It'll affect them yes, but it won't stop them.
They do it because it takes no effort, and still gain.
Regardless of a 10 second, or 5 second delay, they will still gain.
While limiting a scripters gain is good regardless, I don't see the point unless they plan on enforcing.
[/ QUOTE ]
No one thought IT WAS ... going to stop them .. not that I've seen ... please to link any contrary evidence.
As Above ... it CERTAINLY has more than "Zero Impact" on their scrittering ways ...
AND minimal impact on Legit players ... pretty "balanced"
in the legit players FAVOR ...
As for yourself ...
HERE you state pretty clearly why
I need not consider your opinion "On This Matter" any further:
Ok, here we go.
Plucky, Arcus, anyone else with a scripter hardon;
You guys know what? You're as bad as scripters. You've got the blinders on, and makea point of being as close minded as humanly possible. Which, by the way, is far more effecient, because LOGIC would force some level of though.
Yah, cheating is cheating. Whoopdefricken doo. Ok, dang, that was simple!
I script things for myself. Yup. I cheat. Ok. Do -I- think it's wrong? Yup.
Ok then! On we go.
Do -I- care what you think about what I do? Nope. Does it bother me that you get upset about it? Nope.
So, WHY do I do it?
Several reasons. And hey, guess what, none of them make it right or wrong, they're just REASONS. You know, the WHY.
I do it to make a point. The same reason I will come here and say yes, I do it. I've spent ALOT of time checking out aspects of the game systems, and the mechanics. I know what I like, and what I don't like.
I started because nothing was done about it. Correct, what was done was putting additional limits on normal game play.
I've watched the same god damned scripter recall in and out behind my house for -YEARS-. Fing YEARS.
So you know what? Fine. I'm going to save myself a crap load frustration by doing one thing. I play for myself. I script for myself.
I will continue untill 1 of 2 things happens.
I get banned.
They deal with scripting.
Hell do both and I can move on.
And Jeremy, you should pass this onto the Devs;
Cutting their BOD running in 1/3 isn't going to fix it. The 24/7 buggers will just use more accounts. You seriously didn't think that cutting their speed by 2/3rds would really do anything did you?
End result will be EA gets more money (from the scripters), and legit players will get stuck dealing with a 10/5 second timer.
And that 10 minutes may not seem alot to you, but it adds up, and it's 10 minutes of 'corner time' for something they didn't do.
You want to slow scripters? Get original, get harsh, or log activity based on a tolerance.
Player mines up 5k ore in a day? Log it. (Imaginary number, pick 10k then). They do it every day, or at all hours? Watch them, make a call and ban them.
A player recalls 10 thousand times a day for a week? Check up on them, and odds are, yah got, ban them.
Someone's doing 10k+ BOD's a day, for a month? Ban em.
Seriously, there's alot of aspects to a scripter that simply are not done by normal people.
Pick the extreme end, and DEAL WITH THEM. You can't miss them, they're ALWAYS ON.
I know alot of this comes down to how much time/money can you spend on enforcement, but you're gonna have to get in there, and CHASE THEM OUT. Make a point, keep making it. I bet 2/3-3/4 of them will stop on their own accord, and you can be left to deal with the remaining.
There's -no- system you can put in place to stop scripting. There's not a tweak that'll hurt a scripter more than a average player that they actually -care- about.
9k deeds instead of 30k? Do they care? No, they arn't even there. If they want 30k, they'll still get em.
Get in here, and just beat all the extreme cases with a logging truck if you have to, but for goodness sakes, do it. There's scores of large well known scripters and operations. Shut em down.
The longer you guys try to adjust or create systems to be anti scripting, the more ungangly and unenjoyable game components you will have.
Program friendly, interactve and rewarding systems that don't relly on doing the same thing, for 5, 10, 15, 20, 485,000 times.
How about a BOD that requested a suit of certain mods? 100% LRC BOD!
Add content that's interactive, interesteing and VARIED. -Nothing- beats a script more than variance. I know you guys are capable of spicing things up, so SPICE THEM UP. Think fun, varied thoughts. Get away from the static sets of this and that. So what if a random set creates a unlikely or impossible task?
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for clearing that up for me ...