Whoa whoa whoa... now this is several pages is back... but this attitude is spread throughout UO and.. believe it or not... ruins the PVP just as much as it may ruin your mining.
The assumption of scritpers, cheaters, and the like. Just because a vendor has stacked flecther's kits does not make them a scripter, hacker or cheater. I for one, made an investment in this upcoming patch and bought out every vendor I could find selling runics at a good price. I now have 35 or so barbed kits, 2 flecthers (I thought fletchers were getting buffed as well), 2 aggys, a verite and a val hammer. I fully intend on selling them as quickly as possible to make a profit... so when I put more than one barbed kit a week on my vendor, does that mean I'm going to have people chasing me around calling me a scripter and hoping I burn to the ground? People are mighty damn quick to point the finger.
The whole cheating thing really does suck for everyone. I fully agree with you there. But people need to chill out with their accusations and IMO there should not only be a punishment for cheating, but also one for false accusations and downright harassment.
I play a red and I pvp. Day in and day out I am called a hacker and a cheat by damn near any blue within range... and it's extremely contageious. The fun part is - I don't outrun these players, I don't outcast them, I don't have some insane suit or weapons, or any special abilities that any other play does not have.... there basis for me being a cheater is based solely on their inability to kill me. So - I have 15 blues at the gate all hearing one person call any red in sight a cheater who then feverishly press their GM call buttons and chase me (or any other red for that matter) around everywhere we go in Fel CONSTANTLY harassing us about cheating (which I do not do). I've had many friends jailed, banned, etc on accusation alone.. so I need to worry about being banned for something I did not do because a conc blow is not the downfall of me? And its' not like I can mute that one person because it literally spreads to any blue at the gate. Removing myself from the situation means not playing uo. Paging a GM for harassment does jack.
But now... now! I have to worry about my houses burning and having blues chase me around because I have more than one barbed kit to sell?
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When we see 2 separate Bkit vendors at 2 separate luna city houses both selling 20 Bkits arranged in fours exactly the same way (2.6 mill sale price at both) and we WILL get suspicious, sure.
I think that is justified.
We SHOULD report that, it SHOULD be investigated by EA employees and if the seller is NOT cheating then he has no need to worry.