You are all over estimating the number of vendors.
You are over estimating the amount of a single item.
You are all under estimating the number of billion gold owners.
You all don't have to believe me.
It has already been done with gems.
Look at seeds of renewal. They are pretty much at a set price even though there are bizzillions of them. In that case they reached a cost and people keep them at that cost. When someone puts a 100 out there for 50% less they get bought up and added to the collection of the guy selling the for 450k per 10.
The 2nd gouging thing is the first to find information. If Goblins blood were noted in the patch that it would be needed to make Repond slayers for the upcoming changes in Wrong (new loot). Someone could buy them up for 25k to 75k per 10 and leave the guy selling them for 750k per 10 alone.
Then he could sell them for 250k per 10 and make a nice profit.
Still I haven't found anyone telling me what items are so hard to find that without vendor search you would never find it.
I was making a point which was obviously missed.
I have had vendors for 14 years, Raven. I am not blind to, nor am I oblivious of, the mechanisms that drive UO vendors. I know how to buy up all known items...I know how to flood a market. I have had vendors for 14 years, and I have made quite a lot of gold doing them. I may not be to your level of expertise, but I feel confident in my abilities, and in my working knowledge of the system itself.
The exact point we are all trying to make to you is that a search engine would be used for pricing. That is the point. The proponents WANT that mechanism. Not just for people that ONLY browse vendors manually, but for everyone and everyone's vendor.
Once ALL people can see ALL vendors...people will know what ALL Goblin Blood is going for...not JUST the Goblins Blood that is on a remote vendor going for cheaper than the Luna vendor has Goblins Blood ALL would know what ALL Goblin's Blood is currently selling for.
DISCLAIMER: Goblins Blood is only the example here...substitute any item for Goblins Blood that you would like to.
Once everyone knows what ALL Goblins Blood is going for, and if Goblins Blood was the hot item, then people would
have to price competitively to get the sales. Having a corner on the market, which would then lead to gouging, would be ever so much more difficult if EVERY vendor in Sosaria could be searched by every person in Sosaria.
With regard to the Hot Items like Seeds of Renewal and Gems...if EVERY vendor in UO...not JUST Luna and Zento vendors could be searched...there would simply be more vendors, as I see it. More vendors could easily lead to more items being for sale...that also follows logically. More items for sale means the price must drop. It must...unless ALL items always sell out at the highest price. But
only then would the price stay the same or go up. Supply and Demand.
Currently some of the supply is simply an an unknown, unsearchable quantity. With a search engine that listed ALL vendors this would no longer be true. All vendors listed = ALL Gems and Seeds of Renewal available for perusal and possible purchase...depending on price, of course...which is the benefit of the search engine. The market would be far broader, most likely, and therefore should gain a broader supply to meet the demand...thereby leveling out prices because everyone will know what everyone else is selling and buying for. That, too, just follows a logical path. And, in that, I fully understand some folks will buy out other, speculating on a potential future demand that could produce a profit on their items. I was also a stock broker for five years, so I have some modicum of exposure to markets, and the forces that drive them, both in terms of "Long" and "Short" holdings and the profit potentials of each.
It would be far easier with a Sosaria wide search engine, then, to get traffic to even remote vendors without having to point people to your place of business. If you have items people want, even if you are right in the middle of nowhere...then people would go to those vendors. That part I know from personal experience. Currently, if a person doesn't know I have vendors in the middle of nowhere, unless they wander by them or see a rune I have left, they still wouldn't know my vendors were there, even if I had the best stuff around at dirt cheap prices. A search engine would change all that, and give everyone access to all of the vendors in the land.
I am unable to see the downside to this. At least, I would say that the ability to reduce price gouging to virtually nothing and gives all vendors in the land a level playing field to show off their wares and be an active part of the market, rather than just a "Well I will put these vendors up out here in the wilderness, and see how it goes" and then take them down two months.
In addition you keep using infinitives in regards to the searches and the perceived difficulty in finding items.
I personally haven't seen any proponent of the system say they "Still I haven't found anyone telling me what items are so hard to find that without vendor search you would never find it. ". I could have missed that statement, but I do not recall seeing that statement of impossibility. Nothing is impossible to find, given enough time, if one has to search wilderness vendors manually. It CAN be done...
do see people saying that they don't have a lot of time nor inclination to run to all vendors in the wilderness to see what they have in stock and whether they want it at the price offered.
To search manually is mostly futile, in the end, as well. A person may run the wilderness marking runes to vendor houses, and JUST as they pass through an area, a person starts a new set of vendors and the person marking vendor houses doesn't know it. If they don't run the same path frequently, they will not know the new vendors are there. It is difficult to continually check for new vendors and note them. I also know this from personal experience.
The vendors they took the time to note that had a pretty great selection could close in a week. The rune will still be in their runebook, and they won't actually know they are no longer viable vendors until they actually go back there and find that out. More time wasted.
I will close by saying that I
do concur that knowing the common price sets the common price. That was the point of the Amazon versus Picker analogy I made earlier.
To the point of a common price...I do believe the common price for all items will be more fair and much easier to arrive at with a search engine than we currently have.
I see no harm in knowing what any vendor in Sosaria has for sale without having to physically visit their home. I do not see how that makes the game more fun, and/or how it eases the entry to the game for new players, nor how it makes the game, somehow, more "Exciting to Play".
For most people it does not. Not the folks I play with, anyway.