Do not get me wrong i do like the new addations to SA but how is a casual player supposed to take advantage of all the Content?
SImple Quests only obtainable once a day but take a small amount of time to do.
Stains and Baskets require plants (9 Days to grow) then items from either Critters or other means then mixing and mashing.
Gorgon Lens (i started to try and make a few of those yesturday) Have to go to the botton of the prism of light and kill unfrozen mummies (not super easy) and aquire 4 broken crystals (they have timers and not all work to make the powder, i aquired 12 and only got 2 powder) Sills needed were a way to get the crystals then alchemy then tinkering???? Now i need 3 dust to make one so that should be 12 broken crystalls per one lens.
There ant MANY MANY more area to explore that i havnt even begun to look at.
Not to mention Imbuing - looking to be a skil up there with taming to get gains on.

Like i sadi I am not unhappy just a little set back.

SImple Quests only obtainable once a day but take a small amount of time to do.
Stains and Baskets require plants (9 Days to grow) then items from either Critters or other means then mixing and mashing.
Gorgon Lens (i started to try and make a few of those yesturday) Have to go to the botton of the prism of light and kill unfrozen mummies (not super easy) and aquire 4 broken crystals (they have timers and not all work to make the powder, i aquired 12 and only got 2 powder) Sills needed were a way to get the crystals then alchemy then tinkering???? Now i need 3 dust to make one so that should be 12 broken crystalls per one lens.
There ant MANY MANY more area to explore that i havnt even begun to look at.
Not to mention Imbuing - looking to be a skil up there with taming to get gains on.

Like i sadi I am not unhappy just a little set back.