We killed Vas ort flam, then I went down.Then what happened?
We killed Vas ort flam, then I went down.Then what happened?
who mort'ed him?We killed Vas ort flam, then I went down.
Believe me I know you would get upset, I've been in your guild before I know how salty you can get when you die or someone else in your guild....I on the other hand don't get mad when I die you know this and everyone else i play with know's this...I like to play the game and take risks! I knew my chances were slim to none when I went for the dismount but i had to try and do something with all the teleporting that was going on in and out of the sheep pen. Like I told merlin over icq You guys were making me dizzy!I'd go ahead and ask you guys to post the screenshots, but let's be honest with each other, 90% of the people you guys play with can't post a full screen shot.
I don't mind dying when we fight outnumbered. Because you know, we actually do that. We don't wait for a 2 person advantage (with 2 dreadmares lol).
But hey - good game. I especially liked when we got deaths angel in round 2. You should use the same things your guildmates use to get off of our screen when spell #2 is casted.
If my guild fielded 6 people with 2 dread mares and constant dismounts and I lost even one person I'd be pretty upset.
I know with age memories can become fuzzy but thats a flat out lie!I ran down from the stairs saw you(you where still in that crappy guild) thought wtf its only a 15, dropped it on the floor and stood still just at the bottom of the stairs, in the corner if memory serves and let you dump on me, without casting a single spell, offensive or healing.Pics showing me killing you have been posted many times. Go look for them.
Never happened. Yes I killed you there. Yes I looted a scroll but you never dropped it and you never stood still. You ran up and down the stemps from level 1 to two and in and out the entrance. You still died.
I said that when i HAVE seen you to 1v1 you run like forrest gump, probably because you dont know the char and are just scared of anyone!In any case you said "you are never seen to 1v1" besides me posting pics that show the truth you have now admited you lied.
Then why keep running!Dont know, dont care. You are no threat unelss your on a tamer with a dred mare or a super dragon.
I seriously doubt any of them involve me.There are lots more but I dont care.
Oh thats abn easy one...you lol its simple im a self proclaimed trammy, you are an apparant PvPer who spends more time in trammel!Go look at the pics and movie of me killing you and lets talk about who the carebear is.
lol you change your post after I reply, nice.Good fight guys!
Dont be a salty just because you have 40 mins of stat lynk.
UOD killed vas you know thoses guys... they just AI who is low, hardly on our team.
Better luck next time fellas
I know that the young are often arrogant and stupid but I guess you have the maladys of the old and young because your memory sucks.I know with age memories can become fuzzy but thats a flat out lie!I ran down from the stairs saw you(you where still in that crappy guild) thought wtf its only a 15, dropped it on the floor and stood still just at the bottom of the stairs, in the corner if memory serves and let you dump on me, without casting a single spell, offensive or healing.
OH look you already changed your story. The only time you have seen me 1 v 1. Was when I was killing you. Unless you have some obsession and you are stealthing around stalking me.I said that when i HAVE seen you to 1v1 you run like forrest gump, probably because you dont know the char and are just scared of anyone!
You are misinformed is what you are. I own 5 houses. All in fel. I spend 99.9 percent of my play time pvping. Mostly all I go to trammel for is to get a 6 circle, stock my vendor and buy stuff. Occasionally there is an event I check out. Yesterday I spent 10 minutes at the new spawn in luna realized it was for the chumps and left. I did go later that evening to get a shirt though. These are a sample from last nights play time.Oh thats abn easy one...you lol its simple im a self proclaimed trammy, you are an apparant PvPer who spends more time in trammel!
That is just not true Dynk. They fight outnumbered frequently. Either you dont pay attention when your stealthing around yew or you are simply lying to embelish your bs.Here is the difference between our guilds. We will fight you (or any guild) 4 v 6. You won't even come out of the house until you have numbers. And if you do come out of the house without the numbers, it's mainly to skip around our screens coming in and out of the house.
Oh wait doesnt your character LUNCHBOX have the same offense? Did I spell it right?BTW, pretty wicked offense you have there. I bet you can have the 'all kill' command combined to the same key you use to get off your horse. Does that put you down to just a one key offense if you have dismount pre-toggled? Pretty sweet.
