Why would anyone that makes less than 40,000 a year support them? Just want to know why. Since you more than likely have no insurance or benefits. But, you still support them. It just amazes me.
Funny how just about the whole of Hollywood supports the democrat party...laWhy would anyone that makes less than 40,000 a year support them? Just want to know why. Since you more than likely have no insurance or benefits. But, you still support them. It just amazes me.
I've noticed the same thing Scoundrel but in Hollywood's case, I think it has more to do with issues such as abortion, gay marriage, animal "rights", Greenpeace and the military. Whatever the case may be, I've never based my life or beliefs on Hollywood's mentality (or lack thereof). I have more respect for an ant than I do for Hollywood. Btw...why do your posts always end in "la"? *LOL* I get such a kick out of it.Funny how just about the whole of Hollywood supports the democrat party...la
Actually it is much simpler.I've noticed the same thing Scoundrel but in Hollywood's case, I think it has more to do with issues such as abortion, gay marriage, animal "rights", Greenpeace and the military.
I was a young woman getting ready to graduate from HS when Carter was president and the world was in chaos. Many seem to have forgotten what happened with the economy back then, including gas prices. Ronald Reagan saved our sorry arses but many refuse to acknowledge that because of his being a Republican (and I commend Atlantian for being able to say it). I have an uncle who will cuss anything Republican and praises anything Democrat. He and I have gotten into heated discussions and when I "score" a point, he'll just shake his head, grit his teeth and tell me he'd like to slap me. For some reason, I find it amusing and will get up, give him a *HUGE HUG* and tell him I love him...even if he is misguided. I can be such a brat.Also, be advised, speaking badly of Jimmy Carter may make it ... harder for you to post here even though what you said is the truth.
A lot less worse than is happening now with the credit crises, plus if Reagan hadn't stopped all the development programs for alternative fuels and conservation, chances are that today we wouldn't have an energy crises like in the past 6 months, or international tension because we have to protect our oil supplies.I was a young woman getting ready to graduate from HS when Carter was president and the world was in chaos. Many seem to have forgotten what happened with the economy back then, including gas prices. Ronald Reagan saved our sorry arses but many refuse to acknowledge that because of his being a Republican (and I commend Atlantian for being able to say it). I have an uncle who will cuss anything Republican and praises anything Democrat. He and I have gotten into heated discussions and when I "score" a point, he'll just shake his head, grit his teeth and tell me he'd like to slap me. For some reason, I find it amusing and will get up, give him a *HUGE HUG* and tell him I love him...even if he is misguided. I can be such a brat.
Sounds like you got a pretty good opportunity to understand and deal with dogma. It is a good thing your Uncle was actually there, at least the two of you can speak of the events from a base of knowledge. That always helps.I have an uncle who will cuss anything Republican and praises anything Democrat. He and I have gotten into heated discussions and when I "score" a point, he'll just shake his head, grit his teeth and tell me he'd like to slap me. For some reason, I find it amusing and will get up, give him a *HUGE HUG* and tell him I love him...even if he is misguided. I can be such a brat.
I would hardly blame Regan completely for this. We have had 20 years of presidents since then that could have reversed that decision . Why didn't they act to do so?A lot less worse than is happening now with the credit crises, plus if Reagan hadn't stopped all the development programs for alternative fuels and conservation, chances are that today we wouldn't have an energy crises like in the past 6 months, or international tension because we have to protect our oil supplies.
Because Reagan had people mesmerized, any President trying to reverse those policies would have been quartered. Clinton tried and got pretty far by his attempts of balancing the budget, to be followed by a Reagan disciple who once again went into a spend, spend and lower taxes mode.I would hardly blame Regan completely for this. We have had 20 years of presidents since then that could have reversed that decision . Why didn't they act to do so?
ROFL, Clinton governed by trial balloon...laClinton was a visionary president, who didn't like Reagan gave in to the flavor of the month, but tried to govern with long term goals.
Oops error, meant Carter.ROFL, Clinton governed by trial balloon...laClinton was a visionary president, who didn't like Reagan gave in to the flavor of the month, but tried to govern with long term goals.
