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OT feelin' a lil' down


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The guy whose worth a womans tears isn't the one who makes her cry them...

all you nice guys... remember that... if nothing else.

imported_Daan Mor


Says the man who has a storm trooper humping air as his avatar.

[/ QUOTE ]



well, I am feeling better. Each day is getting better than the last.

I finally slept a full night last night.

I just never thought it would have happened to me. But [censored] happens for a reason. You guys may be right, I am better off without that cheating [censored]

Now I can die alone



Just hold on to that happy thought. [/quote



You can tell those are Kelmo's sheep they have the fear in their eyes.



Sorry to burst your bubble but not all women are interested in jerks nor the *bad boy* image or other trash like em. Same for some men they not interested in dime store street trash. People of any gender that prefer not to use and not to be used will not settle for less. Others are apparently not so fussy or just have short term priorities in seeking a mate *male or female* alike. You GET what you settle for sometimes...and ya get what ya dished out back at you when folks just treat others superficially or as objects or like some alien species to use or abuse.

I wanted an HONEST man. I was not going to settle for less than that in a relationship with me..goes for friends to.. I just prefer honest folks. My father was my image of what a man should be could be and was. He was a good man, a loyal man and an honest man..whom sought that in woman..and he only found one that qualified he married her..ie my mom. They were married to each other for over 40 yrs till dad died.

I wanted an HONEST man, a good man, a loyal man, an independant man that didn't follow the stupid crowd like a mindless zombie of what ever is in atm. I met a lot of toads,no prince I met a lot of spiteful guys that some one hurt them so they were out to hurt every female ..no matter her innocence. I met the bad boy of image..whom usually ended up a lush and woman beater dog beater kid beater ..etc. But nothing turned me off faster than a darn liar !! I walk out the door never look back. I began to think in my generation finding an honest guy would probably never happen. I figured I would be single for forever but I wasnt going to lower my standards or..hopes.

So there I am bout 22 and I meet this guy, and he was angry about some one chicky that he hoped was ok but that she only lied to him. oooh I thought
He said he didnt think it was that much of a rarity and figured he would never find an honest lady. Well hellsbells, we hit it off, and we cherish the same things like honesty, not using others, and lots more. And we got married even after 3 yrs of stalling out of fear to take that serious of a committment but we did so. It has been 34 yrs.SAME man same woman for him NO lies no cheatin no dishonesty nothing but ultimate trust that is never shattered and loyalty. WE dont even have to worry we know the trust is there and its massively deep between us. And no.............a really decent *nice man* is not at all boring !~
Boring dont keep a marriage alive 34 yrs ..tis far from boring !!

In the end we all get hurt we all get used ..and then we go out and lash out and hurt the *gender* enmasse that one or more stupid ones hurt us so now we gonna go hurt all of em back..men do this women do this...it wont fix the pain and they are just making more miserableness for self and others by continually feeding the gender dis' wars !! *kinda childish too* YOU get what you SEEK or want or really treasure only if you are willing to seek it want it and also give it.......for both of ya. 34 fricken years ..yall can say what ya want do what ya want but if ya want the real deal.........dont strike something that may be hurting as much as you from some jerk that hurt them...instead try to LOVE and be honest and not stab em all back for the errors of some, seek the ones like yourself needing what u need give and take, dont settle for less and..ya may find it lasts 34 + yrs. two way street of ..............nice and NOT boring, being like ONE yet two together, for decades together !

And no it is not *generational* ...we have 3 grown adult children ..they been all hurt ..they didnt lash out to strike that other gender all of em just cuz or for the jerks they met of a gender that hurt them..nope they healed up..and went about living and.. fishing again. The three of em seem to be doing pretty well in that department too.

If a woman or a man really do not want a decent partner ...nor are willing to act that way in kind......chances are all they will get is one nite stands and empty relationships for...use convenience but never nothing deeper or lasting cuz they didnt WORK FOR IT/ nor LIVE it them selves. One must live what they also hope to find in another, *to be found/ or to find* the match for us, so either people give up stay single, not riskin the heart again, or cant open up, to risk, nor want it badly enough, easier to hurt or just stay in our shell. Love and long time lasting relationship takes patience forgiveness love and lotsa work ! We all run into the users the hurters.........the jerks of both genders.......choice is simple descend to their level, keep regretting losing someone that isnt worth our time fretting about no more move on, or keep on trying to achieve more or BETTER and to find same in someone else like ourselves with their priorites in sinc with our own !

