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Sonoma PvP Thread **Read Disclaimer Before Posting!**

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Oh it doesnt matter him and the rest of his MOO friends died a bunch in an hr span. Oddly ive been searching for them for the last 40 min and I havent been able to see one.


yeah me too
Moo dies and go into hiding... come on guys, give us a challenge!


NM I have found them now but alas it is only me and about 5 or so of them.

So before viper can go pancakes cuz I died 3 times. let me fill you in......I chased him all around and he would run until he got his nerve strike all kill FS off. Now im playing a inscribe wrestle mage and still his little buddy sorrel would jump in.

This is what happened when we got 1v1 and his pet was dead.

now for 2 min of the fight im walking around defending myself passively getting mana back from killing his bird. Odd he came back when his pet was rezzed.

None the less has been good pvping tonight.


And this is what happend when he came back with a rezed bird...

After dying here apparentllly he just logged off there as his char was still standing there 20 minutes later... poor guy


wow its funny that NoM is so good at pvp that kos actually has to post screenshots of us being ganked lol, for anyone that wasn't there they are right i got totally owned by 3 archers and a mage while running on foot, lets give KOS a big hand. 4 minutes before that though I killed there so called best mage strung out 3 times back to back and unlike there screenshot it was just him and just me on screen, oh and eli was there for a second until he got guardwhacked for trying to kill me in guards because strung wasn't up to my skills on his mage lol


Yeah that was one of the 3 times your got me when you came back on screen adn got your combo off. Didnt I already say that? that is when i rezzed came back killed your pet then you recalled away lol.

btw good luck with your combo tomorrow since the new pvp patch goes through haha.

Edit: btw I will duel you anytime pure mage without your bokuto and hiyru if you got the sack to take it lol.


A screenshot of a NOM screaming guards, who would expect any different.

hi im shadow

too bad the pvp patch doesnt nerf moving shot archers
if they did
KOS would be worse then they already are=(

hi im shadow

too bad i can actually play a mage huh:(
cant say that about 99% of KoS


Yeah but I already knew you could play a mage. And to NoM well there WAS a guild 100% bokuto players lol. Wonder what they will play next.


Hard to say what the changes will do to mana regen. Might find it more likely to run people out of mana pretty quick with long waits to regen.


Yeah lefty with 120 med and 11 mana regen I have noticed a difference this morning. This to me is a good thing and personally there isnt a single change I dont like. I do feel paladins should be able to cast there spells without losing the special being prept because its a warriors spell but I dont play paladins so I dont mind


It's definitely going to be very interesting this weekend.

I've read post about tamers having problems controlling their pets. I wonder if that would be true also with Sams and hiru's

hi im shadow

they put the patch in already? i just got back, [censored] sweet

hi im shadow

ya i jus found out i lost my spirit speak soulstone:( must train up again!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Yeah but I already knew you could play a mage. And to NoM well there WAS a guild 100% bokuto players lol. Wonder what they will play next.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually we made bokuto chars coz it was fun to see a zerg guild with 100% archers getting dropped easily by three people. And if you think archer took more skill to play then bok gimp you need to learn how to pvp for real.

Besides even a bok mage took more skill then two keystroke skillless archer pvp so what's your point? The thing is even tho they didnt nerf zero skill moving shot archers (like 99% of you?) we will never be a noobie sellout and play a straight archer like that. I would rather be sleeping then pvping on a 2-keystroke char that takes absolutely zero skill. I would rather be playing tetris than a zero skill char.

I love the patch btw and is cooking up something new. We owned you since the day our guild was formed (3 v zerg style) and this will still be true even after the patch. Go practice more of those Running around pressing moving shot key over and over, yea yea yea fine you also need to press bandageself key sometimes. You guys really need to try mage sometimes, I know you, strung isnt that bad tho hes turned into an auto strangle zombie now but at least he uses a lot more keys to play than Armor Ignore, Moving Shot spam.


