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So, Who is the Greatest PK'er in the game?



Hail. Log in your PK. Say, "I must consider my sins", Take a screenshot, and post it here. Even if you see you have been out done, post anyway, maybe you are the best on your shard. hehehe, Weeeeeeee.



If I remember correctly, one of if not the biggest murder counts was on a tinker-bomber, basically a character that never left a house.


i dont think she reads uhall much but Krystal from seige perilous has around 9200 going for 10k


all the good pks left UO like five+ years ago.

all that remain are ten year olds =p

but for giggles ill name some good pk/evil guilds from when being evil/pk actually meant something (atl and catsk - off the top of my head):

the trinsic borrowers (these guys were amazing and hilarious)
the mercs
\D/ draxarum
cookie chefs!
team goat
menendez bros

if you remember them, congrats! you played when pvp was not a colossal joke.

5% Luck

That tinkers name was John Macentire or close to that spelling just under him was draconis and pasty white guy. This was the Atlantic shard about 9 yrs ago LOL when we had bounty boards at the bank.

That guy was a mad bomber


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am by far the best PKer playing UO. All i need to do is batt my eyelashes and men drop at my feet.

imported_BlacK RaiN


That tinkers name was John Macentire or close to that spelling just under him was draconis and pasty white guy. This was the Atlantic shard about 9 yrs ago LOL when we had bounty boards at the bank.

That guy was a mad bomber

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be Lord Vader of KGM (Kinder Gentler Murderers)

Who didn't just tinker... actually pked. As a tinker mage (back when if you had a spellbook armed... it acted as if you had wrestling... much like staff of magi's work now.. but more so the eval + anat level of defensive wrestle)

It was funny because while I was in deceit, I saw him kill Dragonis (number 2 on atlantics bounty board) while Drag was setting tinker traps... cut his head and leave.

o... were those the days...

Maximinus Thrax

UO needs a good cross-shard tournament. Get some bloody excitement into this game!


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my main sixunder has 8000 long terms. he is 10 yrs old and people quit couting so long ago. and alwasy fighting alone. his first 5000 were as a mage pre aos, hybrid mage that is.

my secondary is my mage he has 4000 longs,

and i have a archer with 2000 and another red with 1200.

iv yet to find a match 1 on 1..on the shards i have been on.

napa valley
great lakes

id love to find someone to give me a shot, but im not a mage, im not a warrior im a pk in a guild yes, but i fight alone.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Killed 1 person who wanted to place a house where my brother wanted to place one, so i killed him and we got the spot. I retired right after that so my record is 100 % Victory! A 9 year old record!

I am the Greatest!



Killed 1 person who wanted to place a house where my brother wanted to place one, so i killed him and we got the spot. I retired right after that so my record is 100 % Victory! A 9 year old record!

I am the Greatest!

[/ QUOTE ]

I managed to accidently get the killing blow in on somebody during a champ spawn once. My Energy vortex just happened nail somehody on their last legs as they were going by.

I was unimpressed.

/have the PK skills of a bag of bagels

Death Adder


my main sixunder has 8000 long terms. he is 10 yrs old and people quit couting so long ago. and alwasy fighting alone. his first 5000 were as a mage pre aos, hybrid mage that is.

my secondary is my mage he has 4000 longs,

and i have a archer with 2000 and another red with 1200.

iv yet to find a match 1 on 1..on the shards i have been on.

napa valley
great lakes

id love to find someone to give me a shot, but im not a mage, im not a warrior im a pk in a guild yes, but i fight alone.

[/ QUOTE ]I don't see Chessy on that list... too bad, I'd like to see what you've got. My only claim to fame is being widely known as "the best dexxer on Siege Perilous", but that was a long time ago (pre-AoS). Still, I haven't lost a 1v1 in a long time.


The Devs responsible for taking out UO. The greatest PK feat ever. (Not directed to current team). Maybe thats harsh. The suits not the DEVS maybe.


ppft !!

Quantity is not neccessarily QUALITY !

All the really cool creative pks left when they took the bounty off their heads and created trammel and AOS %%%%%%%% game.

Besides, there be some pks with vast numbers ........whom basically CAN ONLY kill newbies or crafters ie they suxxors .......they can kill a newling, or 3, up to 5000 times, it doth not mean they are GOOD, at pking. Anyone can get massive totals killing fish in a barrel or kittens, but they shoulda made the *counts* work differently, if folks actually succeed to kill someone of near or equal templates, then they get more points in their talley, yet if they killed a newbie or crafter or non aggro........the talley sheet SUBTRACTS their counts............ cuz they sucked that bad !

It is a game afterall so they could have created more of a truer *scoreboard* than the one they have now for *counts* and or counts that really COUNT or that would talley up to count up more or subtract from their *show score* fessing their sins etc. !


