and call in a 5 person gank outside of destard the other day. Kyrite? dont make me laugh, that kid is all 100% bokuto trash. He runs the second his bokuto combo fails. Never fought deaths betrayal and as I just stated the only time Si Foo fought me (on his gimp and me on my mage) he dropped in 15 seconds. So im pretty sure that clears up your arguments, any questions?

We Run It


I guess you need all the trashy meat shields you can get huh?

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Isnt that what tba does? Goes to shards and mass recruits anyone they can get thier hands on..ive seen most of you fight and your teamwork is no where close compared to foo's...you come on here talking about how everyone is gimp but yet i see most of you riding hiyru's and carrying slap sticks. Maybe you will beat some of foo 1v1 with your leet gimp skills but in the end your teamwork is incomparable.

hi im shadow



I guess you need all the trashy meat shields you can get huh?

[/ QUOTE ]

Isnt that what tba does? Goes to shards and mass recruits anyone they can get thier hands on..ive seen most of you fight and your teamwork is no where close compared to foo's...you come on here talking about how everyone is gimp but yet i see most of you riding hiyru's and carrying slap sticks. Maybe you will beat some of foo 1v1 with your leet gimp skills but in the end your teamwork is incomparable.

[/ QUOTE ]

who wins tho??

si foo


who wins tho??

[/ QUOTE ]

We win some, you win some. I win some, you win some. Nobody is dominating.

PS. I killed you 1 v 1 shadow, we're even &lt;3
PPS. I didn't like this episode of heroes, low action boooo...

hi im shadow

poop ur lesser hit me hard:&lt;&lt;&lt; but idk i liked that episode it explained alot

hi im shadow

ugh sylar is noob n smells like tuna
u guys got the skull but we got the fight=/

We Run It


so do a harrower already

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably tomorrow night!


we're building wither cannons for that harry. if we pop destard, you guys are so screwed, since your only pvp ability is choke point fighting.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

we're building wither cannons for that harry. if we pop destard, you guys are so screwed, since your only pvp ability is choke point fighting.

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I do beleive that night TBA came over they did get a destard harry, and if I am not correct, yall could not take it. We shall see though. GL either way. You will need it.

We Run It

lol...i know tek was fighting everyone and everyone was attackin us so i dont think thats very true. Of course from your stand point it probably looked like that b/c that was everyones common goal is to get the harrower but we had no co-ordination what so ever.


plus, everyone had already logged by the time you popped the destard harry. . . . . if you hadn't noticed how very few guys we had raiding lol.


The only thing i noticed is that you had to ally 4 of the main pvp guilds on this shard to do a harrower against us. That is just pathetic. We have 2 guilds basically (3F is rarely on during the hours we fight). Combined we rarely will field more than about 15 people. You have to field 30 to even attempt an oaks or harrower. You all are pathetic, I never want to hear you talk about anyone zerging again. I think the best part was that you allied tek after we turned them down. Needed a few more meatshields cause you had been getting your asses kicked?


Actually, maybe they got tired of not being able to do anything and came to us? AHH yes, that tis an option!

We Run It


The only thing i noticed is that you had to ally 4 of the main pvp guilds on this shard

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm...ever get the feeling your not wanted? <font color="black"> </font> We have the shard on "LOCK DOWN" lol...what you all get for being so c0cky and opening your big mouths the first night



we're building wither cannons for that harry. if we pop destard, you guys are so screwed, since your only pvp ability is choke point fighting.

[/ QUOTE ]

We are happy that you admit that your gimpies could not challenge us and that switching to usefull templates is a necessity for you to acheive anything (that + allying the whole shard).




The only thing i noticed is that you had to ally 4 of the main pvp guilds on this shard

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm...ever get the feeling your not wanted? <font color="black"> </font> We have the shard on "LOCK DOWN" lol...what you all get for being so c0cky and opening your big mouths the first night

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehehe! IMO, 10000 chickens can ally, the wolf is still going to eat them! I'm by no mean any kind of representative or spokesperson of our guild, but i like to get the ennemy mad so we get decent fights down there. Hell, it seems to work, all 4 biggest pvp guilds here joining against us for their survival, the wolf will have a very very big belly after that!

Ho, Tek guy, funny how you lately try to ally us, i guess you didnt say "You are not wanted here" when you talked to our gm and council.

IMO, FOO is the only guild with some skill in the whole zergy alliance. If they had any kind of numbers they could prolly fight us on their own. The rest is just grass that gets leveled by our lawnmower team ;-)


Hahaha yeah cuz KOS is SUCH a big pvp guild with its relatively 6 or so active members


Who is KOS anyway? I was talking about MOO, FOO, TEK and K4H. Ho, I remember, KOS is Kyrite and his girlfriend , hehe, nah they dont count ;-)



Who is KOS anyway? I was talking about MOO, FOO, TEK and K4H. Ho, I remember, KOS is Kyrite and his girlfriend , hehe, nah they dont count ;-)

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Quit dazzling us with your STUNNING intellect........ K4H had a mispelling in their guild title and wanted to fix it, but ended up going with KOS for a new guild abbreviation.


honestly, we would not have allied had TBA not allied Waka and 3F. you kind of asked for it.


Rofl you were already allied when we got here, moron. We allied one guild the same strength as your ally. You immediately ran out and allied 2 more big guilds, could you get any more pathetic. BTW, how much are we putting on this FOO vs. TBA challenge, how about 100 mil with a real broker 4 on 4, i already know who we will choose (just a hint I wont be one of them even tho none of your guild can kill me 1 v 1).
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