Either way..one has to open themselves up to risk being hurt again, by another person in hope still, to maybe find yet one time someone, somebody just for our self that is NOT lashing out hurting and using everyone else just cuz they got hurt, and visa versa .. &amp; a long trusting relationship or marriage can then born, if we and another we meet, if one can stop stabbing, paying back with resentment to hurt the entire other gender ..cuz we got hurt. That behavior won't garner a mate...least not a lasting one, for any of us.

So laugh or scoff all yall like but .. we met when we were young and been hurt, seeking very little save for honesty and decent kindness in someone we hit it off with, we found each other, and he still respects and loves me, and I still respect and love him.. 34 yrs and counting together, as one.


so you are saying that there's hope for me to find a woman who will be honest with me and really mean it when she says "you're the only one"

I got lied to over and over again by my ex and it came to the point when I KNEW she was lying and I believed her I even apologized to her for doubting her ! I feel like a fool, she manipulated me bad. So my self worth, dignity, pride, confidence is shot.

I just don't know where I can find a girl who will love me as much as I love her

as of this moment, it's a fairy tale


well, I got all her pictures and stuff and had a nice bonfire in the backyard, I swore I saw ghouls and [censored] escaping the flames


*chuckles* EBIL BISHES! ... like a bad version of EB *shudders*

And glad you're feeling better, no you won't die alone ya dork, and yes there's still hope to find an honest woman at least. *chuckles* Just like there's still hope for me to find an honest, FAITHFUL man....... I know slim chance but hey it could happen
Either way I aint worrying over it... gives me wrinkles and who wants wrinkles in their 20's huh?! hehe

And before ya'll even start, no aint talkin bout Spyder


Beautiful story Queen, but let's get one thing straight right now.... All men look at other women, you may not see them do it, but trust me, they do. The second a woman takes her eyes off a man while in public, his eyes go straight to another woman. This is a proven fact, and men have no control over this lust. But don't smother him by looking at him every second to check and see if he;s checking out another woman or not, just give him that! After all, he's only looking, and you're only making him want to look even harder by trying to prevent him from looking.

What makes me mad about most women is the fact that if a beautiful woman walks by a couple, the woman ALWAYS looks at her man to see if he's looking or not. I mean come on, if you noticed her beauty, then you can be DAMN SURE he did too! But don't worry, he aint gonna leave you gor a beautiful woman, cause he knows this type of woman i not marriage material, but only a sex object.

The world would be a better place if women just accept that at some point, her man will sleep with another woman. Just let it go, and move on your life.
In the end, all you will do is leave him for cheating, then find another man who you think will not cheat, then 10 years down the road it happens again. At what point do women just give in to this, and stop losing good men to this curse? In defense to all men, and I do mean ALL...do you women actually think for one second that when a man marry a woman, that he's thinking in his mind that *this is the last woman on earth I will ever sleep with*? Don't be ridiculous. That's just crazy. Just learn to enjoy the time you have with the man you love, and stop worrying about who he lust over, or sleep with. And if ANY man on this board denies any of this, then it is that man who you need to worry about, for he is a lying sack, and you CANNOT trust a liar.hose are the men you need to worry about, not the ones who openly admit that he will more than likely cheat on you someday, at some point, under the right circumstances. if any of you women's man tell you diffrently, dump his ass, cause you cannot trust him, cause he's a liar.

On the other hand, there are women out there who accepts this concept, and actually go as far as to help the situation by bringing other women home to feed her man's desires and fantasies. this is what I call a good woman, as she understands the man's needs, and accepts this little fact of life. She is a good woman, and she knows how to keep her man happy. After all, isn't that what it's all about?


Sorry hun, we dont cheat we respect each other too much to do that ..and we donot cheat because neither one of us is bringing home the crud, to give to the other. You assume all men cheat ! YOU ARE WRONG ! And you assume all women will too again wrong. And we do not *HAVE TO* keep our eyes on each other like some fricken guard dog watching the other like insecure jerks either, we got trust. You assume all men cheat and women should just get over it cuz men are what weak nymphos..sorry my guy is NOT a weak wuss whom isnt in charge of his mind over body or cravings or lusts or whatevers yu seem to think men auto have that makes em hoes. Sorry not all men cheat nor all women, sorry you can not fathom that concept or reality or truth.

