i agree with you that the loss of 1 rare item isnt the end of the world. Rares collectors started out collecting server births back in the day because thats really all there was to collect. Now theres tons. that being said, i think the main issue here is we are dealing with a set of collectables that already is the least "safe" when it comes to holding value, and desireability.
Im the first one to say that graphics shouldnt be "held hostage" just to preserve the rarity of serverbirths.
@Promathia we can see that even great memorabilia designed to be rare, like the 15th anniversary robe is never safe from the same graphic being used in a common, spawning drop. everyone who owns serverbirths (and other rares) knows items that are identical in graphic (or very similar for deco purposes), but different in name have been added to the game many many times and isnt somthing uncommon.
So we have a situation where this particular set of collectables is already "unsafe" in terms of even just "similar" items (for the sake of deco) being released. this is a known.
add to that "accident" items like the ceramic mug, exploits (like the skull mug, various bottles / flasks, etc) and situations like the cards, and well, it just adds to loss of faith in ALL server births.
So, what im saying is that serverbirths are already known to be risky, and it would probably be good practice by the devs to keep preventable slip-ups to a minimum so as not to add even more assertion that well known fact.
I think the devs did the right thing here, even tho it also wouldnt be the end of the world if they were left in if it couldnt be prevented. Im all for more deco items being added to the game, but given the scenario think those items should always have a differnent name or color.
"Cards of Semidar" would have been a perfect way to release these cards as an intended drop.