As a "casual player" I have been very grateful for GGS. However, something is not working correctly with skill gain for certain skills and/or I am not understanding GGS. I am having immense trouble, which many other players have confirmed, with the parry skill. My advanced char, who had a moderate level of parry skill prior to the AoS launch, is not having trouble getting reasonable gains, even thought she is is now in the 90s. My newer char, who had no parry prior to AoS (and now has 26.6 to be exact) is not gaining through normal gameplay, nor is she getting the GGS gains that are due according the the timetable. She is playing both with a shield and without, and although I see the "flash" that tells me she is parrying successfully, she is not gaining anything at all. I have been fighting everything from bunnies to ettins to solen infiltrators. All of the methods I have been advised to try by other players have not worked for me. For example, today I fought 4-5 bunnies and birds at once without a single gain (about a half hour of rt play) and I also fought solen infiltrators without a gain (about an hour of rt play).
Now, that having been a specific case, I would say generally that it would help me to know if something I'm fighting is TOO HARD for me to gain in a difficulty based skill. My understanding is that currently, if a skill is difficulty based and you fight something *either too hard or too easy*, you won't get a gain. I feel that if I can see myself succeeding at fighting something that is very hard for me, I should gain skill. If I choose to fight difficult monsters and thus succeed less frequently, I shouldn't be penalized for that. I shouldn't be forced to fight just a certain few things at a certain skill level. BUT, if this is the way the game is going to stay, then I would like to know if something is being considered "too hard". It is fairly easy to figure out if something is too easy, but not always so easy to figure out if it is too hard.
I expect it to take quite some time for me to GM a skill, but I shouldn't be going days without a gain at the 25ish skill level!
Now, that having been a specific case, I would say generally that it would help me to know if something I'm fighting is TOO HARD for me to gain in a difficulty based skill. My understanding is that currently, if a skill is difficulty based and you fight something *either too hard or too easy*, you won't get a gain. I feel that if I can see myself succeeding at fighting something that is very hard for me, I should gain skill. If I choose to fight difficult monsters and thus succeed less frequently, I shouldn't be penalized for that. I shouldn't be forced to fight just a certain few things at a certain skill level. BUT, if this is the way the game is going to stay, then I would like to know if something is being considered "too hard". It is fairly easy to figure out if something is too easy, but not always so easy to figure out if it is too hard.
I expect it to take quite some time for me to GM a skill, but I shouldn't be going days without a gain at the 25ish skill level!