My family those men and their women were very stable and damn LOYAL too. You see there are more things that matter to some people than a hop in that sack ..with some...body. RESPECT LOYALTY LOVE, mutual. I realise people whom may have that lifestyle where only their lust rules, cheat and they may assume that what rules their heads, rules every one else's too. It does not, &amp; some things mean a hellava lot more than a romp in the hay with some ..body. He dont cheat nor do I ..you may never believe that ..oh well you wont fathom it I guess but some people value each other too damn much to be run by just their lame hormones only ! WE and I mean we can see a handsome or beautiful bod or face on some one ..together we may comment on how pretty or handsome or built that one or this one is..but ya see we see that as a gift that God gave em, that is all, not as some object to jump on with hormones acting stupid.

He isn't a hoe, nor am I. As for the looking..har we look TOGETHER be in a mall where ever and say "woot lookie that one" ... we and laugh giggle, watching whatever gender fall over their faces acting like an idiot, staring at a pretty or handsome face. We see thru our eyes, we just happen to feel thru our heart more for each other. If you think all men are cheaters or too damn weak to resist some *body* or lusts, then..when he comes home from work tomorrow, I will have HIM tell you with his own words, what a loyal honest man is like and WHY he is perfectly happy to not hoe around on me nor I on him ever !


Yes it can happen, it does happen. It just will be damn hard to *risk* again, as it is with any of us to risk again after being hurt cheated on and or lied to. But unless we dare to take that risk, to become hurt again, we will never perhaps find that..special one whom ..WON'T hurt, or stab or jab another one's heart and dignity. The world is full of walking wounded whom continue to act like hurt or become hurt..perpetuating the pain. Some day, maybe some will wake up to figure out that isn't the way to go, to find a real relationship of value !


We definitely have diffrent views about this, and maybe that's because we come from diffrent worlds, or from diffrent times. Who knows, maybe it is I who is deprived of what you and your hubby have. *shrugs*....I only preach what I experience, and what I see, as I'm quite sure you do the same. Personally, the kind of love you speak of, I have only read about, and never witnessed it in real life. I am from a world where divorce rate is about 80% or higher, so you can see how and why I see things the way I do, it's all around me. And maybe you are surrounded by just the opposite. There are all kinds of people in the world, but I have yet to witness the kind of man you speak of. But it's of minor importance rather I agree, or believe what you say, what is of major importance, is that I respect you, your views, and your determination. If what you say is true, then I am happy for you and your family, I may even envy you, who knows. But until I see the kind of love you speak of, I CANNOT, and will not allow myself to get caught up in believing that this type of love exist. Cause as soon as I do, I will be making a thrread similar to this one. That [censored] Tigs is going through is really hard to cope with, some people may view this thread as a joke or whatever, but I take Tigs thread very serious. So why set myself up for disappointment? This is one of the VERY few times I'll have to live by Drax point of views, hurt them before they can hurt you.

It's a dog eat dog world out here, I do wish I was brought up in your kind of world, but unfortunately I was not. I have to have the mindset that I have in order to survive out here. Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.

P.S. ... I always did like hearing your views on topics.


*giggles* after 34 yrs. I KNOW exactly what he would say to you !

Here ya go...this man DONT CHEAT and he would say :

"Let's get one thing straight son lemme make myself perfectly clear to you, right here and right now....



Thought I ran into you down on the street,
Then it turned out to only be a dream,
I made a point to burn all of the photographs,
She went away and then I took a different path,
I remember the face, but I can't recall the name,
Now I wonder how what's her name has been...

Seems that she disappeared without a trace,
Did she ever marry old what's his face,
I made a point to burn all of the photographs,
She went away and then I took a different path,
I remember the face, but I can't recall the name,
Now I wonder how what's her name has been...

Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!
Remember, whatever,
It seems like forever ago!
The regrets are useless,
In my mind,
She's in my head,
I must confess!
The regrets are useless,
In my mind,
She's in my head,
From so long ago!

And in the darkest night,
If my memory serves me right,
I'll never turn back time!
Forgetting you, but not the time!


this is my jam for the time being

Greenday - whatsername


I wish sometimes we could forget them, but I don't believe that ever happens. We learn, we move on, but it never goes away perma like. Days years go by ya never think of that person ever cuz you did heal up and move on. Then you run into someone say your own child whom ends up hurting by some jerk same way, and with tears in your own eyes you say...yeh been there done it, let me tell you about ............and then you tell them about the one that did you so wrong. If nothing else it, helps us to empathise with someone else whom got hurt and is still hurting.