Here is the difference between our guild, Your guild only comes to fight when you have a few numbers your never seen otherwise our guild is out fighting all the time wether it is one of us or two of us or all of us. And by the way half your people last night were zooooming by us, You make like to think your guild is speed free but your wrong I told you that already. Also your guild is generally only on from 9pm- midnight ish give or take an hour. We don't have scheduled times to pvp...We pvp when we log on. Another difference between our guilds we don't whine...you dolol you change your post after I reply, nice.
Here is the difference between our guilds. We will fight you (or any guild) 4 v 6. You won't even come out of the house until you have numbers. And if you do come out of the house without the numbers, it's mainly to skip around our screens coming in and out of the house.
Are you kidding me? We killed you, lethe, KK star twice, and Sedric. Then you guys started up a grinder in terra keep against 4 of us and Exodus was trying to stick his dragon on us.That is just not true Dynk. They fight outnumbered frequently. Either you dont pay attention when your stealthing around yew or you are simply lying to embelish your bs.
By the way what happened in terra last night. You were not greatly outnumbered yet you fled. Must have had a phone call.
We lost the first fight outnumbered to BoA and UOD.You want to run me down w/e, bottem line, you guys lost 2x lastnight.
O rly?our guild is out fighting all the time wether it is one of us or two of us or all of us. :
You are soo full of s*** it isn't even funny...Without LD around your were popping in and out of the sheep pen to manage to try and stay alive...We fight you with 2 more people then you had one time and then you cry about it? What about the times we have fought you when you outnunber us? or when we have even numbers or I guess those times dont count? They must only count when its your guild...I'm sorry we don't circle jerk with mages and stand in one spot and wait for someone to run up on our screen to dump on them...We try to have a little more fun then that. Could we synch yes we could could any other guild in the game synch yes they can do they no..it involves no skill..Infact it was you yourself who told me You dont have to be any good on a mage you just really need to only cast 3 spells, Explosion, Flame strike, Heal...How is that any fun?We lost the first fight outnumbered to BoA and UOD.
The second fight BoA served no purpose in whatsoever. LD managed to stam block and zerg me.
I'm sure I'll see you in Yew tonight, hiding in your house as usual unless you outnumber us.
For proof of that being the case, see screenshot of previous ICQ conversation with Saleena.
I don't recall being killed by your guild before this. If you could refresh my memory with screenshots it might help.You are soo full of s*** it isn't even funny...Without LD around your were popping in and out of the sheep pen to manage to try and stay alive...We fight you with 2 more people then you had one time and then you cry about it? What about the times we have fought you when you outnunber us? or when we have even numbers or I guess those times dont count? They must only count when its your guild...I'm sorry we don't circle jerk with mages and stand in one spot and wait for someone to run up on our screen to dump on them...We try to have a little more fun then that. Could we synch yes we could could any other guild in the game synch yes they can do they no..it involves no skill..Infact it was you yourself who told me You dont have to be any good on a mage you just really need to only cast 3 spells, Explosion, Flame strike, Heal...How is that any fun?
I don't recall being killed by your guild before this. QUOTE]
Lie some more. Everytime we fight 2.0 your always the first to go down.... I'll have tissues ready for you for the next time our guilds fight and you want to cry to me on icq...
Ok pumpkin.I don't recall being killed by your guild before this.
Lie some more. Everytime we fight 2.0 your always the first to go down.... I'll have tissues ready for you for the next time our guilds fight and you want to cry to me on icq...
Are you kidding me? We killed you, lethe, KK star twice, and Sedric. Then you guys started up a grinder in terra keep against 4 of us and Exodus was trying to stick his dragon on us.
We had 2 deaths (maybe 3) to your 5 deaths. And we were outnumbered.
Do you believe your own BS?
BTW over 90% of my playtime is spent on a mage.
See I was on your side until you said this. The fact is he is correct about why none of you can post screen shots. You can make up any excuse you want but anyone who has pvped against or with you knows it.Your kind of like a Malador Jr. It's ammusing![]()
I don't care about your screenshots. You're a total tool. Your perspective on what character I play has as much value as Saleena's input on mage PvP.You fled down the hall and started dropping fields. We simply used the same tactics you were using. In fact I think you caught some of your own team behind walls you dropped then left them to die. You had as many deaths as we did but the key factor here is you fled. Why did you flee? Your guild moto in a deep baritone is "WE FIGHT OUTNUMBERED" but you fled instead of dying.
Do you believe your own BS?