Yeah the auto strangle is to show everyone who always does it to me how annoying it is when you can only remove curse every 2 min unless you have the karma/chiv. I really do it to make a point.

Btw fun duels late last night zarc ahah we should do it again sometime


So Cop/Moo allied again I hear. Must have been a little mad they all died last night on ice island to 4 people lol.

good luck to you guys and before it happens cuz I know it is I wont even say I told you so when you mysteriously are getting afk killed in luna lol.

To the battle field where KOS/(!) field 5 people on a good day!!!!


Must suck to have the biggest alliance and no one to fight... hehe!


Currently our alliance consist of COP/Mofo,MOO

SM and T4H formed their own alliance running archers 98% of the time.


What happened at the gate between 1:55-2:05??? The mighty moo and cop alliance TRIED to fight at the gate and when 3 GOR come they are all dead and gone. None gw. Wtf happened???


I recall TMI got ganked about 3 time dismount 4 man pile up. So I got my Tamer and wiped all of you at the gate. Then came in the back up 7v1 odds.

BTW just wondering how many Harrower and Spawns you all been doing latley? We did about 5 harrowers and took several spawns and did several spawns. So please feel free to hang at the gate.

How many spawn did you take? Answer 0
Harrowers? Answer 0

For the win!!!!

EDIT: About that time we took a RICTOR spawn from SM. Nice helping out your buddies.


if i may also point out there was at one point a count of 10 ppl lined up at the moo gate house in hopes the the 2 ppl in side would come out for the sloughter (10 thats counting gainers 2 pets and drdooms bird they get counted well cuz they do more damage then their owners ) .(very well trained pets nice work)

how stupid do we look well my intel is always in question but come on 10 on 2 in close battle we wouldnt get out the door let alone get a spell or 1 swing off .

lets not forget that whole time 3/4 of yall talked more crap the a job site proto jon.

hehe and all the harrys that got poped yesterday hell one sat there for 2 hours with no one doing it with no sight of you ....oh wait thats right you put up a small fight in dsp on the rats cop poped while this harry sat .

the day before where where y'all when we got that dsp harry and did 2 rats along with the harry (1 while the harry was running and 1 while we waited 30 mins for the GM's to get the tent out of the water .)

oh i know where ya where ya was huggin some guard zone
ya might wonna offer the guards some milk n cookies they are your biggest alli i got guard waked 10 times last night 5 of em was me chasin a red lined char they saved your skin .



if i may also point out there was at one point a count of 10 ppl lined up at the moo gate house in hopes the the 2 ppl in side would come out for the sloughter (10 thats counting gainers 2 pets and drdooms bird they get counted well cuz they do more damage then their owners ) .(very well trained pets nice work)

[/ QUOTE ]

Wtf are you talking about??? i couldnt grab all of the moo/cops bars so that means 10+. Ten of us LOL only like 5-6 tops. what ur pointing out is when ur guild ditched cuz they CAN'T field fight.

Ps: that dsp round 1 eastern was pure pathic. 5v3 at start all 4/5 moo/cop died and then they get rezed and came back with 8+ and still almost lost it.


You're right, we don't like to GATE fight. GATE fighting is NOT "field" fighting. Every one of us were on reds, every one of you were on blues (oh except for your dismount stealther lol). There were probably 8 of us at the beginning and 7 or 8 of you guys. At the beginning you guys were dropping left and right because one of you would take ONE step outside the guardzone that was long enough to kill you. The only way we were dying there at the beginning was because of the guards
or if you'd all get your armor ignore shots off on one person at the same time (6 AIs at the same time will kill anyone lol) As the evening progressed though, we noticed the number of you guys almost doubled, while our guys were running off to join the harries and spawns. I was the only one at the gate for a bit (on The One) and I was toying with you by running around going grey.

