ok troll you are reported.
Oh please...no, don't report me as a "troll" because I disagree with you...
...I can't imagine
anyone using that tactic.
But it you want to actually discuss this
without all the insults and chest thumping...
...I agree with you.
I posted in a different thread that I didn't really understand the purpose of the Greater Dragons.
As a tamer, I would have much preferred being able to tame a Shadow Wyrm or an Ancient Wyrm, even if they were nerfed a good bit on taming, than I would a Greater Dragon.
Why? They are different pets. A Shadow Wyrm is a necro, and no other pet that I am aware of can cast necro spells. That would be interesting, and certainly powerful...but in a different way than just standard FS/Firebreath/Bleed = Death.
The Ancient Wyrm has always sort of been the Holy Grail of dragons in UO, and they should have left it that way.
But with all that said, I can understand
why they felt the need to add a high HP tame.
You say you are playing a tamer...so let me ask, have you taken your Rune Beetle or an Old School Dragon or WW to fight some of the newer peerless monsters, or better yet...the new invasion monsters??
My WW is 7xGM with excellent stats and resists, yet she dies in mere seconds (way faster than even 3 tamers vetting her can keep up with) against many of the new peerless bosses, and she wouldn't even last that long against a Crimson Dragon.
Now I am not saying that any pet should be able to take down Crimson Dragon...just that it is nice to have SOME pet that can do a little damage to them before you have to call them off to heal them.
The Cu was a good addition on that front, but the GD is a true tank.
Now...not much of this relates to the fact that the GD is out of balance in PvP...I am just offering my
Sorry if that makes you think I am a "troll" or a "n00b" or anything like that...but you did say you wanted to discuss.