Hades on Atl from the old days was the best I ever saw. Not only was he a great PK but he was a gentleman about it as well. The Cryptkeeper comes to mind as the 2nd. He was no gentlemen, as I remember looking up at his face from the ground.


I agree, you get more murder counts from killing newbies and crafters (they are upset) than by killing strong people who just close the murder report gump.
I pked at the opening of Origin with a newb char and didn't get any count.



Well on Chesapeake I got over 84 counts off ONE guy that just ticked me off so badly making me mad that I just killed his chr. over and over and over.... so in theory that *could really only count as one count* ie same dude that ticked me off. . or the 84 counts he gave me for every time I wasted him when I seen him over a few mos. of time. . just till my temper cooled down.
Soooooooooo counts really *don't count* to me.

When I GIVE them, it is often like some oscar award..if they killed me with class and an IQ and even roleplayed.........damn they DESERVE a count. . lol if they just pkd my crafter drylooted her and not even said hi... hell I dont have to give em a count..........to me they just not too *creative* and probably still suck yet as a pk. . or just like killing kittens ! If they actually pkd one of mine that CAN fight back and I lost I may give em a count if it was ONE ON ONE..not a gank.

I be fussy on whom I *COUNT* like awarding em an oscar nomination ! HAHA After nearly 10 yrs in UO oft in fel side...........they damn well better be GOOD at it or creative or ..........NO COUNT ! HAHA Besides what is one more count to someone that got 5k kills off of newbs or crafters........... none of em really COUNT if that is 'all' they can kill, so I don't gift em with a count..unless they COOL creative or GOOD at it.


Back in 98... the hot spot on Pac was City of the Dead outside Delucia. I can't remember the Pk's name, but he was fairly famous on Pac, and for some reason he would pick me out of 30 people hunting there every time. I finally got good enough to start fighting back, and one of the proudest moments of my life was killing in in Delucia at the bank while his friends couldnt do anything but watch since we both were blue to them. I wish i could remember his name.


While I would like to nominate myself, Alas... I must admit I am not top dawg...

On LS... The PK that had the most respect was Cookie Monster... That was back in the day... after him there was a guy named St. Death.... He may have actually been the best... GM mage bard thief tracker... damn he was good... He was the first player I know of to figure out how to get a town guard to aggro on him, peace it and then kill them... taking thier one hit hallys as he ran to the bank... As a Player Killer he was one of the top 5 On LS...

Only other one was a guy named Smaug that ran a pirating operation working the boat miners north of minoc and lived just south of the hedge on the north road out of brit... Maybe not the best but the most creative... I used to watch him gank boat miners, steal thier boat keys off thier corpses and then sail the ghosts back to town where he would dump them off and deed the ship (after clearing it out).... As a Pirate he did well, but on land he was a vicious foe... He was a rather well trained Tank Mage (as that was the thing to be back then)...
He actually had a nice bounty on his head... about 150k at the time, which was a ton of cash for those days...

This was all before Trammel... This doesnt count modern PKs or faction killers...

PvP hasnt been the same since Trammel came around and frankly it never will be much good as long as items rule the game and not skills...



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rak Da Killa used to be pretty good on Europa back when the shard opened, I remember him and his mate putting up some brilliant fights in Deceit LL room.



Hail. Log in your PK. Say, "I must consider my sins", Take a screenshot, and post it here. Even if you see you have been out done, post anyway, maybe you are the best on your shard. hehehe, Weeeeeeee.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it's the chicken. He probably got more murder counts off ImaNewbie than anyone else could have racked up with everyone else.




That tinkers name was John Macentire or close to that spelling just under him was draconis and pasty white guy. This was the Atlantic shard about 9 yrs ago LOL when we had bounty boards at the bank.

That guy was a mad bomber

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be Lord Vader of KGM (Kinder Gentler Murderers)

Who didn't just tinker... actually pked. As a tinker mage (back when if you had a spellbook armed... it acted as if you had wrestling... much like staff of magi's work now.. but more so the eval + anat level of defensive wrestle)

It was funny because while I was in deceit, I saw him kill Dragonis (number 2 on atlantics bounty board) while Drag was setting tinker traps... cut his head and leave.

o... were those the days...

[/ QUOTE ]

Bounty Boards, and head's being cut off, traps being laid -- THIS IS THE UO WE GOT ADDICTED TO! I want that :&lt;

Now I'm just some deadbeat junky who's lost his reason for life ;[

and the carebears are to blame


I am totaly unimpressed at anyone's long term/short term murder counts. It is antisocial and you all should be put in Yew prison and forced to work off your murders counts with hard labor.


Dude, if you are unimpressed, dont read the thread. Go water your flowers.


