Its comments and attitudes like those below that help prevent UO from obtaining growth vital to its survival in the MMORPG market:
"I just don't buy the whole Chicken Little thing." (pure denial)
"If you don't like UO, go find I game you do like." (This is currently happening now)
"Who is Mr. Jacobs and what exactly did he say? Can you give me a link?" (here is your link
"UO is horrible and it will die soon." (non-constructive negativity)
"i dont play the KR client nor do i plan to play the SA client, as long as they keep 2D in the game i'm good to go" (blind attitude that will never allow UO to grow)
"so thats never going to happen" (more denial, 100k subscriptions is not enough to employ UO staff indefinitely)
"due to people like me" (people like this stifle UO's potential in today’s MMORPG market)
"I'll play the SA client if it's better than 2D. If it's not, then I won't." (a common 2der's attitude that is influencing EA to ditch UO)
"I am not bashing KR but my experience with that left me bitter" (people are still bitter from AOS too and can't let go. Perhaps a RL personal issue...)
"give me UO like I pay for and bought in the first place" (Game experience may change during play and for business growth, the client must change too)
"what would be the point in accepting yet another bad product (if indeed it is bad) just so it can propigate itself?" (The answer is to make money so programmers/artists can be hired so eventually everyone can be happy. Without money, no UO.)
"I refuse to play UO:Ugly (KR). " (12+ million MMORPGers refuse to play 2d UO because it is ugly)
"Surely if that was the case there would be a formal ultimatum?" (Not likely. Did EA inform Sims Online users before they were erased into obilvion? No.)
Please understand that I wish UO to improve and remain an MMORPG. I am a realist and a RL entrepreneur. I could site many examples of how I could be wrong on this, but I could site many more example of how I could be correct. The probability of UO remaining this time next year will be greatly influenced by two factors. They are the amount of cash available to EA at fiscal year’s end, and the reasonable forecast for next year’s revenues. If the UO community is full of threats of “quitting subscribers”, there will not be enough justification for further money or time spent on UO. Conversely, if the UO community is receptive and positive to the final SA client, EA may listen.
UO has endured up to this point, but you cannot deny UO’s current staff is lacking in manpower. Money is required to hire warm bodies. EA must see growth, not flat or declining revenues. Maximum downsizing has already occurred. Most importantly, EA executive “doom saying” has already been made known to the EAMythic. Denial at this point is foolish.
Do the simple math on these round assumptions:
12,000,000 x $12.99 x 12 = $1,870,560,000 of potential MMORPG dollars to be had
100,000 x $12.99 x 12 = $15,588,000 that UO might gross is less than .09% of the market
Once you subtract inflationary overhead (servers, upkeep, bandwidth, salaries, etc.) from these figures you would see that UO is probably not profitable enough, even after the recent downsizing, for EA to justify investing further capital. Mark Jacobs has put his neck out on the chopping block and received very little gratitude from us for being able to even log in to 2d or KR today. The man receives threats from the sniveling worms of the MMORPG world all the time, but clearly is working to the best of his ability within the narrow guidelines set forth by EA.
There is only one path in which we, the UO community, can help Jacobs help us. We must continue spending money on UO when SA is released and embrace it with open arms because once EA decides to pull the plug on UO, I predict the illegal (free) servers will be shut down by EA through litigation. By using contingency lawyers, illegal UO Providers will be the last revenue streams EA will exploit before closing the door on UO forever.
The collective opinion of 100k UO subscribers must convey to EA that they believe in UO:SA so that EA will at least consider reinvesting one more time. The EAMythic staff has already done all they can do to convey this to EA. Please let UO live on by changing your attitudes and giving UO:SA the hope it requires. Give the new client praise, even if it means indulging in sacrifice, humility and compassion. If you cannot do this, UO will die. Please embrace the new client when it arrives and hope for the best.
(…and to Pojman5, stop posting in this thread if you wish to be off topic)
(If we had more attitudes like Dermott of LS, UO would be better off)