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Pinco's UI


UOEC Modder
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I have no idea how to do that, I spent an hour trying to figure it out and no idea.
I have copied it to notepad here:
just open the profile file with notepad, and copy all to pastebin. The site will generate a link and that's it :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just open the profile file with notepad, and copy all to pastebin. The site will generate a link and that's it :D
I did what you said, I see NO link. Do I have to make an account on pastebin to get the link?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I did what you said, I see NO link. Do I have to make an account on pastebin to get the link?
Don't need to create an account. As soon as you click "create new post" it will make the link for you in the address bar.


UOEC Modder
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Was this the correct link Pinco? Did you get it and if so, any comment?
I got it, but there is no clue about the lag in there :/

you should try to check the memory consumption before it start to lags and after... My actual theory is that opening gumps in background (like the loyalty rating and insurance menu to get certain values), might create a memory leak that in the long run causes the lag.
Because those gumps are the only thing that the default UI doesn't do, and the only things they've changed with the last publish...
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Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
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The lag Starts out of nowhere. Without doing anything Special. Even logging in and pure running around is enough.

Unfortunately this makes the ui unusable for me.

I started to setup all my profiles on plain EC again. The only character who will use it on future is the dude that owns the vendors. Because of easy switch to cc view for restocking.

Actually this is quite sad because I like it vry much and hoped for more Features in the future.


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

The lag Starts out of nowhere. Without doing anything Special. Even logging in and pure running around is enough.

Unfortunately this makes the ui unusable for me.

I started to setup all my profiles on plain EC again. The only character who will use it on future is the dude that owns the vendors. Because of easy switch to cc view for restocking.

Actually this is quite sad because I like it vry much and hoped for more Features in the future.
I can't replicate it, it's fine for me even after hours moving around and until I have a clue I can't do anything about it. The gumps seems the more logic cause (and they open in background so you don't have to do anything), but since I can't replicate the issue I can't find out if it's that or not :/


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I made some changes that may or may not do a difference, let me know :p
Ok I will give you my experience after this patch.

Got the Quest for doing the Queen Matriarch, the one where you have to have 10 myrmidex warriors, 10 Drones and 20 Larvae. Went to the Dragon Turtle spawn first to get the Larvae and Drones, no problem, running good - no lag to notice at all, went back to area by Brit camp to get the Warriors, got them no problem - no lag to notice at all. Very pleasant, moving fast, was cautiously enjoying the newfound movement, memory use about 300MB.

Went back and turned in quest and got another of the same. Again to Dragon turtle spawn, now some lag, not bad but some and swiftly grew more severe when I had a multitude of them around me, finished those larvae and drones and by the end lag was bad, not terrible but bad. Went back to Brit camp and to area to kill the 10 Warriors, lag not bad to start for running until you got 2 or 3 around you, drones, larvae, scorpions, warriors and it rapidly became horrible with probably one second lag between each step that I would try to move. After that it didn't seem to matter how many were around me, lag, rubber banding, damage numbers rolling in hoards slowly up the screen, horrible. Checked the memory, was around 500MB, actually less than average from this same time before the patch.

Managed to finish, and went back and turned in quest, the strange thing or perhaps is a clue, when you get away from the monsters I am able to move at normal speed almost immediately. And this is true and has been true of all encounters with the larger monsters now after the patch and before the patch, when you finish the major task, the lag is not even noticeable and no lag on normal running at all.

I didn't really check but I would estimate time for doing these 2 quests was between 20 and 30 minutes. Recalled back to house, checked memory, now at 300MB.

Don't know if this will be of help but perhaps you can replicate that if you try the same procedure.

FYI I run a Gigabyte Z97X Gaming Motherboard, i7-4790K Intel Processor, 16G Ripjaw RAM, Intel SSD, EVGA 960 4G memory video card, Internet connection 100/10 Fibre Optic. I have no lag issues with anything else on the computer except for these described instances in the game.

Thank you for your time and help.


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I still get severe lag after 20 mins of running on Pincos, pretty much regardless of what I am doing or where I am. If I exit the game and restart, I'm good for another 20 minutes. If I switch to regular EC after hitting the lag, it goes away and doesn't come back until I switch to Pincos and play for 20 minutes..


