It's a difficult subject to discuss because of the emotional response .... but Tamers always come off to me as being the hardest to discuss things logically with.
[/ QUOTE ]I can agree with that actually. I do defend my template and playstyle wholeheartedly.
In answer to your theories.. You can't just go balancing something against something else that's not balanced, you end up running around in circles.
[/ QUOTE ]I'm curious as to what would be considered unballanced? As it stands, pet dragons are woefully pathetic creatures. Even the 'ubber' dragon compares somewhat to a Cu, although the dragon would still have 150ish more HP, it's damage range is close (+3 over that of a Cu), and lacks specials moves outside of firebreath. Granted firebreath on meaner dragon is not something to ignore.
Even though I doubt a dragon of that level would be ballanced off the get go, even if it were a 5 follower pet, I still think it would be a nice addition. Tweaking pending
...most players like myself refuse to use them and those that do are ridiculed (and rightfully so). It's also a case of the idea not having spread widely enough and the skill being harder to train than say, Archery.
[/ QUOTE ]I'll argue with you about the 'most' statement. For this, I present Word of Death, Double Striking Lumberjacks, Archers from the pits of hell, Matrix like Evaders, 5/6 mages, and numerous other overpowered templates that have existed in the past,
and were abused to rediculous levels. There's a fairly large portion of PVP'rs that can, will, and do jump to the most effective template. In fact, they do it so regularly that I am willing to debate the 'hardness' of training Taming. Taming, universally, has been one of the strong and most reliably powerfull templates for a very long time. I don't think in 1v1 they have ever been considered fair, even against the best, a good PVP tamer can still win possibly much more often than not. So, train taming once, or 8 other skills... taming doesn't seem to be that hard to obtain, and since when did a PVP'r let the difficulty in obtaining a skill or item get in the way of pwnage?
in the past
This is the key part of your statement, it was in the past because it was re-balanced and now isn't possible. In practically every single case I was there saying it needed to be done, just as I am on this issue.
Now I could just be absurdly lucky, or, there's a slither of a chance, I may know what I'm talking about.
[/ QUOTE ] It's still possible. Insta kills, not so much, but special combo's, chaining etc, still have a very high DOT. A highly skilled dexer or mage hybred can still mow down even moderatly skilled players, in groups, alone, or one after the other. They still maintain a much higher level of control over a tamer, and control over your damage can be far more dangerous than damage -potential- over the long run.
You haven't been 2 hit killed by an archer under the current ruleset, unless your character is poorly designed, that's literally impossible. 3 shots maybe.
[/ QUOTE ]No, it's not litterally impossible. It -is- possible, even if it's more of a strike of luck, it can happen. 3 shots is much more likely, but that's still only ~4 seconds, and depending on other factors, you can still easily find yourself very dead before you can do anything about it. Similarly to fighting a tamer, it's not gaurenteed, but it's still very possible.
of archers, and there are swarms of tamers, you are seeing things from your individual perspective on a single server. It's my experience (and individual perspective) that the potential taming templates in my mind haven't spread all that widely, which is awesome, but it doesn't negate the fact it needs to be addressed now before they do.
[/ QUOTE ]
Granted, it is my perspective, and also, I havn't played much in a couple months. Looking at skill averages, taming has indeed gained in popularity (besides the fact it's always been a good standby template, many people have them regardless of their activities).
Yes. thanks to Nico's posts I can clearly see they would be.
[/ QUOTE ] See my.. second reply? I dont see the issue so clearly myself.
Did nico test it in PVP or something?