What do you mean mesmerized? LOL That's just silly.... and Clinton was still mesmerized four years later? Puleaseeee..!!Because Reagan had people mesmerized, any President trying to reverse those policies would have been quartered. Clinton tried and got pretty far by his attempts of balancing the budget, to be followed by a Reagan disciple who once again went into a spend, spend and lower taxes mode.
It's like raising your credit card limits, buying a new car and large house on credit and only going to work part time.
Ok people, too much news and talking to the same people about the same stuff....
Up untill 2000 the tax code was fair, then Bush came into office and he decided that the rich should get these extra tax breaks because its what he called the "trickle down" theory. Well guess what, its time for a change. It was just another backoffice way for the 5% of america who has all the money to steal from the public coffers. So Obama is going to fix this error and go back to the same tax sceme we have always used.
Obama is like robinhood fighting off the evil sheriff tax code of bushes. Stealing from the public coffers and Obama is getting it back to help feed the poor in the parts of america where you dont become rich, you survive.
I often wonder how we as normal job and cash flow people could really allow our tax dollars to be stolen from us in this tax code. I think I have my own answer to my "whys?". Im a young man so dont let my arrogance or lack of spelling ( = annoy you. I think people get what the deserve, but how could this happen?
Its our greed. We all want the dream of being one of those rich people on TV. All of the right wing policies are stack in the favor of this small minority of wealth, in yet most of the party is made up of the poorest of americans. Its the same reason people buy lottery tickets, its that dream we all seem to have. Its what we do when we cant change the life we are stuck living, dream. Martin Luther King all the way down to Joe the Plumber.
Like Ronald Regan was to the Repubs, may Obama be to the Dems.
Last note. As the curve of wealth goes up, so does the ratio of savings. In the sense those on the lowest part of the curve have 100% spending, and at the top say bill gates, spends less then 1% maybe? So if you want to stimulate the economy why would you give it to someone who already has more then they will spend? But if you give it to someone who spends every dime they get then they will enter your jobs and your bosses will have to hire more staff to meet the demand. Stop letting the trickle down theory cloud your judgement, let the trickle up movement begin.!
Via la Revolution, All hail the golden age of Obama
( =
oh what a argumentCan you please Explain how trickle up economics works!
Really, please tell me how my hard earned taxe dollars given to ppl who dont strive to go out and get a better job will make them more like to try to strive?
Trickle down doesn't work either btw, because the how financial structure is designed to protect and promote the wealthy. You know those who can sink their cash into non-taxable assets, and small private corporations. Let me give you an example.Can you please Explain how trickle up economics works!
Really, please tell me how my hard earned taxe dollars given to ppl who dont strive to go out and get a better job will make them more like to try to strive?
Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life. Dont take hard working americans' dollars away, instead teach this ppl how to do the jobs that are needed in america.
Guess thats why Bil Gates is moving his jobs out of country, for skilled computer programers.
And why should ppl get bigger income tax rebates than income taxes they paid all year?
Actually the Democrats, starting with Johnson, suck at economics. Clinton only did well because he was still living off Reagan's work and had a Republican congress to balance the budget.Thanks for your opinion. The reason I wanted to know is because the part of the country where I lived for years is mostly Dems. And we always did well with a Dem in office. And our economy sucked with a Repub (except Ronald Reagan).
The 2006 Census put the average income in a US household at $46,326 33% of households in the US make between $30,000 and $62,000 so that's probably a better representation of Middle class and would put that $46k figure about dead center.But in my humble opinion Az, here's the error in your logic. The wealthy spend much more than 1% based upon just the "spending mentality". Have you ever heard the saying that you "spend what you make"? It seems that no matter where the hubby and I have been income-wise, that has been the case for us. And if Bill Gates were to spend 1% of his gazillion dollars, that'd still be a heckuva lot more than I'll see in a lifetime.
As an aside....have they figured out what they consider middle class income yet? It's gone from $250,000 to $150,000 to $120,000. Or is it possibly the $41,500 Obama used as a figure in June/July? I'm to the point where I don't know that either party is going to be able to do much with the mentality that's out there anymore. It's just a "gimme gimme" attitude and it's beyond old. I find it all so sad and would love to see the day where government just gets back to protecting us and making laws. Other than that, leave us the heck alone.
