Dear Mr Tact,
I recently saw your post concerning stat and skill gain and figured for once it was time to put some input to a game I have loved over the years(but have recently given up)
First as someone who programs myself, I tend to find most of the loopholes in the training programs not because I try desparately to break the rules, just because I see those types of things(call it active testing) I can tell you that I have GM's every skill apart from begging, herding, ETC and hav gone completely legendary from scratch in them also. I for a time period would buy a blank account build it up until it had 4-5 5-6X GM or a couple of 7X and then resold to pay for my UO habit.
- I can tell you IMHO that skill gain is too EASY way too easy.
- Skill points should be based on character age, NOT ACCOUNT age.(I know this would be difficult but if chars got increase for how old the char was it would make the game more interesting. forcing ppl to recreate chars rather than make a new one in a few days.(Why should someone who has played for years have the same skill cap as someone who just started.)
-as far as imbalances go this is reasonable since trammel and Malas would protect those ppl from a char becoming too powerful in PvP...
- First things first DO AWAY WITH 8 X 8....It makes life and skill gain WAY too easy. Reward persistance but with that said GMing a char should mean something. I remember when I first started the game it took me 2 months of constant fishing to GM fishing and most ppl told me that was record timing.
Stat gain....Go back to allowing see saw method. or even better just let ppl distribute the 225 when making the char....everyone should have equal str and the real advantages to any char should be in the skills they obtain.
-Skills are becoming SO bad nerfed it is taking a lot of the fun out of the game. Can't hardly use magery without eval....that is NUTS. yes I agree that gm eval should make a mage more powerful but when I have a gm mage without eval casting FS for next to zero damage and not being able to use str agility cunning bless spells....ridiculous.
- Macroers continue to ruin the game. All Shards should go to some form of Siege Perilous ruleset when it comes to skill gain. Maybe not as much or limit the total amount of gainper day. something has to be done.
I hate for ti to take a long time to get GM but I can tell you I was more satisfied with reaching 85 with my tamer than I was 120ing eval magery necro ETC....
Taming is too damn hard LOL only skill that is still really a pancake to gain in...that and resist(though there are still tricks).
so your stat gain idea is good but why not just let ppl distribute the points and if they change their mind then they just need to manipulate arrows.
I have been rambling but I can tell you I can GM any skill but nox, scribe and taming within a day or 2. magery now takes about 8 hours from zero to GM.....if you want the secrets you can email me at home at [email protected] I am leaving anyway I can drop a few bombs and hopefully if I ever come back the game will be better.
one reason I say limit skill gain is this. I am someone who cannot play 24/7 like some...I never macro unattended...why should I not be able to gain the same as someone who macros or scripts all day? then if you make char age mean more skill points you could start a char at a lower limit say 620 then give him 5 pts a month - at 12 months 680 would be limit then change it to 5 every 3 months meaning a two years char would get 700 then 5 pts per 4 months 3 years 715 and then 5pts evey 6 months for the rest of the time the char is on an account.
Yes PPL would pancake. or you could but if skill gain was somewhat limited who cares. You would revitalize the UO ebay account buying and selling and probably bring a lot more ppl back in the long term.
I recently saw your post concerning stat and skill gain and figured for once it was time to put some input to a game I have loved over the years(but have recently given up)
First as someone who programs myself, I tend to find most of the loopholes in the training programs not because I try desparately to break the rules, just because I see those types of things(call it active testing) I can tell you that I have GM's every skill apart from begging, herding, ETC and hav gone completely legendary from scratch in them also. I for a time period would buy a blank account build it up until it had 4-5 5-6X GM or a couple of 7X and then resold to pay for my UO habit.
- I can tell you IMHO that skill gain is too EASY way too easy.
- Skill points should be based on character age, NOT ACCOUNT age.(I know this would be difficult but if chars got increase for how old the char was it would make the game more interesting. forcing ppl to recreate chars rather than make a new one in a few days.(Why should someone who has played for years have the same skill cap as someone who just started.)
-as far as imbalances go this is reasonable since trammel and Malas would protect those ppl from a char becoming too powerful in PvP...
- First things first DO AWAY WITH 8 X 8....It makes life and skill gain WAY too easy. Reward persistance but with that said GMing a char should mean something. I remember when I first started the game it took me 2 months of constant fishing to GM fishing and most ppl told me that was record timing.
Stat gain....Go back to allowing see saw method. or even better just let ppl distribute the 225 when making the char....everyone should have equal str and the real advantages to any char should be in the skills they obtain.
-Skills are becoming SO bad nerfed it is taking a lot of the fun out of the game. Can't hardly use magery without eval....that is NUTS. yes I agree that gm eval should make a mage more powerful but when I have a gm mage without eval casting FS for next to zero damage and not being able to use str agility cunning bless spells....ridiculous.
- Macroers continue to ruin the game. All Shards should go to some form of Siege Perilous ruleset when it comes to skill gain. Maybe not as much or limit the total amount of gainper day. something has to be done.
I hate for ti to take a long time to get GM but I can tell you I was more satisfied with reaching 85 with my tamer than I was 120ing eval magery necro ETC....
Taming is too damn hard LOL only skill that is still really a pancake to gain in...that and resist(though there are still tricks).
so your stat gain idea is good but why not just let ppl distribute the points and if they change their mind then they just need to manipulate arrows.
I have been rambling but I can tell you I can GM any skill but nox, scribe and taming within a day or 2. magery now takes about 8 hours from zero to GM.....if you want the secrets you can email me at home at [email protected] I am leaving anyway I can drop a few bombs and hopefully if I ever come back the game will be better.
one reason I say limit skill gain is this. I am someone who cannot play 24/7 like some...I never macro unattended...why should I not be able to gain the same as someone who macros or scripts all day? then if you make char age mean more skill points you could start a char at a lower limit say 620 then give him 5 pts a month - at 12 months 680 would be limit then change it to 5 every 3 months meaning a two years char would get 700 then 5 pts per 4 months 3 years 715 and then 5pts evey 6 months for the rest of the time the char is on an account.
Yes PPL would pancake. or you could but if skill gain was somewhat limited who cares. You would revitalize the UO ebay account buying and selling and probably bring a lot more ppl back in the long term.