Larisa while you do agree the saving was a good move you want her to make more and for all.....
I am about to put my devil's advocate hat on...
Captn N grit your teeth hun im about to say something that has needed to be said for a long time so if I step off the path forgive me they need this more then the rules of conduct.
For those of you who don't like long winded posts read it anyway...
1. This item should not exsist period.
Had this been any other LP it would have been instant destroyed and the houses and anything no matter who it belonged to lost to the Dev's hand who deleted it. They would not even listen to one request.. it was not meant to be in game perma.
You all know this as fact if you have been in UO for the most part before Mesanna was named LP.
She should have set the house ablaze and the lots not useable period. She still can if you all keep this garbage up.
The fact one does and it was begged like mad to the lady in charge to save it comes to mind.
The things this producer has done to help and keep you all happy has not slipped my notice.
Mesanna has bent over backwards, inside out and upside down to get you all a better game and all I hear is complaints.
The few pats on the back and a well done are so few...
I am ashamed of you.
You all agree that the things Clops took, bought with ill gotten gains, created with gain in mind, and so forth.. are not up for gifting out.
I got wind of something i was super angry about... Rumor has it many e mails went in with phony claims on things in clops house's.
For those of you who do not know of how things in a computer coding works.. everything is traceable.
It just takes a bit of time to back track an item. Shame on you.
I have asked if some could be used as deco at the EM hall as some was event items.
I regret I asked her for that, she should destroy it all as a sign that it will not be tolerated.
I am sorry you all feel "Save them" is an option.
Now the lady does "SAVE" one of them you all jump down her throat.
She instead of putting a torch to the houses of Clops she figures she would make a gift of them to some random player(s).
What does she get?
A Major headache in the inept of people to read common English.
I have seen each post for clairification of every word....
if it says a red shoe on the left foot how do you get a pair of loafers in vermilion leather??
This is how your sounding.
I would not blame her one iota If she just tossed her hands up and walked off... Your all a bunch of ungratefull children no matter your age!
One or two of you who shall remain nameless has had a stake and hammer for her heart for the last few years and its getting old... knock it off.
Who died and made you Lead Producer?
Answer : No one
Your a plain old player with grandure delusions that you can influence the game more then any other.. GET A GRIP.
You have no powers in this area and don't come off with you paid for this game and have rights... READ THE TOS
You rent use of this game with limited rights as to its content.
The game reps (psst: that's Mesanna btw) can and could at any time wipe you out and stop any return to said game.
If you don't like how the game is run all I got to say is: QUIT... GET LOST... BEAT IT...
I am so bloody tired of the mouth and attitude in this group of gimme gimmie its not funny.
Your never satisfied.
You have no reguards for the feelings of the one person you should be bending a knee to for keeping this game alive this long.
Sorry for yelling its all you seem to see.
I have played this game for over 20 years ...
The dev teams of the past were by no means this kind to the players..
For once in your life sit back and look at how you come off in your posts ...
How would this type of attitude be taken at work ?
Would your family like how you have talked in your posts to them?
Could you see yourself talking this way to your religious person you see at services?
Mesanna is a real person with feelings and a great heart for the players of UO.
You may not like all she does but she has made many happy, she has been quiet and I know how it feels to have so many things on ones plate to do.
To the mods of stratics forgive my strait forward post things are getting out of hand and this needed to be addressed.
Lady Storm
Beta player
I cant understand most of what you wrote. lol