And just for the record, just because it took you guys forever to kill me while i was dismounted (by the red i mentioned above) and there were 4 of you (1 mage and 3 archers) DOESN'T give you the right to call me an "exploiter" and "hacker."

Learn how to kill a bushido pot-chugger before you call them cheaters. It's quite difficult to do. (unless you know the trick)

If you wanted to "field" fight, you would have attacked the harry that MOO popped. We were all so bored at that time that we popped one just for the action... no one showed up...

P.S. Its time for the SM/CL/GOR/OSG/T4H/TKO alliance to stop calling COP/MOO a "zerg" alliance... I heard you guys were also trying to ally KOS/(!).

I guess its called "zerg" for us and "power in numbers" for you


Alister wtf r u talking about??? the fight ur describing happened a week ago. also holding a choke point isn't field fighting.


Not to keep throwing sand in the wound. Here are the facts.

1. You are on a blue guy in guard zone you have total advantage and still lose.
2. You get first shot everytime
3. Everyone blue is right there to gank. (That does not make you good)

When you get away from the pack you always start to lose run back to gate. THIS IS FACT you all run back to pack.

If you think your good make a red play him. Come and raid. Do spawns and hold them don't get wiped out and leave never to come back.

Most of the kills at gate are guard wacks. That is not a kill its cheap lol.


I dont know what fight ur talking about. i wasnt online in the past month or so, so i guess i missed that one. I'm talking about yesterday.

And we popped the harry at destard... no chokepoints at destard...


[/ QUOTE ]Wtf are you talking about??? i couldnt grab all of the moo/cops bars so that means 10+. Ten of us LOL only like 5-6 tops. what ur pointing out is when ur guild ditched cuz they CAN'T field fight.

Ps: that dsp round 1 eastern was pure pathic. 5v3 at start all 4/5 moo/cop died and then they get rezed and came back with 8+ and still almost lost it.

[/ QUOTE ]

wake up boi it was me a cop member and 1 moo member in the house and 10 including pet yes 10 of y'all,,,, i suggest you get a good lawyer and sue your elementary school you could come up rich cuz it seem they didnt teach you to count ,,im suein mine cuz of my poor spelling .

ooohhhh eastern time wow ITS NOT MY FAULT YOUR 2 TO 3 HOURS A HEAD OF ME i have a life im not dropin work or time out with friends just to pop a harry when your awake that argument is dead and gone grow up .

yes i made it sound like you guys wernt there at all when infact you showed up when the fake harry was up and you killed the so called pop party 5 guys who place the skulls while the rest was gearing up gettin extra aids n such once everyone was ready and came back we pwnd y'all sent ya running with tails between legs .
the only one's who had a pair would stay and they where stealthers blanket and peekaboo (sorry peek for useing the having a pair saying on you ) you are a lovly lady .

next time get your facts in order before trin to shut me up when i get owned i addmit it

as blanket saw when he/she got me in wrath form the pure joy he/she showed when i fell was a rareity there was no smak talk no cussin me out just a (damn i didnt think id get ya )


that destard harry sat for 2 hours with no one working it we where all doing spawns and you guys still didnt try to take it


I guess this online gank is prolly to make up for yesterday... lol



that destard harry sat for 2 hours with no one working it we where all doing spawns and you guys still didnt try to take it

[/ QUOTE ]

Yea that was funny they came and looked didn't try and take it or nothing.

No guard zone there.....


"Not to keep throwing sand in the wound. Here are the facts."

Salt Not sand!


Responding to last for general purpose...

Just wanted to stop on the boards and say a friendly goodbye to all.. the game has been fun but it's time to move on.
I've been waiting for this day to come and its finally here. My accounts have been given to a great friend and guildmate. So please don't give him to much hell cause it's not me on the chars lol.


No Seduction dont leave. I finally get my internet back tomorrow and was planning on doing a bunch of drunk gaming this weekend.

P.S. Enough about the whole numbers game. With enough teamwork 2 people can infact take out 8+. Ive played with numbers and played without them and in the end I have more fun without them. To boring when you always outnumber people.