Well first off if all economists agreed there would only be Republicans. And Jimmy Carter would never have destroyed the economy for Reagan to fix. Economics is NOT a science, but there are some guiding principles. Ones that most Democratic economists usually ignore.Well my dad has a phd in econ, and as he is my boss/partner for work...
Tell that to FDR and the Tennessee Valley Authority. The Government no can't directly create wealth, but it can assist with and create business to assist with employing the people.One is that government cannot provide wealth, it does a damm poor job at it. If the politicians were good are creating businesses and jobs, they wouldn't be politicians. At least the Republicans realize this. Ever notice how many of the top Democratic politicians are Lawyers often Harvard Lawyers, well trained in persuasion and acting.
Government Regulation has to change with the times and protect the citizens and legal residents of it's country. This is something the US hasn't been doing and needs to really focus on. How much of the blue collar labor has been taken by illegal immigrants? Construction, farming, landscaping....especially in the South East, West and South West.Our system is based on checks and balances, once government takes over business, those checks and balances are lost. Motivation to achieve is lost. Yes we need government regulation, it why we have labor laws, minimum wage laws, anti-trust and anti monopoly laws, plus many other laws to keep businesses in check. But, we also have to be careful not over do it.
Umm Clinton signed in Welfare reform that limited it's assistance to 5 years, after that it's up to the states to generate relief funding.Take a look at the welfare system. You actually got kids aspiring to be welfare moms. Welfare was a program that was so tightly entwined in bloated government red tape, that it made it difficult if not nearly impossible to get out of once you were fully on it.
Federal Minimum Wage also hasn't kept pace with the cost of living, it needs to be put into proper scale. The Fact that many states especially the poor one's rely on the federal minimum as their standard is directly reflected in them having some of the lowest incomes per capita in the nation. But oh yea we can't take care of our own people but we can give out billions in relief to other countries, rebuild nations that can generate enormous amounts of capital in a short period.By the way Federal minimum wage should always be set to scale of the lowest cost of living state. It's the states themselves that are responsible for making sure that their states minimum wages are set appropriately for their state's cost of living. Obama wants to jack this up rapidly to 9.50 an hour, this will cripple small business in lower cost of living states - namely Republican states.
Because it was a completely desperate time 24% unemployment, he was printing fake money to finace this. It didn't pull us out of the depression, it just made it easier to bear for those that were unemployed. The businesses that ultimately pulled us out of the depression, were created more by WWII and trade with other nations. There were like 5 million people still stuck in these programs by the time WWII hit.Tell that to FDR and the Tennessee Valley Authority. The Government no can't directly create wealth, but it can assist with and create business to assist with employing the people.One is that government cannot provide wealth, it does a damm poor job at it. If the politicians were good are creating businesses and jobs, they wouldn't be politicians. At least the Republicans realize this. Ever notice how many of the top Democratic politicians are Lawyers often Harvard Lawyers, well trained in persuasion and acting.
Well then thank Bill Clinton for all the aministy he handed out, something that the Democrates pushed hard for, how soon you all forget.Government Regulation has to change with the times and protect the citizens and legal residents of it's country. This is something the US hasn't been doing and needs to really focus on. How much of the blue collar labor has been taken by illegal immigrants? Construction, farming, landscaping....especially in the South East, West and South West.Our system is based on checks and balances, once government takes over business, those checks and balances are lost. Motivation to achieve is lost. Yes we need government regulation, it why we have labor laws, minimum wage laws, anti-trust and anti monopoly laws, plus many other laws to keep businesses in check. But, we also have to be careful not over do it.
Correction, yes old Bill signed it (you know that was kind of his job), but it was a Republican bill and passed into law by a Republican congress.Umm Clinton signed in Welfare reform that limited it's assistance to 5 years, after that it's up to the states to generate relief funding.Take a look at the welfare system. You actually got kids aspiring to be welfare moms. Welfare was a program that was so tightly entwined in bloated government red tape, that it made it difficult if not nearly impossible to get out of once you were fully on it.
