What amazes me is that people can not see that the Democrats are all about keeping the poor in their ghettos and trailer parks. By punishing success (IE Earning a high income) you make it even harder for someone to become rich. The Clintons, Obamas and Kennedys of the world do not want you in their country clubs and social circles. They rather you live in filth and squalor. All they do is pay the morons that vote for them lip service.
I love this argument. As if people try not to be successful because they're running away from the evil tax boogeyman.
I work in an public accounting office, where most of the clients are long-time clients. Several generations are typical as parents start having us do their kids' returns in college, and those kids keep coming as adults when they marry and have kids.
A lot of people have lost or closed down businesses over the last five to ten years (but most of them in the last 2 or 3 of course) or lost major career jobs and had to hoof it back onto the job market at a lower level or lower income. A lot of them have spent a good deal of time jobless while trying to get re-hired.
Naturally, a lot of these people due to lower incomes, higher expenses, job loss, no more business, etc., are paying much less in tax this year, or getting bigger refunds. Yet I've heard more than one of them jokingly say, on the way out, they were happier when they had to pay more tax.
The prospect that someone would "choose" to scratch by at $37,000 a year on some kind of stubborn, irrational refusal to pay more taxed with a $108,000 job is ridiculous. Quite divorced from reality in every possible manner.
People who perceive that it's "pointless" to make more because you'll just be "punished" or lose any additional income to taxes either a) are working class people who've never made more money and have an exaggerated myth in mind about the tax structure and how income itself is structured in higher end jobs (a good deal of it comes in tax-deferred alternatives to straight pay) or b) are highly compensated people who live much better lifestyles than someone making a 30k-58k "typical job", yet feel unduly "punished" by paying more raw tax dollars than someone earning less. (In other words, no sense of proportion.)
Your apparent penchant, Jag, to view things in extremely simplified positive/negative-reinforcement terms, does help explain why you'd be a Republican. However these simplistic views like "well people stay poor because the Dems punish you with taxes if you make anything" rarely meaningfully inform any discussion about reality.
Anyone remember that idiot "Joe the Plumber" guy running around on the McCain campaign b****chin and moanin about taxes? When it turned out his "plumbing business" actually only made about 40k a year? He almost certainly paid nothing in taxes unless he had someone on payroll.... and even then, he was paying payroll taxes. Not income taxes. So it was like what the hell was he going off about. Like many working class red state Republicans, he has an "ideology" about how much he makes and how bad taxes are and how the American economy is because of the damn liberals, and whether or not the actual specifics of the situation happen to fit is irrelevant. i.e. someone like himself probably not paying much if any income tax at his bracket level being a self-appointed crusader about how he believes a crushing tax burden is coming his way.