the difference is if its a dexer, or archer in fel you can kill them, or in tram you can make the balron kill them. felucca dragon/hidden tamers cannot be killed, unless you feel like waging war on the dragon, and in trammel, cannot be harmed in any way since the dragon can overpower the balron. the arti's seem to be on a random generator, like you said, 10 mins to 3 hours is a huge difference, but if someone does this every time they go to sleep, even if they only get 10 arti's, that's 10 arti's for 8 hours of sleep, another 10 arti's for 8 hours of being at work, 20 arti's a day, every 5 days you get a free 50 mil (by atlantic pricing) the dungeon has been out for weeks, probably months by now, and people have made quite literally billions of gold by doing absolutely nothing, they can even do this on multiple shards at the same time by multi clienting, which is unfair to all the normal players who earn gold by doing other things and ruins the market value of the items, so anyone who actually did work for their 100 arti's and got an item when they were 200 mil each (by atlantic pricing) pretty much just got 150 mil taken out of their pocket by afk farmers.