Well there you are a bit misinformed. It is suposed to be based on the lower cost of living states. If your state is not raising their minimum wage according to that states' cost of living, blame your states congress. If the Federal government was the only regulator for minumum wage you would cause a great deal of job loss and inflation in areas that have lower COSTS of living. Notice the word costs, I didn't say standards of living. You people (democrats) want to gravitate toward cities with HUGE inflation and outragous cost of living, have at it. Go ahead and make yourselves as uncompetive as posible in the US and world trade market. But, don't impose it on the rest of us.Federal Minimum Wage also hasn't kept pace with the cost of living, it needs to be put into proper scale. The Fact that many states especially the poor one's rely on the federal minimum as their standard is directly reflected in them having some of the lowest incomes per capita in the nation. But oh yea we can't take care of our own people but we can give out billions in relief to other countries, rebuild nations that can generate enormous amounts of capital in a short period. .By the way Federal minimum wage should always be set to scale of the lowest cost of living state. It's the states themselves that are responsible for making sure that their states minimum wages are set appropriately for their state's cost of living. Obama wants to jack this up rapidly to 9.50 an hour, this will cripple small business in lower cost of living states - namely Republican states.
It's not governments job to decide where my charitable donations go. And I sure don't trust Obama to do that. He wouldn't even help his own family in Kenya, or help the school there he promised to help 3 years ago, and hes worth millions. The Obamas' income jumped from around $350k a year to $1.7 million in 2005 when he became a US senator. And you better believe hes got that money tucked away in nice tax shelters. Oh yeah, senators make $169k a year, and his wife salary suddenly jumped over 200% with no promotion and no job change. Yeah this guy just loves you little folk.On a slightly related subject....
Personally I think every American should really see where their money is going, and I'm not talking about just taxes either...I'm talking about charitable donations too. Tithing at church or donations starving kids in Kenya thanks to Sally Struthers thanks to a late night infomercial..... and find out where that money really goes...does it help the kids living in back allies in Washington DC? What about folks who loose their homes to floods or other natural disasters here in the US? How much of it goes to pay off politicians for votes? The US has gotten this stupid Idea they need to bail out and save every other country when we need to help ourselves first.
And things aren't heading in that direction now? Right now the government is encouraging international trade, to the point it's hampering US domestic affairs, this is BAD. We have the ability to be pretty much the world market place but we're not because of poor regulation. Already the best technology is developed not produced but developed in 2 countries. The US and Russia. The US has the capability to grow enough agricultural resources to feed every man woman and child on the planet, but we pay farmers to plow under fields. Yet we've got a problem with unemployment, and hunger in our own country that the government doesn't seem to give a rats ass about. It's Democrats and Republican's alike up there.. Neither one can fix things without the other, and that's where I think the hard line political party views come to nothing short of treason because they don't benifit anyone because it alienates those elected from the people they claim to serve.Because it was a completely desperate time 24% unemployment, he was printing fake money to finace this. It didn't pull us out of the depression, it just made it easier to bear for those that were unemployed. The businesses that ultimately pulled us out of the depression, were created more by WWII and trade with other nations. There were like 5 million people still stuck in these programs by the time WWII hit.
Well then thank Bill Clinton for all the aministy he handed out, something that the Democrates pushed hard for, how soon you all forget.
So your saying the cost of living in lower income states hasn't outstripped the federal minimum wage? It has in some areas by far that why an adjustment is needed. Problem is you can't trust the governments of the individual states to make everything right all the time, when the states won't act in the best interest of their citizens then it's time for the Feds to step in. The Federal Government set a minimum and the states don't always adjust for there situation. This is a flaw in the allowance of people to hold certain offices as long as they continue to be re-elected. I am totally opposed to Political parties, lobby groups, and corporate and organization driven campaign donations. Also I'm totally in favor of limited terms of office for all state and federal elected officials. After a decade or so they seem to loose touch with the people they serve. It's the 21st century and 80% of the US has internet access. I can go and get the E-mail address of any Senate or House of Representatives member I want and tell them what I think on a daily basis if I want. Lobby Groups are outdated and past their usefulness and do nothing but clog, bog down, and corrupt the political process.Well there you are a bit misinformed. It is suposed to be based on the lower cost of living states. If your state is not raising their minimum wage according to that states' cost of living, blame your states congress. If the Federal government was the only regulator for minumum wage you would cause a great deal of job loss and inflation in areas that have lower COSTS of living. Notice the word costs, I didn't say standards of living. You people (democrats) want to gravitate toward cities with HUGE inflation and outragous cost of living, have at it. Go ahead and make yourselves as uncompetive as posible in the US and world trade market. But, don't impose it on the rest of us.