Way to try and spin it away from you looking foolish for criticizing him for playing a template much like one of your normal templates. Also from my perspective I see Ressurection and Lunch Box way more often than any of your mage templates. I do admit that for the last week or two when 2.0 has been fielding huge numbers I have noticed Chuck a lot.
You shared worthless playtime info, so shall I. Last night I played a non-mage temp for the first time in over a month. Can you say that? carefull how you answer I might have screen shots.
Soon I will be asking for that rematch.
Oh no Lynk called me a tool. That is his tell. When he starts calling people names it is because subconciously he knows he is loosing the rational argument.I don't care about your screenshots. You're a total tool. Your perspective on what character I play has as much value as Saleena's input on mage PvP.
I wont argue the point. They got walled out and died that is enough. I never said it was even numbers. I said "You were not greatly outnumbered yet you fled."And you thought wrong, we didn't wall any of our own guys out. And it wasn't even numbers. Malador, Lethe, KK Starr, Splin Solintar (or however you spell the bad stealth archers name), Vorpal Weapon, Exodus (and his drag). 6 plus a drag. Those are just the names I remember because I called them as a target at one point or another.
Nonsense, We came in the star. it was confused for a few seconds and I almost killed you specifically while you were scrambling to leave the star. KK Star stepped out by mistake and could not get back in. You chased her around and ended up down the hallway. The fight never really left the hallway and you were the first to cast fields. So what you really mean isYou had more deaths than we did, then the grinder started. Grinders are boring and pointless, even moreso when you have a greater dragon in a confined hallway. We don't have any interest in playing the grinder game. We'll go find something else to do.
Nope, not what I mean or said.blah blah blah... me and 4 other people died (some of us more than once) to a smaller force. more circular logic inserted now...
So what you really mean is
as long as it is convienient and we are favored to win the fight. More restrictions may apply.
This is the next stage in Lynks illness. This is when he edits the quotes of others in an attempt to make them look foolish by saying what is on HIS MIND.Nope, not what I mean or said.blah blah blah... me and 4 other people died (some of us more than once) to a smaller force. more circular logic inserted now...
So what you really mean is
as long as it is convienient and we are favored to win the fight. More restrictions may apply.
Believe me Malador I don't need you on my side Infact the conversation is between 2.0 and BoA So I dont really see where you input matters at all, then again I know you have to have your input on everything....But let me break it down for you here....There is a whole 2 of us from BOA that post on fourms, That would be myself and Atl. So because the two of us don't post screen shots we must be cheaters right? Where is the rest of the 2.0's screen shots I only see Lynks.....I don't know how the screen shot utilites work I don't have a screen shot utility I don't really care to download one to use either.....I have better things to do with my time like pvp rather then sort through some pictures to post to try and prove a point...I'd much rather play the game instead of waste my time. But then again that is my point of view on it other people might just like to play the game to take screen shots to post on fourms...Who knows?See I was on your side until you said this. The fact is he is correct about why none of you can post screen shots. You can make up any excuse you want but anyone who has pvped against or with you knows it.
Well sweetie I recommend that in the future if you wish to have a private argument you should not conduct it on a public forum and if you do not want my input you should not mention my name.Believe me Malador I don't need you on my side Infact the conversation is between 2.0 and BoA So I dont really see where you input matters at all, then again I know you have to have your input on everything....But let me break it down for you here....There is a whole 2 of us from BOA that post on fourms, That would be myself and Atl. So because the two of us don't post screen shots we must be cheaters right? Where is the rest of the 2.0's screen shots I only see Lynks.....I don't know how the screen shot utilites work I don't have a screen shot utility I don't really care to download one to use either.....I have better things to do with my time like pvp rather then sort through some pictures to post to try and prove a point...I'd much rather play the game instead of waste my time. But then again that is my point of view on it other people might just like to play the game to take screen shots to post on fourms...Who knows?
Well sweetie I recommend that in the future if you wish to have a private argument you should not conduct it on a public forum and if you do not want my input you should not mention my name.
