You wrong, I did not say, they should be able to attack anyone in Trammel unless in guild wars. Now they can go blue easy and join your guild, would it not be better they was red.
Do you believe because a red player use forged pardons to go blue, that also make him a cure little trammel player?
You are blinded of something.
Not even, can they easy become blue and go to Trammel, it will also make Felucca a crazy place, where you will run from every blue, even a nice peaceful miner as all PK's will be blue.
Now you right, I like more sheep, special on Siege, as it will draw more wolves, but that's what Siege are meant for. Making et easier for the blue PK's on normal shards, may even make Siege a better place as this nasty blue PK's don't have the balls to go red or full time VvsV and on Siege, they can't hide no matter of their color.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't say anything about attacking people in Trammel either.
You said that you liked that people couldn't use the gate in Trammel. I said it doesn't matter to you. It doesn't. You don't play on a shard that has a Trammel, but you commented that you liked that Trammel players can't use the gate, thus making our quest longer and more tedious.
I don't comment on what I think the Siege rules should be
because it doesn't affect me. I want to do the quest. I want to do it in Trammel, and I don't want to have to spend all day on it to be able to do it in Trammel.
I wasn't talking about blue PKs or forged pardons or attacking people in Trammel or whatever. I really have no idea where you came up with that. Furthermore, blue PKs exist now, they will exist in the future, and they will probably be more plentiful now that VvV can get rid of all a red character's counts. I am under no illusion that blue=good or even that Trammel is fully safe. (Seriously, you are very hung on this red vs blue thing. I'm not talking about that at all.) But that has nothing to do with what I was saying.
My point is that this quest is awkwardly designed and the main incentive to go to Fel is the sheer boredom of running (or sailing... ugh) all across Britannia over and over if you do it in Tram. That's not risk versus reward. That's bad design. That's a pointless snub at Trammies. In reality it's not going to matter for long because 1. most Fels are dead and 2. people are going to get bored with this quest once the novelty wears off. I did my testing starting in NM for a reason--to see how doing the quest in Tram from an island city would go. It was absurd. It was a waste of time.
It was boring. Your choices shouldn't be boredom versus potential grief.
It's the principle of it. A trade quest that benefits Trammel cities and for which there are already different rewards for doing the "evil" way (Slim) in Fel should be just as doable in Tram as in Fel. I'm tired of being nudged toward Fel for no real reason other than to serve as a target for murderers.
The ability to use the moongate should be in both facets or neither. I think it should be both. Let us Trammies do a
loyalty-city based trade quest in peace. You got VvV; let us have a moongate already.
The only incentive I see for doing the quest in Tram is that the origin city gets more money. Most people don't care, and the ones who do have been paying it out of pocket so long we're used to it. If we can't get people to turn around at the bank and drop a pile of gold onto the city herald, we certainly aren't going to get anyone to run or sail across the whole map to benefit the cities. The incentive for doing it in Fel isn't greater reward, it's less tedium. That's just silly.
I guess I was just hoping this quest would be more robust and flexible than it is, and that it would be a boon to the governors system as was hinted to us. I'm underwhelmed and a little annoyed.
I was excited about the trade quest when it was announced... then I tested it a bit. You can see my spreadsheeted results earlier in this thread. After trying to run it from NM staying only in Tram... I went and pledged to SotA.