Federal minimun wage has been rising steadily
$5.85 - July 24th, 2007
$6.55 - July 24th, 2008
$7.25 - July 24th, 2009 <- Obama wants this to jump straight to 9.50
It's not governments job to decide where my charitable donations go. And I sure don't trust Obama to do that.
Our country has always depended on international trade form the very start. It still does, the problem is we have a lot more money going out then we have coming in. Especially with oil, international trade defecits are a problem. Making us less competive in the world market will only hurt us.And things aren't heading in that direction now? Right now the government is encouraging international trade, to the point it's hampering US domestic affairs, this is BAD. We have the ability to be pretty much the world market place but we're not because of poor regulation. Already the best technology is developed not produced but developed in 2 countries. The US and Russia. The US has the capability to grow enough agricultural resources to feed every man woman and child on the planet, but we pay farmers to plow under fields. Yet we've got a problem with unemployment, and hunger in our own country that the government doesn't seem to give a rats ass about. It's Democrats and Republican's alike up there.. Neither one can fix things without the other, and that's where I think the hard line political party views come to nothing short of treason because they don't benifit anyone because it alienates those elected from the people they claim to serve.Because it was a completely desperate time 24% unemployment, he was printing fake money to finace this. It didn't pull us out of the depression, it just made it easier to bear for those that were unemployed. The businesses that ultimately pulled us out of the depression, were created more by WWII and trade with other nations. There were like 5 million people still stuck in these programs by the time WWII hit.
Well then thank Bill Clinton for all the aministy he handed out, something that the Democrates pushed hard for, how soon you all forget.
The U.S. is a federation of states, as such each state has it's own constitution, government, and their own sovereignty to a degree each state agreed upon when they joined the US. It is the responsibility of the people in those states to make sure their government is doing what they are suppose to be doing. It is a socialist view that the federal government should control all the states on non-constitutional matters.So your saying the cost of living in lower income states hasn't outstripped the federal minimum wage? It has in some areas by far that why an adjustment is needed. Problem is you can't trust the governments of the individual states to make everything right all the time, when the states won't act in the best interest of their citizens then it's time for the Feds to step in. The Federal Government set a minimum and the states don't always adjust for there situation. This is a flaw in the allowance of people to hold certain offices as long as they continue to be re-elected. I am totally opposed to Political parties, lobby groups, and corporate and organization driven campaign donations. Also I'm totally in favor of limited terms of office for all state and federal elected officials. After a decade or so they seem to loose touch with the people they serve. It's the 21st century and 80% of the US has internet access. I can go and get the E-mail address of any Senate or House of Representatives member I want and tell them what I think on a daily basis if I want. Lobby Groups are outdated and past their usefulness and do nothing but clog, bog down, and corrupt the political process.Well there you are a bit misinformed. It is suposed to be based on the lower cost of living states. If your state is not raising their minimum wage according to that states' cost of living, blame your states congress. If the Federal government was the only regulator for minumum wage you would cause a great deal of job loss and inflation in areas that have lower COSTS of living. Notice the word costs, I didn't say standards of living. You people (democrats) want to gravitate toward cities with HUGE inflation and outragous cost of living, have at it. Go ahead and make yourselves as uncompetive as posible in the US and world trade market. But, don't impose it on the rest of us.
Federal minimun wage has been rising steadily
$5.85 - July 24th, 2007
$6.55 - July 24th, 2008
$7.25 - July 24th, 2009 <- Obama wants this to jump straight to 9.50
Government help other countries as a matter of goodwill and to help in negotiations in international matters. Obama want to take this further and force you to donate through taxes to countries that he "just" wants to, based totally on his own personal feelings.I don't trust the government to do it either but the sad truth is most people as individuals don't know where it's going either. You think church organizations don't lobby and in essence pay of politicians for favorable votes? They do. Industry? You betcha. How in the world can you look in the mirror and say "I feel good I fed a starving kid in Ethiopia today" while the kid across town is being underfed? Or there's a guy living under an underpass because the company he works for went under? Or how about the Korean Vets that get no benefits but can't work due to mental disorders like shell shock and flash back or due to disabilities they gained from the war that prevent them from working? Do you really know where you charitable donations are going? No most people can't. Personal feelings on it...International charities should spend the money they acquire in any country they gain it from, not abroad.It's not governments job to decide where my charitable donations go. And I sure don't trust Obama to do that.
