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old gypsy

Grand Poobah
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The double standard has to go. And Hillary should be on her way to prison... not to the White House.



Grand Poobah
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I just hope Captains not getting his panties in a bunch, the polls are only publicly switching drastically to try and coerce more bluebies to be like OMG she's losing we have to get out and vote!! Hes been ahead in a landslide for months. The medias just trying to save face..

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Before reopening the case Trump was slightly ahead in all swing states (except Colorado.) It was going to be close. The pollsters were told by the DNC (can find at wikileaks) to raise the democrat numbers a little. The Wikileaks email on this I read asked to meet in person to get the figure on how much.

They ended up using 2012 democrat draw numbers plus some when it was clear Hillary wasn't going to attract as many as Obama did in 2012. Democrat +6 is what Obama got in 2012 they are still pulling D+8 (now D+9) actual figure was going to be D+0 to D+3.

I don't know what it will be now i haven't really been following it. My guess about now they will correct the polling to the actual figure to not make themselves look like fools. Or that is how much the DNC is going to corrupt the election. who knows. The FBI has hit a couple DNC headquarters in the last few days.

This wikileaks **** is the bomb! Love reading what they're writing about.
Read the latest: (Laura Silsby was caught stealing children in Hati. Clinton foundation when they first got there did everything they could to keep her out of prison. They even broke down the costs of these stolen children.)
Yasennia on Twitter
based around this group:
New Life Children's Refuge case - Wikipedia

I first heard about this human trafficking indirectly through Chelsea Clinton of all people. Whom actually ratted out her parents. Even she whom is flying around in a new Gulfstream jet from the Clinton Foundation thought her parents went to far.
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Grand Poobah
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Donald Trump has been a racist, lying, non tax paying
Racist? how? Media is giving you myth. There was a racists judge that was part of La Raza. Trump called him out and the media twisted his words.
Loss of income deduction is a legal deduction. He said he is going to get rid of it when he gets elected. I been complaining about that deduction forever. It's what keeps abandoned buildings left there to rot. It's a form of welfare for the super rich.

What we should learn in all this is three things.
1. The media is worthless.
2. Both parties need a better system to vet their candidates.
3. The federal government has no legal means to prosecute criminal activity at the highest levels.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It terrifies me so many Americans actually think voting for Trump is a good idea.

Look at the life he has lived, things he has said, things he has done. How is that man a potential POTUS? It should not be an entry level job in politics. Or a job for a sociopath. His approach to nuclear weapons alone should scare the living **** out of you.

False equivalence rules strong: In red corner, you have a sociopath openly asking why US should not be using nukes since you have them. In blue corner, a woman who ****ed up with emails. Take a step back and look how ABSOLUTELY INSANE that is.

Jesus Christ.

Worst part? Among many wells Trump poisons is the overall political climate. His work here, today makes it easier for another one like him to rise tomorrow. Another swine like him with a bit more appealing bow tie would actually make it.

Good judgement, moral compass, ability to absorb, analyze or read actual news have all gotten broken in some collective fashion.. I think Internet is to blame; only the most colorful, most extreme POV is one that gets linked by one person to another. Only the extreme and outrage spreads to tweets, headlines and grows into hot topic by coffee machine day after. Almost all traditional news services feel pressured by net, and as result, feel tempted to emulate this by turning news to " news". Outrage sells. There is no longer a polar opposite, a popular counterpoint to crackpot- tier 'news' services or demented shout casting radio shows.ie You don't counter Alex Jones with Fox News,rather you compliment him.

In a way, Twitter is perfect image of our time. Some extremely difficult issue distilled into three sentences of shouting. Nobody understands or reads up about the actual issue. On the other hand, nobody is so stupid they would not understand the brief message crammed in tweet. And there you have it, an opinnion is born.Then you vote based on this opinnion.

In 2040,those still alive then will read of these elections in their history books. With all the hindsight and knowledge and distance few decades afford, popularity of Trump will appear far greater a mystery than popularity of Hitler in Germany of early 1930's. Despite being an utter monster, Hitler's dark passion and devotion to what he thought as betterment of 'his people' was at least without a question. It is not hard to understand how uninformed and angry of post WWI Germany might fall under his spell. How in hell does somebody like Trump manage to charm people? Entire life of Trump underlines how he cares of one person.
That person isn't you.
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old gypsy

Grand Poobah
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I will say this once again. Hillary belongs in prison - not in the White House.



Grand Inquisitor
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I support this message! -HRC
Trump: "I’d be the last one to use the nuclear weapons, because that’s sort of like the end of the ballgame."