Stratics Legend
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I still get severe lag after 20 mins of running on Pincos, pretty much regardless of what I am doing or where I am. If I exit the game and restart, I'm good for another 20 minutes. If I switch to regular EC after hitting the lag, it goes away and doesn't come back until I switch to Pincos and play for 20 minutes..
Same here :(


Stratics Veteran
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I still get severe lag after 20 mins of running on Pincos, pretty much regardless of what I am doing or where I am. If I exit the game and restart, I'm good for another 20 minutes. If I switch to regular EC after hitting the lag, it goes away and doesn't come back until I switch to Pincos and play for 20 minutes..
yep, same for me, even in old areas like Doom, Ilsh spawns etc although it does seem like the lag is less in Non-Eodon areas,


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
at this point we know it's not the gumps (the call is highly limited), not the mobiles, and neither the hotbars or the overhead text or the chat.
So it's left just agents, containers and looting... how often you use them before it starts to lag?


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The other night it started in the middle of a Dread Horn fight. There were about 20 people/pets battling him at the time, no other spawn. I had my pack open and my paperdoll up and was casting Cleansing Winds.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
at this point we know it's not the gumps (the call is highly limited), not the mobiles, and neither the hotbars or the overhead text or the chat.
So it's left just agents, containers and looting... how often you use them before it starts to lag?
I don't even use agents, can't figure out how they work, I do use item sort for looting corpses, however........for instance in the roof encounter, fighting Zippy, fighting the Myrmidex queen I don't even loot a corpse until the main boss dies and in the roof encounter that's the last one, the only container i have open is my backpack and no other containers are opened before the lag sets in.


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It has to have something to do with the monsters, I was just doing more Britannian Myrmidex quests and had done the Vesper gardener and I went to the Britannia encampment, took the quest, went to Dragon Turtle spawn and fought enough larvae and drones to finish that part of the quest and was lagged badly, but the interesting thing is, when i got enough of both, I was on the northwest side and I ran straight thru the bugs and the further I got southeast and lesser of them there were my lag went away. Does this tell you anything?


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Just went to Miasma, was there about half an hour and all of a sudden started lagging like crazy. Managed to run out and and as soon as I got out the door - no lag. I was thinking for a while that the lag was peculiar to Eodon but not so, I have been in regular monster locations and had the same sort of lag.

@Pinco could you please fix the Colossus pet lifebars so they show the proper timing and when the colossus will disappear?


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
Just went to Miasma, was there about half an hour and all of a sudden started lagging like crazy. Managed to run out and and as soon as I got out the door - no lag. I was thinking for a while that the lag was peculiar to Eodon but not so, I have been in regular monster locations and had the same sort of lag.

@Pinco could you please fix the Colossus pet lifebars so they show the proper timing and when the colossus will disappear?
what's wrong with the colossus timer?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
what's wrong with the colossus timer?
Mine shows amount of time left, then about half way thru goes to amount of life left and counts that down which isn't correct and he disappears poof. Maybe I'm just not reading it correctly but it sure doesn't tell me like it did before how many seconds are left before he poofs. Was really handy to know.


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
Mine shows amount of time left, then about half way thru goes to amount of life left and counts that down which isn't correct and he disappears poof. Maybe I'm just not reading it correctly but it sure doesn't tell me like it did before how many seconds are left before he poofs. Was really handy to know.
I can't see anything weird with the colossus, I tried and the only thing I see it's that it disappears 10-15 before the time run off, nothing else... those 10-15s can't be fixed because I don't have the exact formula to determine how long the colossus stays around and that time also vary based on the latency.

About the lag: have you tried to keep the map closed the whole time?


Grand Inquisitor
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@Pinco With the new item properties option turned off, you can't see the Mesanna-engraved titles when you mouse over people :( Can you fix those in the regular view please?

Also, what was in today's UI patch? Could we get an updated changelog?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ooooooooh a new patch! I will fire up Pinco's again and see if the lag/performance drop is fixed :thumbup1:


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
@Pinco With the new item properties option turned off, you can't see the Mesanna-engraved titles when you mouse over people :( Can you fix those in the regular view please?

Also, what was in today's UI patch? Could we get an updated changelog?
the new items properties works so you can use them if you like :p
the patch was just a quick update of the cleanup britannia gump to add the 2 new mushrooms and 4 pigments...


