Yah, your not goin to brag b/c you have never killed me 1v1. Its always 3 or 4 other people ganking me...u might b in there sometime but never 1v1. As for a mage...im not great on one i will tell u straight up and i dont claim to b. I do claim to b one of the better dexxers on the shard so anytime u wanna dexxer duel thats fine. How many years have u been playin trin?? I bet u have more than 6 months under your belt? Just give me a few years, i will get it down, and when i do you will be the first one i hit up.
[/ QUOTE ]
alright we're officially done talking here... one of the better dexxers on the shard??? dexxer duel??? excuses cause u have less than 6 months under your belt which is a rediculous lie on your part considering u were in EFL when we were allied which has been at least 5 months now... Get a grip on reality and stop making excuses... U talk a good game buddy...
*busts out the strings and prepares to maneuver his puppet*
Yah, your not goin to brag b/c you have never killed me 1v1. Its always 3 or 4 other people ganking me...u might b in there sometime but never 1v1. As for a mage...im not great on one i will tell u straight up and i dont claim to b. I do claim to b one of the better dexxers on the shard so anytime u wanna dexxer duel thats fine. How many years have u been playin trin?? I bet u have more than 6 months under your belt? Just give me a few years, i will get it down, and when i do you will be the first one i hit up.

[/ QUOTE ]
alright we're officially done talking here... one of the better dexxers on the shard??? dexxer duel??? excuses cause u have less than 6 months under your belt which is a rediculous lie on your part considering u were in EFL when we were allied which has been at least 5 months now... Get a grip on reality and stop making excuses... U talk a good game buddy...
*busts out the strings and prepares to maneuver his puppet*