The guy I went with for a couple of years before meeting my hubby, was engaged to that other guy for 2 yrs. Then he hurt me like no one ever had done before, and revealed to me what a true arse he really was. To this day I can not even think of any other guys that stabbed me as badly as that one had, so much so was the broken heart all I wanted to do was die, suicide was all that was on my mind just to kill the pain cuz nothing else was working. If it were not for my father helping me thru that pain, *mom too* but more my dad, I probably would not even be alive today. Nah ya never really forget..3 even 4 decades later you might be consoling your own kid who got tore up out there, and you tell them a tale of a true story how even their own parent just wanted to die, after a relationship gone brutally cruel that it hurt ya so bad ya just wanted to die to get out of the pain. The tears will return, like a waterfalls remembering that one above and beyond all others that hurt and stabbed ya the most. :*(

I shut down inside, I had no intention to ever risk again, way too painful too darn risky. Then I met that one, so special, so honest, so loving and so kind, loyal too he was hurting I was hurting we took a big risk together to dare try to love and be loved by someone just once more again and it did turn out fine ......... 34 yrs. of good with hubby...but I can still remember that one, and still cry &amp; if there is a loving God and any justice for any of us, after this life and this world, may he, that one that hurt me so bad back then, well may he just perma rot in hell !! HAHA
I don't think we ever forget those that hurt any of us so badly, we just have to bury it all over time to ease that pain, and then try not to let it/ or our own hurt baggage then, react to mess us up with someone else later on that might be a good one for us, and move on with our life.

So yeh sometimes we can take that mess, use it for helpin even our own kids one day to tell them about it, so they too see, that there probably is not any one not even their mom or dad that hasn't been hurt left emotionally bleeding all over the place so hurt ya about want to just die rather than go on at all, but in the end we can not give them that much of a victory over our own lives. They're not worth it. I don't believe we forget. But maybe we can use it, decades later even, to help someone else to heal up.



And before ya'll even start, no aint talkin bout Spyder

[/ QUOTE ]

Bah... *cancels the flowers and chocolates order*



You can tell those are Kelmo's sheep they have the fear in their eyes.

[/ QUOTE ]



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

If a woman or a man really do not want a decent partner ...nor are willing to act that way in kind......chances are all they will get is one nite stands and empty relationships for...use convenience but never nothing deeper or lasting cuz they didnt WORK FOR IT/ nor LIVE it them selves. One must live what they also hope to find in another, *to be found/ or to find* the match for us, so either people give up stay single, not riskin the heart again, or cant open up, to risk, nor want it badly enough, easier to hurt or just stay in our shell. Love and long time lasting relationship takes patience forgiveness love and lotsa work ! We all run into the users the hurters.........the jerks of both genders.......choice is simple descend to their level, keep regretting losing someone that isnt worth our time fretting about no more move on, or keep on trying to achieve more or BETTER and to find same in someone else like ourselves with their priorites in sinc with our own !

[/ QUOTE ]

You know... I was following you all the way up to here.

I'm not saying I don't want a decent partner... but I fit these shoes you've tied here... on the outside, but not on the inside. I can get along with anyone... however I personally don't believe I'm ever going to get married. I believe this because I don't believe the woman I want is out there... shes gotta be pretty damn fookin perfect and its unrealistic... so-so is the thought of marriage for me...

For one I need to be attracted to the person I'm with... ESPECIALLY before love... after I fall in love who cares (cause I been there where my girlie gained 75 lbs from when I met her... and I still loved her and still found her sexy) but I still need a good looking girl. I need a girl who is smart, honest, athletic, adventurous (I've literally traveled the world... I can't be with someone who wont step on a plane.) cultured, spontaneous, darring, kind, serving, faithful, gentle, craftsy, ballsy, and mature.

I need all of these things because I am all these things. You were extremely lucky Zen... I say this because when two people are together... they can either grow together or grow apart. Now I know the growing together has a lot to do with the energy you invest into the relationship... but you know, sometimes it's just not. We go through many stages in life... I unfortunately got into a serious relationship durring one of those stages... and that stage was going from being a child to being an adult. I was with the girl for 4 solid years... we went into it as kids and came out of it as adults... only not adults that were compatable. We loved eachother (and still love eachother to an extent) but it just didn't work... not because of us but because of circumstance.

