Maybe you should investigate the numbers before speaking out on this issue. How many people actually support a family on minimum wages? Min wages jobs are for kids who live with mom and dad or who are still going to school. Besides. Min wage earners don't pay taxes if they are supporting a family. Moot point.
Do we even live in the same country?
Yes, if you are a middle class person with access to education and other avenues of advancement, a minimum wage job is just a temporary stepping stone during high school. But you are living in another society altogether if you think a lot of working families aren't trying to survive on minimum wage. Perhaps you should step outside of suburbia before speaking out on this issue.
Let's see, how many jobs were created in the military for "the poor" to have access too? I'd say that is a chance for someone who can't make it, I'm not saying the jobs are only for the poor, but even you as a liberal have to agree that for the most part, many poor do join the military. Cuts in corporate rates...well, many of those corporations create things such as jobs...more tax cuts allow for more again. Moot point.
The military exists to help the poor? Okay. That's news to me. But, yes, the point that many military jobs have very low requirements aside from basic physical and extremely basic educational ones does mean that the military is a means for many people to at least gain employment, if only temporarily. Although I think before acting like "well, there's the military, so stop whining about the poor" again reflects a very poor understanding of reality today, what things cost, and how times have changed. I would like to see you go to college today on what military grant money provides you after you complete your term of service. All of my friends who entered the military wound up working full time through college anyway --- most of them received so little actual money compared to the real-life cost of paying for both college and living expenses that I heard many of them wondering what was the point. It is certainly nothing like the GI Bill of the WWII era where guys coming back from service went to school and didn't have to worry much about the financial side of how they were going to pay for tens and tens of thousands of dollars this year for their education costs.
And, as for the tax rates being cut creating more jobs.... have you been out of the country for 8 years? Or are you just repeating this Reaganomics talking point without needing any real-life evidence that it actually works whatsoever? Cutting the taxes on the top income earners and corporations has failed to create net gain creation of new jobs. Jobs have been steadily lost for 8 years of exactly the policy you advocate on the basis that it creates new jobs. So, please, get a new argument instead of repeating a belief system which has failed to work in real practice.
ROFL...more liberal talking points. No-bid contracts...rofl.
LOLOLOL lmao lmao ROFL.
Do you even know how a no-bid vs bidding contract is different? Have you ever worked with the government, dealing with contracts? **** for that matter have you ever worked on a contract?
Yes and yes.
I have...on both points. No-bid contracts aren't just ways for politicians to hand out gifts to their friends, as you seem to be implying. Congress has oversight, but all of the contracts are worked through the military or specific government office. Oh, and if you were hinting at Haliburton and the administration...please don't waste your breath.
Haha, why, because it blows a hole the size of the USS Cole into your argument that there is nothing at all questionable about the process of no-bid contracts under an administration which routinely controls or restricts oversight?
Were you aware that the contracts Haliburton was under when the war started...were written during the Clinton administration? Oh, and a little homework for you. I'd like for you to find the other companies in the world that can provide the same services that Haliburton can, at the cost they can do it.
This is leading the horse off further down the wrong track. We wouldn't have had to worry about who could have provided the same services at the same cost if a) there hadn't been an insistence (through incompetence or dishonesty) that we could do the job with a much smaller force than senior generals believed b) we hadn't been erroneously invading a country in the first place.
But hey, if we're in a war we don't need to be in, with way fewer resources than we needed to commit to it, and shorter on manpower than we should have been.. HALLIBURTON CAN STEP IN AND FILL THE GAP!
Nope, no corruption here.