I can't say that with any authority of course, Llewen, but when I posit the notion based on the discussion here, and also note that the EC accepts and employs the same scripting language, then folks listen. The belief that the EC is a disabler is among several puzzling widely held beliefs in UO that run counter to fact.
But as my favorite American statesman said nearly 250 years go, "Facts are stubborn things."
I'd like to learn how to be more effective in the game play aspect of UO and this UI helps. Playing effectively is rewarding because it helps build the social bonds and camaraderie that form the chief reason why I enjoy online games.
I understand and respect people drawn to it as primarily a solo activity made fuller because other people are in the same digital world. But, for the life of me, I simply do not fully understand, nor do I respect, people who think they're special and entitled to heap abuse on others because they're good at playing a computer game. It's a gratifying, it takes cunning and effort but it's hardly a notable human achievement. To listen to them you'd think they'd demonstrated the courage and skill of an Alaskan or Canadian bush pilot.
"there is not a buff/debuff timer, the timer is shown on the hotbar icon like the bandages"
Sorry, Pinco, but I read this as saying that there isn't a buff/debuff timer but there is. Perhaps I simply woke up on the "thick" side of the bed this morning....happens to me a lot