You can not control who you are with is going to be themselves as a person. You can know, understand and respect who your with... but you can't control them. It's a two way street... sometimes with detours (in my case) but either way... you just can't get too far off the path your both taking cause sometimes theres just no comming back.

Now it's been 2 years since we broke up... she's married now but I'm not. I don't just go sleeping with any broad that crosses my path. I have 3 girls because each have qualities about them that I enjoy... I enjoy their company and they mine... however not a single one of them is what I want for myself forever... just for right now. I am honest... I hate liars... that is why they all know the situation... what I'm about... what to expect and why they're all cool with it. Honesty can only lead you to what you want... not a long lasting relationship. Sure... if what you want is a long lasting relationship, honesty can lead you to one... but honesty can never guarantee that a relationship will last forever.... that is a matter of circumstance. And you should be proud of what you got there Zen, this is your world... live it.

I am...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know Half Dead... When you were posting this:


Beautiful story Queen, but let's get one thing straight right now.... All men look at other women, you may not see them do it, but trust me, they do. The second a woman takes her eyes off a man while in public, his eyes go straight to another woman. This is a proven fact, and men have no control over this lust. But don't smother him by looking at him every second to check and see if he;s checking out another woman or not, just give him that! After all, he's only looking, and you're only making him want to look even harder by trying to prevent him from looking.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't think you were being entirely serious... then I read:


We definitely have diffrent views about this, and maybe that's because we come from diffrent worlds, or from diffrent times. Who knows, maybe it is I who is deprived of what you and your hubby have. *shrugs*....I only preach what I experience, and what I see, as I'm quite sure you do the same. Personally, the kind of love you speak of, I have only read about, and never witnessed it in real life. I am from a world where divorce rate is about 80% or higher, so you can see how and why I see things the way I do, it's all around me. And maybe you are surrounded by just the opposite. There are all kinds of people in the world, but I have yet to witness the kind of man you speak of. But it's of minor importance rather I agree, or believe what you say, what is of major importance, is that I respect you, your views, and your determination. If what you say is true, then I am happy for you and your family, I may even envy you, who knows. But until I see the kind of love you speak of, I CANNOT, and will not allow myself to get caught up in believing that this type of love exist. Cause as soon as I do, I will be making a thrread similar to this one. That [censored] Tigs is going through is really hard to cope with, some people may view this thread as a joke or whatever, but I take Tigs thread very serious. So why set myself up for disappointment? This is one of the VERY few times I'll have to live by Drax point of views, hurt them before they can hurt you.

It's a dog eat dog world out here, I do wish I was brought up in your kind of world, but unfortunately I was not. I have to have the mindset that I have in order to survive out here. Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.

P.S. ... I always did like hearing your views on topics.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now now hold on man... lol

I think I gotta have a serious sit down with you...

Ok, from my impression, I don't think you know what you want (RE: see the dime piece part of the post you posted a bit ago.) Here's the problem, you want what other people want... not what you do. The reason? I don't know... I'd wager it has something to do with past experiences and pain that make you unsure if what you REALLY want is worth trying to go after.

Has you or anyone else ever wondered why for a lot of people... even if they get divorced, they wind up marrying and in the same fookin situation they left?

(think about that before I offer an answer, k?)

Most people in this world... go into a relationship wanting one thing, then they come to find out that what they REALLY wanted might be inside what they started but for all the wrong reasons. That is why "hookin up" leads to the ****tiest relationships... because of all the issues that it carries with it. There isn't trust because if I could sex this girl on the first night... what can the guy I'm walkin next to do? You've created an insecurity of your own in your own head... EVEN if the girl wants you as bad, wants to be as faithful to you as you do her, wants to be your girl... shes gonna be trash.

I made a post a long time ago about the way I think parents suck at raising their children. Now would be a good time to go back and read it...

Your on a really self destructive path man... cause one day a pancake is going to trap you. It's inevitable... you will forgive your past experiences even if you don't ever forget them... the second you do, if you hadn't taken the time to UNDERSTAND THEM and UNDERSTAND YOURSELF and WHY IT REALLY HAPPENED...

You will make the same mistake twice. There's no handbook to this [censored]... I've been debating in my own head if I should write one. Everyone I know comes to me for relational advice... and from what I've been told the reasons they do is because I don't give them advice... I give them reality. They listen to their inner selves and find the advice they need... which is what I hope you can do too.