OK then carry on
Sweetie I am not "prented"ing anything.OH ok you want to prented like you play a facion char and your input matters?... My bad sir carry on with faction pvp leetness...![]()
Cool players (such as myself) don't even play anymore but still post screenshots...including new and up to date screenshots.Believe me Malador I don't need you on my side Infact the conversation is between 2.0 and BoA So I dont really see where you input matters at all, then again I know you have to have your input on everything....But let me break it down for you here....There is a whole 2 of us from BOA that post on fourms, That would be myself and Atl. So because the two of us don't post screen shots we must be cheaters right? Where is the rest of the 2.0's screen shots I only see Lynks.....I don't know how the screen shot utilites work I don't have a screen shot utility I don't really care to download one to use either.....I have better things to do with my time like pvp rather then sort through some pictures to post to try and prove a point...I'd much rather play the game instead of waste my time. But then again that is my point of view on it other people might just like to play the game to take screen shots to post on fourms...Who knows?
Inaccuracy, homosexuality.
Ok so after telling me you dont need my input because a. I never see you play and b. I dont have a faction character you now feel hypocritical enough to think that, even though you want me to mind my own business on a public forum, I need your input on which character I should be playing. Fasinating to say the least.Ok malador, now please show me some recent pictures of your faction battles....You have one of Geno When he was in BOA, which was at least over a month ago. And one of myself when I was in 2.0......All I ever see you on is Malador play your faction char more![]()
Lies. Malacrap (on the great "Aldo King of Factioners") was seen at every Shadowlord spawn I attended...and I attended a lot.If you wish to see some recent faction action from me as I just mentioned to Dynk I jsut played my faction character a couple of nights ago for the first time in a month
If I choose to say something it matters.Either way hopefully we see you out in more of the faction battles, So that way when you have something to say it might matter a little more.![]()
Sure Saint. Join the round robin get on a pure mage with a lantern and we will get our chance.Hey Malacrap wanna come on a roof with me? My gimpness (with which I reign supreme), and no there won't be a pet involved vs whatever lame crap wannabe been there done it temp (minus a dragon) you show up with. I'll even give as many rematches as you want chump!
You keep telling yourself thatIf I choose to say something it matters.
There was NO fight, this was in the days of when we got raided we left to another entrance and waited for the scrolls to pop in our pack. I had been on the first level waiting for you lot o finish the spawn, well before i was scrolled or kitted out.I know that the young are often arrogant and stupid but I guess you have the maladys of the old and young because your memory sucks.
You got it part right. You ran down from the stairs, only after you tried to fight me on the spawn level for like 8 seconds, realized your mistake and ran all the way to the entrance where you hopped from one level to another. When I parafielded the door and cast some ev's you gave up and stopped running. Who cares what you did with the scrolls I dont even care about the scroll. In fact I think I got a couple of scrolls from you a 105 and a 115.
Is this you by the way? Is this why you are such a tool. I was in statloss for the first 5 minutes of our fight. About 30 seconds before this pic I came out of statloss just as he convieniently trapped himself in this room. His favorite are Disarm/nerve strike/deathstrike rinse and repeat.
No, thats not me fool. You can think of it as me if you wish though. As lynk said...Inaccuracy, homosexuality!
Your even seeing me when im not logged on!
5:07AM is about 11am here, i would have been at work for 5hours by that point!
Sorry, you are correct. There was no fight. You simply got destroyed even though you tried hard to avoid it.There was NO fight,
Again you are correct.The kit/scroll part is irrelivent,
As if I know or care what time your froggy butt gets online.5:07AM is about 11am here, i would have been at work for 5hours by that point!
I don't recall being killed by your guild before this. If you could refresh my memory with screenshots it might help.
And your other times where you 'fight when you're outnumbered' I wouldn't really consider fighting. It mainly consists of Foolish running to the moongate, and running back to one of the three houses he's accessed to.QUOTE]
Ya i run to my houses when its me vs your whole guild. No one in your guild will stand and fight me 1v1 you guys always call in so many people its ridiculous. I will fight anyone in your guild 1v1 any day.
peon wannabe... sweeeeeeeet.
Quite sure I've fought and killed you 1 v 1 with Resurrection before.. but whatever you want to tell yourself.Ya i run to my houses when its me vs your whole guild. No one in your guild will stand and fight me 1v1 you guys always call in so many people its ridiculous. I will fight anyone in your guild 1v1 any day.
Hmm... which character don't I have a screenshot or video of killing you with...
Ah, Malbador coming back to try to argue... If you look at the bottom left of my screen you will clearly see your name there, indicating that the screen shot was taken as you died. Now, look directly above your corpse, you will see the number '39' in red fading letters. That was from my dread mares firebreath knocking you in the back of the noggin for the kill (the second kill) as you tried frantically to escape.Where is the money shot Dynk. That might be a bit more revealing.