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Casual Play not really feasible after SA


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Do not get me wrong i do like the new addations to SA but how is a casual player supposed to take advantage of all the Content?

SImple Quests only obtainable once a day but take a small amount of time to do.

Stains and Baskets require plants (9 Days to grow) then items from either Critters or other means then mixing and mashing.

Gorgon Lens (i started to try and make a few of those yesturday) Have to go to the botton of the prism of light and kill unfrozen mummies (not super easy) and aquire 4 broken crystals (they have timers and not all work to make the powder, i aquired 12 and only got 2 powder) Sills needed were a way to get the crystals then alchemy then tinkering???? Now i need 3 dust to make one so that should be 12 broken crystalls per one lens.

There ant MANY MANY more area to explore that i havnt even begun to look at.

Not to mention Imbuing - looking to be a skil up there with taming to get gains on.

Like i sadi I am not unhappy just a little set back.



Social Distancing Since '97
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Gorgon Lens (i started to try and make a few of those yesturday) Have to go to the botton of the prism of light and kill unfrozen mummies (not super easy) and aquire 4 broken crystals (they have timers and not all work to make the powder, i aquired 12 and only got 2 powder) Sills needed were a way to get the crystals then alchemy then tinkering???? Now i need 3 dust to make one so that should be 12 broken crystalls per one lens.

Huh? I made mine using the crystals that spawn on the ground throughout the dungeon...They have no timer


So it'll take you a good long amount of time to see and do everything SA has to offer.

I'd say that was a good thing.


So it'll take you a good long amount of time to see and do everything SA has to offer.

I'd say that was a good thing.
Yup,what he said.

If anyone wants an easier game where everything is given to you and no work or time is required,there is always test center.

I`m not a huge fan of the instant gratification thing. I work 50-60 hours a week. Seldom have alot of time to sink into UO but I`m not discouraged by what I don`t have. I`m motivated.


Imbuing is nothing like taming as far as skill gains, it is fairly easy to get gains. The problem with imbuing is that you need a boat load of stuff to unravel and a similar amount to work on (make that a few ship loads). On top of that you have to work with each item individually, as every item is different, which is the somewhat tedious and time consuming part. It is also expensive, as you consume large amounts of ordinary gems to get gains. So you should save all of your loot in chests, lots of them, before you begin imbuing.


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Seems any of the crystal keys or crystalline fragments work for Crystal Dust. I work the Crystal Daemons for most of the ingreds besides the couple crystalline fragments I pick up off of the ground. It's not that bad after you get your groove on. Takes me about 20 minutes to get 40 Shattered Crystals and net about 30K gold after the 10K cost of admission. Be sure to take a bag of sending, hehe. Ohhh, and only use the bright blue Medusa scales that one can get while skinning her alive for 100% petrifying look immunity. She gives like 12 to 14 of them per Medusa. My stealther got the first set, and now my sampire skins her alive during each fight for the next set of Lens.


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So it'll take you a good long amount of time to see and do everything SA has to offer.

I'd say that was a good thing.
Precisely. I am thrilled with the fact that, as much as I play, I still have the feeling that I've barely begun to explore the new content.

I often casually look for imbuing ingredients. I'm having a friend imbue a particular ring for me. Every day or two I spend about an hour collecting the requisite ingredients. It's a blast.


Babbling Loonie
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Casual play is always feasible. It just takes you a longer time to experience it all, you know. I am still not entirely done with ML:)


Babbling Loonie
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I get your point, but I honestly strongly disagree.

  • Quests take a small amount of time, perfect for any casual player.
  • Plant growing is perfect for any casual player, too. You have to spend only 10 minutes a day (and you can skip days, if you want) to tend the plants.
  • Mini champ-spawns and new bosses are very suitable for the casual player as well. They take maybe 30-60 minutes to finish, or less.
  • The Underworld is the perfect dungeon for players with few time: Lots of content in small space.

Maybe you should try not to rush things, but simply take your time. There's really no point in being the first person to have 120 Imbuing or to have all dye colors. I started training imbuing as well, but I will probably be GM Artificer by the end of the year or later. So what? Actually, UO is more fun when you don't burn all the content as fast as possible, but explore one thing after another, in little steps.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Well said pike.
ive found Crystal Shards on the ratmen tinkerers in Cavern of Discarded as well, havent tried to make dust with them yet tho. What id really like is a new drop of the Shimmering Crystals so i can make the one charge soulstones :p
Even after being in the closed beta I still find myself doing something new in SA often.


Actually, UO is more fun when you don't burn all the content as fast as possible, but explore one thing after another, in little steps.
I strongly agree.

I think this expansion is more geared towards a casual player (with well developed characters) due to its modularity and broad scope of new functionality.


I don't understand. I'm playing casually. I log everyday to water my plants, but not everyday to play. UO is full of things to do for casual play, and SA adds more. I do what I like, at my own pace, and SA content doesn't look unreachable to me at all.


I Hate Skilling
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I just play casually. I was killed just yesterday by yet another SA boss.

Depends how you define feasable.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like i said i like SA guiess my casual style wasn't what you all do

And i am kinda miffed that any crystals work i spent hours working for the damn broken ones of the mummies and just now rocked out a bunch of the crystal daemons that worked :wall:

As for casual play i used to be able to stock a vendor prety easily by crafting some items or a bit o hunting nowadays any items worth selling take a concerted effort to bring to bear in any quantity to make them worth while.

True I could EASILY undercut the market to make money but :(

again just reiterating I do like and enjoy SA

Beleg Megil

Re: Like i said i like SA guiess my casual style wasn't what you all do

I hated SA at first. It has taken me just about a month to cope. I'm still not a fan of a few things, but atleast there are more challenges now. They also seem to be encouraging the "Multi-player" part of MMORPG. Its harder to solo, so I guess making friends isn't a bad thing.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
So far I've had lots of fun casually playing the SA expansion.
I know I'm way behind the curve because I'm only able to play casually... and there are some things I might never be able to do... but that doesn't mean it isn't very enjoyable.


Crazed Zealot
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Re: Like i said i like SA guiess my casual style wasn't what you all do

I hated SA at first. It has taken me just about a month to cope. I'm still not a fan of a few things, but atleast there are more challenges now. They also seem to be encouraging the "Multi-player" part of MMORPG. Its harder to solo, so I guess making friends isn't a bad thing.
It's only harder because it's new. We'll be doing everything solo eventually.