What events in PvP? Champ spawns? Nah people will still do them. Items will be cheaper to replace because you won't be wearing 20-200mil in gear so you won't mind risking it as much.
I can think of only 1 quest outside the multitude of escort quests that require you to go to Fel, and you never have to leave Guard Zone to do it.
How so? Because the PvPers finally prove they are as Carebear as everyone else? How about this if you knew it was easy to replace gear, because you didn't take valuable items there would you be less or more inclined to try PvP? If you knew you didn't have to compete with uber suits and wacked out templates would you be more or less inclined to try it?
People who run cheats and hacks die to Ganks every day I see it happen, Gank the cheaters a few times once they can't replace all the Uber goodies it won't matter they will be on a level playing field.
I don't think so, because the programs ultimately can't replace real skill as a player. Remove the uber suits/jewels/weapon combos where they have to actually focus instead of the gear keeping them alive while the script runs and Wow....how bout that you can kill them. Might still be harder but it wouldn't have the dramatic difference it does now, because Scripts don't speed up bandages, they don't remove timers on Heal pots, and not having items to boost your Hits as high means you have to deal less damage in less time to knock them out of the fight.
Possibly the best thing that can happen. But then again why would you see this as a bad thing unless you were one of the cheaters?
While opening the doors to the masses that would come back because of a Non-Item dominated PvP experience. Mainly it's the people who would be effected by a crack down on cheating that you said would probably happen and those that really don't care about PvP but more about being a jerk would be the one's leaving. Not the Players who truly enjoy PvP they would adapt as they've always done.
Meaning it what that a few bugs are created? How many patches have we seen that don't have a bug or two? Crash the Items for $$$ market, that could be a side effect couldn't it? What could be bad about stopping cheating? Even if it messed up a few things accidentally I'm sure most of the honest players would be more willing to deal with patches to fix mistakes if it ment cheating went out the window.
This proposal would only effect the Fel players, the PvPers not those that just live in Fel. PvP is not the majority player base, or play style if everyone that PvP's now left and half those that quit over desire for a pre-AoS style PvP system, which this would lean towards returned, UO would go up in subscriptions.
No, wouldn't happen that way there skippy. For it to Destroy UO it would have to remove a majority of the player base. Not the PvP minority, even part of the PvPers would stay as they don't just PvP only, or they would be willing to adapt to the changes that for some may be a desired change.
Hard to know where to start.. first off.. on the cheating programs.. that is exactly what they do.. speed up movement, healing time, casting time, movement restrictions, terrain restrictions, and game mechanics. Even with the exact same gear, and honest pvp'r can not compete. Anyone who denies that is trying to delude themselves or worse, intentionally mislead on these boards.
Secondly, plenty of peeps attempt to hold events on fel side, that don't involve pvp. These events draw peeps who rarely set foot in fel because they either don't want to be attacked or they can not compete with those who regularly pvp. TCurrently, such gatherings are often attacked and the event disrupted by the very peeps who cry about fel being deserted and/or being tired of pvp'ing against the same few peeps/guilds. Knowing you will die and loose all your gear 100% of the time you go to fel will absolutely KILL any non-pvp'rs desire to go to fel... ever.. for any reason.
Third, pvp'rs work the odds. If they figure they have a ... let's say 75% chance of losing against any given opponent.. do you think they will engage in pvp? Or do you figure they will skip the pvp? Especially if they know they will loose everything? If they know they have a 75% chance of winning every encounter, they will be more likely to pvp.
How do you think they would make those determinations? (assuming they are completely honest in their gameplay) By the gear/weapon they hold.. and that would make the prices of gear go UP not down. If I have an uber fork with 5 kick ass properties, and is faster than every other fork out there, you think I'm gonna drop that price on my vendor? Hell no.. gonna raise it to the sky limit, cause I know those elite pvp'rs have to have it Basic supply and demand principles.. Huge demand.. small supply = sky high prices.
Fourth, now let's assume all things are equal. pvp'r A has the exact same template, armor & weapon as pvp'r B, A meets B out in the field. Maybe A is a little faster on the macros. Maybe B doesn't run the same macros. A wins this battle. Takes all of B's gear.. even if it crap, he takes it, just for the ingots/leather. Pvp'r B gets frustrated. Pvp'r B goes out to the tubes of the internet and searches for "supplemental" pvp strategy and lo' and behold finds the numerous sites promising if you just run xxx program you can run faster, heal faster, ignore game mechanics, etc etc.. and pvp'r B loads up on these. Now pvp'r B comes across pvp'r A in the field again. Same equipment, same armor, same weapon, same macros, new "supplementals". Pvp'r B wins this round. Pvp'r A scratches his head. Knows he owned pvp'r B before, wonders how he managed to defeat him this time, moving faster, healing faster, casting faster, hmm... pvp'r A wonders but moves on.. rezzes, engages pvp'r C who also owns him. Again he moves on to pvp'r D who owns him. He sees the pattern of other pvp'rs moving, casting, healing, all faster, he sees them moving though game mechanics designed to stop others, and he begins to feel frustrated. He does 1 of 2 things. He gives up going to fel and engaging in pvp, or he goes searching on the tubes for his own "supplementals".
Unfortunately, this scenario isn't made up, it's a fact. And it has been the cause of many people giving up on pvp, leaving uo, and creating the complaints against EA that they are running a crooked game that they can't fix.
And lastly, insulting me, or insinuating that I run cheat programs and this is why I think it's a bad idea doesn't make your idea better. It's designed to get people of opposing views from yours to stop providing input to your thread. If you want honest opinions and counterpoints, stop attacking people personally. And for the record.. I don't cheat. the only 3rd party program I ever run is UOMap.