P.P.S. I always find a moral victory when I have more kills to deaths when outnumbered even if I dont get the spawn/harry. MORAL VICTORIES FTW


That's about where I am at now too. The game has become so pointless. Why log on just to get nailed by 20+ non skilled archers. There is just not enough versatality in PvP balance these days. Over the last few yearsl the powers that be have reallly twisted this game to hell and pulled all the claws and teeth out of the PvP and made it an items game. It's pretty crappy when the strongest templates revolve around pets, bows or around necro mages who only rely on strangles, and a mana dump to kill. Basic Mage and Warrior templates get outweighed over this, while other templates are just nerfed into oblivion.

Not to mention a reason to PvP. What drove me to PvP was the competition, matching wits, the loot, now it holds no water. People are just out to gank, use the numbers to win and falling into a delusional state that they are good.

Anyways I also would like to say Adios to everyone. Those that I considered good PvPers know who they are, I have gave them props even though they were the enemy.

As for my loot, Well I always like to go out with a bang. So I will be setting up my house for a Seige event. It won't be easy to get my stuff or to keep it. More on this later.


Like all the people who play uo or used to play uo always say.......AoS ruined uo by being item based and item insurance. Only people who would disagree are the 100% trammies who think that not having to fight for spawns is awesome because its more loot for them not realizing its because the games losing subscriptions like its going out of style.

Voodoo Bad Mojo

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it was a good run lefty.

allways sad to see another old timer crawl into the grave the pull the grass and dirt over on himself.

maybe on a cold winter night with a 5th of scotch in ya we will see you back in the field.

till then....

*tip'o the hat*


More or less I have been thinking of taking the fight to another battlefield. I got my eye on 2. Warhammer or Age of Conan.

Anyways I have to get some stuff ironed out in real, plus I took up programming again for kicks. Learning C# and XNA and trying to figure out 3dmax, blender as well as photoshop. It's truely amazing how far programming has progressed. In the old days I tinkered with ML and was a crack at basic , lol how times have changed.. I been using MS studio express, man the code nearly writes itself!


well thats the last of the people that got me to play and set me up lefty's leavin for more balanced fighting balla has jumped to a diff shard and still hardly ever plays .

lefty in my 18 or 19 months of play i have you sir to thank for my 129 long term kills i now have this being the first online game ive ever played i feel the start you and balla gave me and the people you sent me to to learn from was key .

sir thank you, your template mastery will be missed .

and in a show of hope i will always have 1 or 2 mill for you to get started with should you return.



Me against the world baby!!! Its just me against the world.
I never thought MOO would do it haha Moo actually Allied everyone
on sonoma HAHA!!! Tell me MOO dont zerg? GOR gets 1 member and we
own moo at a spawn ohhhh hell breaks loose and they start
freakin out. They start saying "OMG WE NEED MORE NUMBERS!!! GET MORE PPL OMG"
haha No wonder everywhere we go we see either cop or moo.
Their is no one left "but" cop or moo. MOO/COP Are OWNED IRL!!!
At least we know MOO/COP cant get any bigger HAHAH or can they??? HAHAHA
So whats next moo? Are you going to start transfering ppl in from other
shards to help you? Or are you already doing that? LOL HAHAHA
(Shakes Head) Your guild is trash MOO. Just a crap load of trammies what
do you expect from COP AND MOO right? LOL


wow DRDOOM you managed to take a screen shot congrats .

eveyone in that shot that you have so nicely pointed out in green with the exception of 1 guy are vet players and have been with in our 3 guilds for ages granted there are new names in there example (lumberjack me ) of COP is a long time cop member that just happens to be char slot 5 or 6 .

pat your self on the back you pointed out core people .


Have you took your medicine today? MOO or COP haven't been adding numbers. What you see there are mostly Doom runners and crafters. Get a grip.
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