"I tried looking, and there's nothing anywhere that says(from the devs) that the turn in items would be"
The previous rewards for the earlier events in this same story arc are what led players to believe the rewards would be on the same level. To give out Valorite hammers and Orny's in one event, then turning around and offering a shirt that says "I went to Moonglow and all I got was this lousy shirt" is a let down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed. I don't think I want to part with the more unique and insightful items to trade down (obviously it seems like this is 'Destroy the Rares of Britannia', why else trade in stuff we can't exactly get anymore to get stuff two steps and a leap down from it? -unless, of course, there is some hidden agenda down the road to praise or empower people who give away all their Staves of Pyros and the like for ...shirts...boots??) no offense Devs, but after this many years, I call it how I see it, deal with it.
I like the events, but I do not like this item-fest that is destroying our game and the attitudes it fosters both here and in-game.
I'd like a compensation set of val hammers for not being able to play during that time-limited event. Seriously. My smith is upset at EA, he's trying since BOD's came out to get one of those stinking hammers, and they give them out when he can't answer the call?
Ornys, too, huh? I missed that little detail.
Relatively lame, that they couldn't at least bring enough candy to share for the entire class. I feel like I just got to the house and found pizza boxes but opened them to find nothing but crumbs remaining.
More importantly, what can they give us for free that they aren't trying to sell us now (Green soulstones, Shroud of Shadows, ect)? Not necessarily the best business decision to give what you sell away for free unless it's limited-use or you expect a large volume purchase.
Of course, Val hammers and Ornys were acceptable to give away because EA didn't sell those, it was players who traded them, who cares if the economy gets annihilated even further, right?
If this is meant to be like the old Clean-Up system, have these rewards be for turning in gold, everyday things (junk), ect.... the way it was a long time ago, even our junk got us nice things if we brought enough of it.
Use the harder to get items for sets of trade-ins, for example, like a 'Bard Box' with hand-held instruments, a set for Treasure Hunters, Fishermen, Chefs, ect, or something exponentially cooler.
If you're going to honor UO, honor all playstyles equally. I'm sick of having to kill crap followed by killing exponentially more difficult crap (and you can stack this ad infinitum) to get any benefit out of playing. 'Kill Everything' should not be the only ultimate forced playstyle choice.
You'll have to excuse me if I'm raging due to the blatant exclusion of so many character types, skills, and flat out good players at this point (though I may speak and refer somewhat to the items, this is more a general sense of apathy and disregard for a lot of people, characters, and unique playstyles that flat out died because the game was forced into a linear direction that spawned thousands of clones of the same templates repeatedly), so I'm going to wrap this up before I make anyone too angry.
That's all the imput I'm giving on these items. Since 98, I've kept my mouth pretty much shut when it comes to feedback, so there it is.