The vast majority of women are trash... they are the giggly, "just kidding" ditsey broads who's personality is even more shallow than the layers of make-up they apply to their face. However, the good girls... the genuine girls... the girl that I want is out there... I just don't have high hopes that I will encounter her. Partly because of my lifestyle (I travel so much... I've never been anywhere long enough to even lay a single root down.) So don't get it twisted to thinking it's impossible.

You want to know why it seems to have that kind of love is so hard HD? It's because most guys don't know how to make a woman feel like a woman. In mind, body and spirit... guys for the most part are absolutely STUPID when it comes to this... some get the body part down, but can't ever make a girl feel like a girl in her mind or soul... some get the mind but can't touch the body because they're too selfish and into making their own feel how it should... instead of letting the other do it.

A relationship (a meaningful one) is taking bits and pieces of you and laying it in another persons hand to hold, nurture and protect... that is what TRUST is... not trust that they aren't going to cheat... that's just a bi-product. TRUE trust... is taking it and giving it away and not looking over their shoulder every other second to see what they've done with what you gave them. Vice versa too ladies... That is why breaking up sucks so much... because you gave it to someone and they [censored] with what you consider precious...

but lets be real... the reason why most relationships here suck is because people set themselves up to trust... but only trust on conditions and look over the shoulder every other second to see if the other is doing what YOU want them to do with your stuff... that's selfish, destructive, and the reason why relationships don't work. That is why the girl looks at you to see if your looking at other girls... she didn't give you [censored] of hers... but she's testing you to see what you do with what she DID give you... she's a selfish pancake and you shoulda knew from all the tell tale signs that she was... that was your fault for getting caught up.

Now how can you blame her and all the others... for your own mistakes.

What Queen was saying to you (and all the other readers) was that... you need to find someone who you can take those bitty pieces of you and give them to that person... and trust them to do the right things with them. You will find it... if you want it.

The problem is though, that you don't know what the hell it is you really want.

*tips hat*

This was longer than what I thought it was gonna be... but certain things needed to be said.


I think also some things else need to be compatible too in a relationship or chances are it wont work out either..one of those being that other H word. Humor. Some people have very little of it. Some are blessed with a lot of it.
I don't have a recipe there, but I know that my husband has a lot of it, and so do I. I don't think we would like to be married to a person that is a stiff stick in the mud never humorous kinda person. Some folks maybe get along ok with a big difference in their humor levels, but they probably work out better together as couples, if their humor levels are/were more compatible together.

Just guessing, not any professional shrink, and it may not be the case; but even with my grandparents marriages and my parents marriage, twas a lot of humor there with each other, 'not at' the other, so they had long marriages. I and hubby too have lots of humor, we seem to be lasting too because we do have that same high humor level together. Pft it might just be us too, we look or know some people and we can not help but to wonder how some folks even survive life at all, when they seem to lack so sorely in a sense of humor.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah... but you gotta remember, (something I've noticed and use myself) if a girl likes you (really likes YOU) she'll laugh at your jokes no matter how corny, stupid or lame they are... and if they aint lame and corny and genuinely funny... she'll be rolling!



good reading

really useful information. I stopped drinking! So I'm just gonna take my time and find the right woman. hopefully....lol

I think I can I think I can I think I can



So I'm just gonna take my time and find the right woman.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or the right man....*roofles*...j/k


Yeah this is a fun post, its always interesting hearing what other people think about love and relationships and men and women and sheep.

I agree with the 'women want jerks' comment, at least early on. High school and college and even later on a lot of women want guys who are not just going to roll over for them, because they find that boring. They find a guy who rejects them attractive because in their minds they must not rank as high as the guy does on the appeal scale if he thinks they are below him, so they want to be with him to raise their appeal. It's kind of like ladder theory. At least guys are more honest about it, they like girls who are hot, early on anyways.

I think eventually everyone wants someone they just wont be bored with, someone they can always talk to and look forward to seeing even if they've been dating/married forever. They just don't think that that is possible or even realize it. You can be friends with and have fun with a lot of people, but who is the one person you know you would want to spend forever with? Most people I don't think even have that 'one person', and they don't even realize what thats supposed to be like, which is sad.

Theres nothing wrong with screwing around for a while anyways. Date a bunch of people, go have sex, wear a plastic baggie because this part is supposed to be about fun. Just have a good time. You only get one life anyways.

