It terrifies me so many Americans actually think voting for Trump is a good idea.
Look at the life he has lived, things he has said, things he has done. How is that man a potential POTUS? It should not be an entry level job in politics. Or a job for a sociopath. His approach to nuclear weapons alone should scare the living **** out of you.
False equivalence rules strong: In red corner, you have a sociopath openly asking why US should not be using nukes since you have them. In blue corner, a woman who ****ed up with emails. Take a step back and look how ABSOLUTELY INSANE that is.
Jesus Christ.
Worst part? Among many wells Trump poisons is the overall political climate. His work here, today makes it easier for another one like him to rise tomorrow. Another swine like him with a bit more appealing bow tie would actually make it.
Good judgement, moral compass, ability to absorb, analyze or read actual news have all gotten broken in some collective fashion.. I think Internet is to blame; only the most colorful, most extreme POV is one that gets linked by one person to another. Only the extreme and outrage spreads to tweets, headlines and grows into hot topic by coffee machine day after. Almost all traditional news services feel pressured by net, and as result, feel tempted to emulate this by turning news to " news". Outrage sells. There is no longer a polar opposite, a popular counterpoint to crackpot- tier 'news' services or demented shout casting radio You don't counter Alex Jones with Fox News,rather you compliment him.
In a way, Twitter is perfect image of our time. Some extremely difficult issue distilled into three sentences of shouting. Nobody understands or reads up about the actual issue. On the other hand, nobody is so stupid they would not understand the brief message crammed in tweet. And there you have it, an opinnion is born.Then you vote based on this opinnion.
In 2040,those still alive then will read of these elections in their history books. With all the hindsight and knowledge and distance few decades afford, popularity of Trump will appear far greater a mystery than popularity of Hitler in Germany of early 1930's. Despite being an utter monster, Hitler's dark passion and devotion to what he thought as betterment of 'his people' was at least without a question. It is not hard to understand how uninformed and angry of post WWI Germany might fall under his spell. How in hell does somebody like Trump manage to charm people? Entire life of Trump underlines how he cares of one person.
That person isn't you.