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
try to play with the map closed and see if it still happens
I patched up and ran down to Navrey night eyes. After about 15-20 mins the "lag" came back. I will try tonight without map on and report back.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
because I still can't replicate it...

try to play with the map closed and see if it still happens
Turned off map and I did pits on archer and lag is still there, turned off map and did Miasma on Mystic/Mage and lag is still there and right on schedule, all of a sudden at 32 minutes in, kaboom, lag city.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am still hoping that this publish will fix our lag, yep, call me the eternal optimist but I love your UI, Pinco, and I hate to think what the game will be like for me if I have to give it up.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I am still hoping that this publish will fix our lag, yep, call me the eternal optimist but I love your UI, Pinco, and I hate to think what the game will be like for me if I have to give it up.


Lore Master
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I've started using Ctrl-R to refresh to see if that's a solution. Lag is subjective though, so it's hard to tell.

With the latest publish from Broadsword, though, I'm getting container crashes. Changing the container type (list to grid to freeform) or trying to take a map out of Davies Locker gives me an instant crash back to the desktop.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I've started using Ctrl-R to refresh to see if that's a solution. Lag is subjective though, so it's hard to tell.
I've tried that and it didn't seem to make any difference sadly.


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Hard to do that on my Sampire at a spawn. Invis pots last like 10 seconds and it only "fixes" it for another 10-15 minutes. We need to figure out the cause and get a real fix.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Nope. Disabled it and still getting massive drop in performance :(


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
Nope. Disabled it and still getting massive drop in performance :(

let's try something radical then, I have disabled entirely the disk I/O of the UI, that means no ECPlaysound (and all that is attached to that), and no cartographer. Let's see if it's a problem of disk writing...
if it's not that I can only start to chop everything to pieces removing all the features until we find the cause...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
dangit, I just tried it and no change at all, same lag, no difference, sorry.

Went into the Eodon Myrmidex Pit, worked the 1st wave and 2nd wave and got into shamans on the 3rd wave (about 30 minutes) and bang, same old stuff - bad lag .

I did not open map nor paperdoll, tried to leave it just as it was first when I opened the game

Edit: Just went to Ilshenar Humility spawn with rats, and if possible it was even worse, I didn't even get thru the first level until i was lagging so bad I almost died.
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UOEC Modder
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well, at this point I can restore the disk I/O... the really weird thing is that doesn't happen to everyone :|
Anyway it's not a basic feature so it must be something small :/


Lore Master
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I'm generally running Pinco's with just the default options. I've turned the items on in my paperdoll slots, and I'm using grid containers. I've turned off the enhanced item descriptions. That's about all I can think of that I've modified, except for 6 hotbars 12 each. I don't have any complicated macros.

And yet, doing 3-4 treasure hunts in a row I begin to lag badly. My macro to swap to my luck suit and back is instantaneous at first, but after an hours it can take 4-5 seconds. When that happens, I invis, exit the game, and log back in, and the lag is gone. For another hour, that is.

Don't know if any of that helps, just sharing my experience.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Pretty much the same as me dizzy. Grid view on every container and corpses. Mobiles limited to red, blue, grey and the standard dockspots (5 mobiles each).

I also use the old "wall of text" item descriptions.


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
it could be an option active by default too...
What we know is that it's something not present in the default UI and also it's not: containers, mobile bar, overhead text, chat, ecplaysound (or anything related to the disk i/o), containers (loot included), map, gumps, item properties (new and old style), character sheet.

We still have paperdoll and the hotbars (that are not that different from default), and many tiny options...


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After reading about the hotbars and paperdoll, i unchecked all my mobile bar boxes so that no mobile bars come up and closed the paperdoll and went to the Pit. I do believe the lag was slower to come and seemed less severe when it did but this is certainly not a comprehensive test. I really went slow into the spawn because I was crashed to desktop almost immediately after arrival and was being super careful. i crashed again 2 times while doing the spawn when there was no apparent reason other than moving. The crashes could have been what slowed up the lag too because it resets the game. I don't think the crash had anything to do with your UI, I get same when I use the default client. I'll do more testing and hope I'm helping.


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Pub 94 brought new recipes...

The 19th Anniversary statues don't require any special resources, just the recipe and a crap ton of bronze ingots.

The new Kotl stuff requires special materials:

Kotl Black Rod
Black Moonstone - ID: 40106 Hue: 1902
Staff of the Magi (black staff) -ID: 3568

Dr. Spector’s Lenses
Black Moonstone - ID: 40106 Hue: 1902
Hat of the Magi (wizard's hat) - ID: 5912

Kotl Automaton
Automaton Actuator - ID: (Need 5 more artifacts to buy this)
Stasis Chamber Power Core - ID: 40155
Inoperative Automaton Head - ID: 40369