Matthews: "So, can you take it off the table now? Can you tell the Middle East we are not using the nuclear weapon on anybody?"

Trump: "I would never say that. I would never take any of my cards off the table."

Matthews: "How about Europe? We won’t use it in Europe."

Trump: "I’m not going to take it off the table for anybody."

Matthews: "You might use it in Europe?"

Trump: "No. I don’t think so, but — I am not taking cards off the table. I’m not going to use nukes, but I’m not taking cards off the table."

Keep preaching like a good little sheep what CNN drives into your little shallow mind. Maybe instead of parroting everything the ****ty MSM spouts off or relaying a Hillary sound byte, look things up for yourself...maybe?! Go ahead keep suggesting Donald is the second coming of Adolf Hitler, you only look and sound ********! Emails?! Ya know every so often I'll try and take a look non-biased at some of the things the other side is saying. Especially when you have a captivating speaker reiterating it as fact. So I'll do research and look things up. Find a small amount of truth, or even a whole truth. When someone who blindly supports Hillary because she's a "woman" or a "Democrat"(not an evil bigoted Republican) or "Not Donald Trump" instead of spouting actual truth and generally wasting precious carpal tunnel strength I very simply say..google it! She's a corrupt, lying, scandalous woman that would bid out our jobs, secrets, and economy to the highest fkin bidder. If your toooo blind or pseudo "holier than thou" to see that. Good luck!

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Grand Inquisitor
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Figured I'd let "normal people" laugh for a few

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This actually is collective insanity. Even the Trump quotes you'd use in his defense are horrifying. Here are more quotes from Trump talking about nuclear weapons.
9 terrifying things Donald Trump has publicly said about nuclear weapons

Also nobody is comparing Trump to Hitler, they are very different monsters. However, the popularity of Trump, the on-going collective insanity and anti-intellectualism should help everybody understand how Hitler came to power though. Sadly, Germans in 1930's had much better excuses than typical voters of Trump though.

Enjoy " doing your own research". I can only imagine the web-holes of demented paranoia that you use for that...
..and again, right there is the heart of the issue. Everybody loud enough saying things controversial enough has a venue in today's world. How true or false something is doesn't matter as much as how exciting something is. Case in point, armada of garbage videos like one linked in post below. Entire notion that Clinton or U.S would 'want war' vs Russia is utterly obscene. Yet, thousand youtube videos by some obnoxious troll factory claim just that. So surely it must be true? Information has lost it's value. Or rather, information is buried in bs.

"I'll keep you in suspense," line from the last presidential debate should be enough to make Trump a total no-go for everybody not completely tired of democracy. There isn't that much suspense involved when somebody with no political office or power of any kind loses and refuses to accept the result. But imagine if he wins. Imagine elections of 2020. Imagine President of USA 'not accepting the results' then.
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Grand Inquisitor
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I will feel very sad for you @Flagg when on the 9th you wake up to President Donald J Trump, and you have to spend the next 4-8 years living in a bomb shelter very scared for your life. I mean..when you take those comments out of context they are extremely scary..almost racist to non-nuclear warheads. Imagine how non-nuclear warheads feel being left out of the equation. I'm for every weapons of mass destruction opportunities..equal treatments! Stop the racism!

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Racist? how? Media is giving you myth. There was a racists judge that was part of La Raza. Trump called him out and the media twisted his words.
Loss of income deduction is a legal deduction. He said he is going to get rid of it when he gets elected. I been complaining about that deduction forever. It's what keeps abandoned buildings left there to rot. It's a form of welfare for the super rich.

What we should learn in all this is three things.
1. The media is worthless.
2. Both parties need a better system to vet their candidates.
3. The federal government has no legal means to prosecute criminal activity at the highest levels.
I do not think Trump himself is racist. The problem is his lack rhetoric, his want of throwing political correctness to the side, and calling people out in a very unprofessional manner gives the backwoods types the feeling that they can do the same with their beliefs. Couple that with this immigration stance, while legitimate, it's hard to deny that real racists are feeling a bit empowered right now.


Grand Poobah
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His approach to nuclear weapons alone should scare the living **** out of you
That nuclear weapons option exists? It's scary. of course it is. They do exist therefore the option exists. Trump pointed that out which is a given.

It's Hillary that said she is going to war with Russia over her Emails. It's Hillary that said after she gives the order the Military MUST launch the nuclear weapons within 4 minutes. It was Hillary that said she is going to create a no fly zone over Syria against Russia and China. It was General Clark that pointed out that Obama/ Hillary militarily taken out 7 countries working on Syria now which that report was started under Bush. (the video of General Clark saying that I gave in this thread. called "Hillary wants war")

Seven countries Hillary/Obama used the military to take those countries out. Russia AND China are both standing in her way. You tell me what is she going to do?