While I was doing some research for some evil plans I actually came across the top reds for all of UO.

The top 2 murderers are:

Krystal - Siege Perilous - 9197 Total murders
Sairen - Atlantic - 6802 Total murders

Yenji Yasagari

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Personally, as someone who is a PvPer and not a "PKER" persay, I would elect Slim Shady of BC on Great lakes. He is the miner killer who trolls the miner forums, and torments all fel miners. He roleplays the part well, and is a nice guy about it. Although he gets a screenie of you if he takes you out :).

Admiral Ruffie


Not many I know. But keep in mind two things. One, there was a wipe of murder counts a few years back and at that point I was around 100. Two, there's no one on the seas of Felucca anymore - certainly no active players looking for roleplaying pirate adventure, but also no fishers, no boat miners, no 8x8ers either attended or unattended. My pirate is essentially retired.

Jagarr mentioned the early days on Atlantic, where I had the unfortunate luck to have put my first house down a few screens away from the XH guildhouse. I found out this fact when I was exploring the woods nearby and got ganked by six of them. Later, I spied on them, and eventually got them to let me into their guild, where I confirmed that they were using every dirty, underhanded trick to work skills up and score kills. Still, not a bad bunch of guys once you got to know them.

I mostly did the pirate thing myself. I even made it onto the Atlantic bounty board once. It was a blast. Oh, if only the devs would put something on the seas of Felucca that would entice players to sail there, I could get those counts back up a bit.

Admiral Ruffie Windjammer
Middle - Aged Gamer
The Turbulent Waters Archive

Fayled Dhreams


While I was doing some research for some evil plans I actually came across the top reds for all of UO.

The top 2 murderers are:

Krystal - Siege Perilous - 9197 Total murders
Sairen - Atlantic - 6802 Total murders

[/ QUOTE ]

G'day M'lady ...

Just out of curiosity ... got a metric for the top two blue slayers of Reds ?



Id have to say EA. They killed so many accounts with dev blunders its hard to understand how thay are still in business



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was Siege subject to the murder count wipe of p16 out of interest?

Not that murder counts mean particularly much, wasn't exactly hard to stand on entrances holding [insert area spell].

Personal opinion wise, I'd probably rate Zim Zum on Europa as one of the best, one of the most agressive Pk's, I've fought against/alongside. Him or Lady PeeKay on Europa, I enjoyed many awesome stat vs stat pk fights against him. Very efficient and skilled.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

While I was doing some research for some evil plans I actually came across the top reds for all of UO.

The top 2 murderers are:

Krystal - Siege Perilous - 9197 Total murders
Sairen - Atlantic - 6802 Total murders

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO....Evil plans you say?


Tongue-in-cheek, I'd say past dev teams have likely killed more of UO's playerbase than anyone in this thread, tenfold.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got 1758 on siege... no one reports anymore.

DRAGONX of BC was a great pk on chesapeake was always solo.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I always report em. I come from a time where murderous brigands are not rewarded for their evil deeds. I want to make sure those who choose to sneak up behind me and cast spells on me while i am fighting semidar will get whats coming to them when and if those days return.



Was Siege subject to the murder count wipe of p16 out of interest?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes and it did hurt, some lost alot of counts.

Congrats Krystal, Queen of Siege



While I was doing some research for some evil plans I actually came across the top reds for all of UO.

The top 2 murderers are:

Krystal - Siege Perilous - 9197 Total murders
Sairen - Atlantic - 6802 Total murders

[/ QUOTE ]

Awww, they should get a red sash or something!



Rainz killed Lord Brit in Beta. That has to carry some weight. LOL


Too bad counts were wiped twice and for a 2ish years in UO counts were not even kept track of. Pathetic.


Anyone remember Unholy Speed on Pac? I remember he use to chase me all over creation. Where did that guy go anyway?



While I would like to nominate myself, Alas... I must admit I am not top dawg...

On LS... The PK that had the most respect was Cookie Monster... That was back in the day... after him there was a guy named St. Death.... He may have actually been the best... GM mage bard thief tracker... damn he was good... He was the first player I know of to figure out how to get a town guard to aggro on him, peace it and then kill them... taking thier one hit hallys as he ran to the bank... As a Player Killer he was one of the top 5 On LS...

[/ QUOTE ]
I remember Cookie.
There were times when he was outside Delucia, and whole guilds were afraid to leave the gates.


I remember encountering him once upon a time and he took the time to show me the ropes (after brutally slaughtering me). Good times.

imported_BlacK RaiN

I wish UO had a way to record how many times I've killed a red...

oh the number I'd be at...


to put Krystals number in perspective, on seige she is in factions(which doesnt give counts) and seige has about a 60% red pvp base i would guestimate. so she can only get counts from about one third of the shard.