There are all types of PKs. I remember some dwelled with NPC reds in dungeons. They were fun. Some would just run through dungeons, others would hide and wait outside of them. Some of them would take your things, some of them would just rez. Some would even become a good friend.
I remember searching on the bounty boards and seeing some with really high rewards and I would think to myself, they must of killed alot of people to get such a bounty, and in a way I would like to run into them, but then again maybe not. Just as I began to wonder, I saw a red inside his house, down below Yew and here it was the red with the high bounty.
I heard a Yell, and this took me near a farmhouse. As I stared at his name and waited I wasn't sure what to do and the door opened and out he came. He said, "Hello" as a blue npc spawned, I believe it was a farmer, right inside his house if I remember correctly and with one whack of his hally the npc let out a Yell and dropped. He was naked under his robe and told me he would have his friend cut his head off and they would share the loot. He seemed nice, but it was strange.
I wonder what that bounty ever got up to or how much they made whacking NPCs.