Dor of Sonoma


I need a girl who is smart, honest, athletic, adventurous (I've literally traveled the world... I can't be with someone who wont step on a plane.) cultured, spontaneous, darring, kind, serving, faithful, gentle, craftsy, ballsy, and mature.

[/ QUOTE ] You just described me.

While I would like to consider myself as unique, I doubt that I am.

We exist. We are not mythical creatures. We are out there, so do not give up on your ideals.


just got a phone text message from the ex which said "I should have left you a long time ago"

wtf lol

*flexes* I'm the [censored] and every [censored] woman wants me!





I feel sick to my stomach now

I know I shouldn't have done it, but I went to look up at her account at match.com....whereas I knew something was wrong when I read it and thus..the checking hte email and so on.....I shouldn't have had check that damn account again just now. Now I feel sick. short of breathe

I blame this all on Kelmo




I need a girl who is smart, honest, athletic, adventurous (I've literally traveled the world... I can't be with someone who wont step on a plane.) cultured, spontaneous, darring, kind, serving, faithful, gentle, craftsy, ballsy, and mature.

[/ QUOTE ] You just described me.

While I would like to consider myself as unique, I doubt that I am.

We exist. We are not mythical creatures. We are out there, so do not give up on your ideals.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummmm.. did you just hit on him?



just got a phone text message from the ex which said "I should have left you a long time ago"

wtf lol

[/ QUOTE ]

Not trying to be an ass or anything, but it sounds like she just discovered something "bigger and better".

Morgana Grim

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I feel sick to my stomach now

I know I shouldn't have done it, but I went to look up at her account at match.com....whereas I knew something was wrong when I read it and thus..the checking hte email and so on.....I shouldn't have had check that damn account again just now. Now I feel sick. short of breathe

I blame this all on Kelmo

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you have her account info?? Put a pic of a big hairy guy up there. *smiles sweetly*


Slowly, one thread at a time, I will unravel your life. Bwahahaha! Have a drink on me.



Kelmo ....... you're just fluckin creepy.... stop that!

Tigs, what'd I tell you?! Gah.... No looking at the picture, no answering texts, no picking up the phone... *hugs* don't worry one of these days you'll get it

As for Cheap..... if I knew where you lived in RL i'd come kick your bloody ass for the damned comment about just letting your man cheat! I will have you know it hurts the woman who's actually faithful more than anything else in the damned world to sit there and KNOW the man they love is sleeping with other women. Sorry but I'm gonna admit to being the idiot of the world on that lil bit. You sound like my soon to be EX HUSBAND.... "oh I dont know why I'm like that way, but I love you, please dont leave me, you're the only one I want to be with, they mean nothing" ..... that the explaination you give to your girls when you do it???? Pretty damned pathetic if you ask me. (not you the comment).

Know what makes it worse, is once you've let them do that once maybe twice (reasoning for me doing that was, because I thought it would get it out of his system..... yeah right stupid me) then they start doing it behind your back, it's almost like they just took a knife and plunged it right into your heart, especially when you find out who they were doing it behind your back with. Lets just say because of that, I won't be going to Atlanta anytime soon, cause I have no desire to see the inside of Georgia State Pen and that's where I would be cause I'd rip that lil b*tch to shreds with my bare hands and enjoy it! I'm sorry but cheating is never ok, it hurts either way... and I'm done with it. 4 years down the drain because he wanted to hold on to a childhood that no longer exists. Of course now it no longer matters, because he can sew as many oats as he pleases, I just aint gonna be around to clean up the mess later.
So don't talk to me about just let em do it.... it won't matter anyway, someone's still gonna get hurt in the end. Unless you can be faithful to ONE woman or man there's really no point in you having a relationship... and just for the record, it's really not that hard to be faithful, you just have to love the person you're with enough to know it's not ok, even if they say it is. Be grown enough to go "you know what... I have the best person right here, even if I won't do it knowing they would say its ok if I wanted to, makes them the best." So my advice to anyone is, if you want to cheat, look at the person you're wanting to cheat with and ask yourself is it really worth losing what you already have?


So Kat is a three some Ok as long as all parties say so? Just wondering because I was allowed to join a couple although that sounds a bit wierd and I would most likely deceline because well Im a person too and I don't want my feelings and such getting hurt nor the couple. Just a lil wierd quirk heh
3rd wheel if you will although It might be fun.