Captn Norrington

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With all the hindsight and knowledge and distance few decades afford, popularity of Trump will appear far greater a mystery than popularity of Hitler in Germany of early 1930's. Despite being an utter monster, Hitler's dark passion and devotion to what he thought as betterment of 'his people' was at least without a question. It is not hard to understand how uninformed and angry of post WWI Germany might fall under his spell. How in hell does somebody like Trump manage to charm people? Entire life of Trump underlines how he cares of one person.
Also nobody is comparing Trump to Hitler
These two things you wrote don't quite go together. You compared Trump to Hitler and then said no one is comparing Trump to Hitler.

Just saying....


Grand Inquisitor
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This just in(sorta)..the Father of Globalism voting for Hillary Clinton..what a shock!?

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Grand Poobah
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the voter bases of the two
Trump = Capitalist which worked with in the corporatist system in order to operate. He is now trying to unravel or gut NAFTA and TPP which is the bases of the corporatist plan for the world.

Hillary = the queen of corporatism (the Nazi's was Corporatism / socialism.) (Clinton "third way" makes it clear) She should be dressed in a NASCAR outfit with all the company logos on her.

To be clear Corporatism is the greatest enemy of the capitalist. Capitalist do not want other companies or government telling them how to operate their business.

If you would like a discussion on the history of fascism. I'm happy to help you. They officially started as Yellow socialism. Which these people branched away from Marx theory. The first to brake away was Bruno Bauer who worked for Marx and Engels. They learned to hate one another but attempted to unite as one party (Nazi's and Communist) in November 1925 Berlin. I view the two groups as Shia and Sunni coming from the same foundation the Sunnah though they hate each other.
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Grand Inquisitor
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He doesn't even remotely appear as a "Demi-God", the guy who launches nuclear war, establishment, racist, xenophobic or whatever other fun phobes y'all like to throw around like it's fact. He's is sitting well with Americans that feel disenfranchised and forgotten. The silent majority! The people who've never been particularly political throughout their lives or even really cared. He is a not a Demi-god no..he represent Americana and true patriotism and willingness to put ALL "AMERICANS" First!

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Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Some posts have been removed, and let this serve as a public warning in this discussion.... This is a clip from our rules which can be found Rules of Conduct | Stratics


Content posted on Stratics does not grant Stratics ownership of the content. Stratics does however reserve the right to edit, or remove content posted on our website(s). The following types of content are not allowed on Stratics:

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  • Content which is derogatory in nature aimed at defaming or lobbying against people of a specific culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, or nationality.

Please do not engage in conversation derogatory to any culture, religion etc. Our community is composed of people from all cultures, religions and walks of life. Please keep personal opinions regarding these people/classes to yourself. Thank you.
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Grand Inquisitor
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Sweet Forums Shhhhtuffff

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this Image, nor do I Insinuate the Stratics team does or that they condone it. It was posted solely for the intention of laughter. In conclusion I hope no rainbows were harmed in the making of this viral internet meme #NaturesLifeMatters16 #ClimateChangeIsReal

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Stratics Veteran
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He's is sitting well with Americans that feel disenfranchised and forgotten. The silent majority! The people who've never been particularly political throughout their lives or even really cared. He is a not a Demi-god no..he represent Americana and true patriotism and willingness to put ALL "AMERICANS" First!

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Yeah,it is total madness. When in his entire life has Trump said or done anything that'd suggest he would care a single iota of those disenfranchised and forgotten? Before election campaign that is, lol. Surely he is kissing babies now.

So many casting vote for Trump are basically just throwing stones through glass; nothing but protest votes. It would be far less harmful to actually go throw rocks through glasses though.

Entire experience, concept of casting a vote in something this important has suffered such a huge inflation.There are so many people just as you described; those who have never been interested of politics or cared of that side of life in any way. Does it in no way terrify you that people who know/care jack **** of politics make a decision based on crackpot tier youtube videos? Phone-in votes for reality tv shows come with more rationalied decisions and dignity behind them. Less you know, more likely you are to support Trump.
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The Enchanter
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Putting in a lock for now while this is under review.

Frankly, what was atleast a respectful, even if contentious, discussion about the election and the two candidates has delved into unintelligent accusations against the Presidential candidates and various broad-based religious accusations that just don't have a place on Stratics, even in Off-Topic.

Thread has been cleaned up. We are going to leave in the lock due to extra sensitivity with last few remaining days before the election.. There will be a poll up for this... on November 8th.

Get out and vote to make your voice heard.
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