And tossing higher taxes on companies that outsource won't help presuade them create jobs here in the US?Our country has always depended on international trade form the very start. It still does, the problem is we have a lot more money going out then we have coming in. Especially with oil, international trade defecits are a problem. Making us less competive in the world market will only hurt us.
While I'll agree with the crop rotation point and over use of land, who does the plowing under really help? Mainly large Co-opts. The average farmer isn't getting any help at all out of this program because he doesn't control enough land to matter. Further more how does it help market value when we give other countries a large portion of what's grown and give the farmers a minimum market price or it?As far the government paying farmers not grow, there are two reason for this. One is having too much surplus hurts our economy by lowering prices below the cost to grow. The second reason is that farmers used to overwork their land in such a way as to actually distroy it's ability to grow. Some of that is taken care of with crop rotation but not all of it and some areas have limited ability to grow different types of crops.
Another problem is that the govenrments of the countries with the starving people actually block US effort to help them.
Your forgetting the US isn't a Direct Democracy, it's a Republic. Laws aren't passed by the people, they simply elect those who do pass the laws. We ultimately have little control over what they do, and thanks to there not being a limit in terms of service for the Congress those can have long lasting effects regardless of who the President is. The Federal Government's job is to act in the best interest of the Nation as a whole, if the individual states aren't doing it then it should fall back on to the Federal Government to set limits and require compliance of the States on these matters to improve the overall quality of living for individuals.The U.S. is a federation of states, as such each state has it's own constitution, government, and their own sovereignty to a degree each state agreed upon when they joined the US. It is the responsibility of the people in those states to make sure their government is doing what they are suppose to be doing. It is a socialist view that the federal government should control all the states on non-constitutional matters.
Government help other countries as a matter of goodwill and to help in negotiations in international matters. Obama want to take this further and force you to donate through taxes to countries that he "just" wants to, based totally on his own personal feelings.
Damn straight it is the individuals responsibility. BUT how many actually take that responsibility? Few do if any really. Personally I'd rather place my money towards helping individuals in this country than abroad and I think it's damn shameful if most citizens don't think like wise.However if you donate to a charity, it is your responsibility to make sure you are donating to a charity that actually uses the money for the purpose they claimed they would. Whether it be to help people in another country or our own.
looks like these threads are giving u an education and u say something smart from time to time..... congratsIf he has a Democratic majority in both the House and Senate, sure he can do what he wants, he'll have the backing for it.
If he has a Democratic majority in both the House and Senate, sure he can do what he wants, he'll have the backing for it.
Most likely it will presuade them to move their operations to a different country.And tossing higher taxes on companies that outsource won't help presuade them create jobs here in the US?Our country has always depended on international trade form the very start. It still does, the problem is we have a lot more money going out then we have coming in. Especially with oil, international trade defecits are a problem. Making us less competive in the world market will only hurt us.
Actually it helps the small farmer alot as they have the least control over the market, so the government stepping in to ensure prices don't tank does alot to keep that small farmer in business.While I'll agree with the crop rotation point and over use of land, who does the plowing under really help? Mainly large Co-opts. The average farmer isn't getting any help at all out of this program because he doesn't control enough land to matter. Further more how does it help market value when we give other countries a large portion of what's grown and give the farmers a minimum market price or it?As far the government paying farmers not grow, there are two reason for this. One is having too much surplus hurts our economy by lowering prices below the cost to grow. The second reason is that farmers used to overwork their land in such a way as to actually distroy it's ability to grow. Some of that is taken care of with crop rotation but not all of it and some areas have limited ability to grow different types of crops.
Another problem is that the govenrments of the countries with the starving people actually block US effort to help them.