-Kemo "uhhh whats your hand doin there buddy


Ok Tigs... I think this thread needs to get back on track with some song lyrics to make you feel more vindictive about your ex.. was listening to this album (Soul Asylum - Let Your Dim Light Shine) tonite and thought of ya!! How could anyone who's done Winona Ryder be wrong about love?!!

Bittersweetheart - Soul Asylum

Why you always want to get the best of me
I'm like a seeing-eye dog and I can't even see
They're naked and they're following my master who is blind
And my mind's gone to pieces, I could use some piece of mind

So I picked up the pieces and I made a new start
Stole an old stiletto, started stabbing in the dark
I can't live without it, I would surely fall apart
But it's hard to make arrangements 'round a bittersweetheart

Better get yourself a little street smart
Bittersweetheart, sad but true
It's a bittersweetheart that's a hard heart to cure
It's just my bittersweetheart

It's like a suicide mission when you can't see no end
Tired of compliment-fishing and impressing your friends
I never kissed no one just to kiss and tell
It's a little bit of heaven and a whole lot of hell

In the eye of the beholder is a beautiful start
But you always seem to end up with a bittersweetheart
There's a darkness looming but the sun is shining bright
I can live to see the morning if I stay up all night

Without a shortcut, without a head-start
Bittersweetheart, sad but true
It's a bittersweetheart that's a hard heart to cure
My bittersweetheart
It's the hardest part

Are you in there, are you beating
Beating me up until I'm bleeding
How much blood can you spare

Think just a drink might get you to the good part
Lyin' in bed just a'wonderin' what to do,
It's a bittersweetheart that'a a hard heart to cure

In time inside you find you always wind up with a bittersweetheart


Or You could always just listen to the Whole CD of the Bravery. That is if you like New Wave. That CD is bad ass and well its all about love and how it sucks I listen to it about every other day all the way through. Been listening to it since i bought it like a year or so ago Hmmmm prolly longer than that. Try it or test it on the web. The Ring Song is funny Ema "original evo" And I used to have a blast singing that song together well now it seems she took it to heart LoL. The Bravery FTW. Wtf happened??

-OMEK "Puy, llits em s'tI Puy."



So Kat is a three some Ok as long as all parties say so? Just wondering because I was allowed to join a couple although that sounds a bit wierd

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummmm..what kind of couple?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

just got a phone text message from the ex which said "I should have left you a long time ago"

wtf lol

*flexes* I'm the [censored] and every [censored] woman wants me!




[/ QUOTE ]

You shoulda texted her back... "SUCKS TO BE YOU!"

Man... all your dealing with at this point is spite. Just ignore it and let her know its not ok to [censored] with you cause you no longer fux with her.

Problem solved...

Oh and the email/checking thing... thats just weird dude. Cut that [censored] out and never do it again.


I only checked her email because I was suspicious...you notice the little things about a person after 6 years. She was acting weird and I caught her on a couple of lies. Soooo...I finally found out the truth.

New Wave stuff? I'll give it a try, what are the name of the songs? so I can...umm..."check them"


The Entire list in order by The Bravery
An Honest Mistake. Bad ass song Might make you feel better does every time I hear it
No Brakes.
Tyrant. Great one for Your own reasons.
Give in.
Swollen Summer. Just an awesome SONG!
Public Service announcement.
Out of Line.
Unconditional. Great song also flows along the lines.
The Ring Song. Very cool Its about love and not conforming but looking for someone to conform with.
Rites of spring.

Well look into those the ones I recomend are the ones that have a lil text next to em. *begins listening to the CD.*

-Kemo "Don't forget about the Killers either but I think the Bravery is better for new New Wave."



1 Bar
Many Shots
Loling IRL

you're all better.

13 Pages and all you needed was this???

Oh and if you don't drink, start.

Morgana Grim

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I only checked her email because I was suspicious...you notice the little things about a person after 6 years. She was acting weird and I caught her on a couple of lies. Soooo...I finally found out the truth.

New Wave stuff? I'll give it a try, what are the name of the songs? so I can...umm..."check them"

[/ QUOTE ]

i must say i agree with Draxous on this one don't look in her email again.....unless like i previously posted you are going to do something mean and hateful *shrugs* Cause really suspicious of what ? No need to worry about it now. Oh better text message back would be.......yeah i wish you had of too save us both the trouble.