First your quoting me totally out of context, I was taking about minimun wages. And your combining to totally unrelated statements and then refering to something else entrirely. Your off on some tangent.Your forgetting the US isn't a Direct Democracy, it's a Republic. Laws aren't passed by the people, they simply elect those who do pass the laws. We ultimately have little control over what they do, and thanks to there not being a limit in terms of service for the Congress those can have long lasting effects regardless of who the President is. The Federal Government's job is to act in the best interest of the Nation as a whole, if the individual states aren't doing it then it should fall back on to the Federal Government to set limits and require compliance of the States on these matters to improve the overall quality of living for individuals.The U.S. is a federation of states, as such each state has it's own constitution, government, and their own sovereignty to a degree each state agreed upon when they joined the US. It is the responsibility of the people in those states to make sure their government is doing what they are suppose to be doing. It is a socialist view that the federal government should control all the states on non-constitutional matters.
Government help other countries as a matter of goodwill and to help in negotiations in international matters. Obama want to take this further and force you to donate through taxes to countries that he "just" wants to, based totally on his own personal feelings.
Secondly I think I trust Economic Analytical reports more so than individual opinion on the Economy. McCain's plan would have helped less on the whole than Obama's, regardless of what his camp and the Republican Party wanted you to believe. While the wealthy may bear out the largest portion of the Tax Burden they don't do so on a level equal to the lower income brackets. Warren Buffet made a point of this not too long ago. He made $43 million last year and paid out 17.7% in Taxes. His Secretary? $60,000 and paid out 30% in taxes. His means far outweigh his secretaries, yet he paid a proportionally less amount in taxation. All men may be created equal but it seems their check books aren't..... Leaving tax breaks in for companies that outsource is BAD, McCain voted to leave these in last time it came up. Woohoo lets help companies that take jobs out of America!!
I think Obama has the right Idea Tax companies that outsource more and give breaks to those that create more in the US.
Again, your trying to dictate others freedom of choice, it's their responsibility to check on charities that they are giving to, but it certainly isn't your right to dictate what they give to.Damn straight it is the individuals responsibility. BUT how many actually take that responsibility? Few do if any really. Personally I'd rather place my money towards helping individuals in this country than abroad and I think it's damn shameful if most citizens don't think like wise.However if you donate to a charity, it is your responsibility to make sure you are donating to a charity that actually uses the money for the purpose they claimed they would. Whether it be to help people in another country or our own.
Most importantly, Obama hasn't done anything yet.... Nor can he do anything he wants. Congress has to approve any bill before he can sign it into action. The only thing he will have direct control over without congressional approval is Every Branch of the Military for a limited period after which he has to gain congressional approval to continue unless they are in some way directly tied to terrorist organizations.
There is the flaw in your logic, you think democrat politicans represent the poor and the republicans represent the rich. Democrats politicans represent socialist economics and republicans represent capitalistic economics.Atlantian, i have wondered that very thing for the past 30 yrs or so. i have a buddy who is a construction worker and actually a very intelligent guy, yet he is bent on voting republican. he refuses to even entertain the thought of voting for anyone other than a republican and this is utterly amazing to me. i say to him, "are you aware that the rep party doesnt give a damn about you cuz you make about 30k a yr? you are shooting yourself and your family in the foot by voting against your better interests fool."
he gets mad and starts to argue exactly like all these ppl here do. and his argument along with all these folks is absolutely absurd. all i can figure after yrs of debating with him about the issue, is that he has been 'taught', or better yet, 'brainwashed' by his parents into imagining that a republican in office is better for the country.
its prolly not something anyone with a true understanding of what each party stands for can fathom. its simply crazy to vote against your own best interests. the parties provide a balance between the rich and the poor ...period. the issues involved get sketchy over party lines, but the differences are very clear. with the exception of actors and musicians and such, who in general have a much more 'i dont want to step on the backs of poor folks to get what i want in life attitude', rich in general means you vote reb, if you are not then you vote dem or liberal or whatever. all the arguments about abortion, wages, etc. really have little to do with an individual as much as the party behind the individual person running for office.
so there is my opinion. i'm sure someone much smarter than i will have an opinion dif from mine and try to force it down my throat. thanks in advance for attempting to 'educate' me.
There is no republican party any more. They are merely democrat imposters.Why would anyone that makes less than 40,000 a year support them? Just want to know why. Since you more than likely have no insurance or benefits. But, you still support them. It just amazes me.
You really need to learn more about things before you speak on them.Democrats don't have the 61 seats needed for a 2/3 majority in the senate so yes it's a democratic majority but it's not able to just walk anything through.