The suggestion to move powerscroll-producing champ spawns out of Fel's exclusive domain would kinda leave Fel with nothing to fight for. If it were to be done, assuming the general situation today were to be preserved, something would need to be introduced to replace that part of the system. People and guilds would need something materially new to compete for.
I won't complain if there is something new and big on the horizon that will make Fel players think, pff, power scrolls, who cares! But, it seems a bit wasteful of time and resources to make up a new thing that people will be willing to fight for when one is in place already which, although it's having its problems, it does the job.
The way power scrolls are come about in Fel cannot work properly in Tram. Tram has many systems in place to force players to only get FAIR LOOT as a reward for FAIR PARTICIPATION. The most involved display of a system like this is the whole means of getting into a peerless (this system exists in both Fel and Tram but is mainly associated with 'trammie' activities). Peerless keys are frequently best gotten by a team, and then one person acts as the final controller of the keys to get that one person's chosen team into the peerless itself. Nobody can force their way into of a peerless, nobody imagines trying, the system is too well designed to allow that kind of interference.
As a contrast, the system by which Fel champ spawns are done and power scrolls are delivered to the players' packs (and are even UNINSURABLE (cursed) on top of it all!) invites interference from other players. There is no true team recognized by anything except the damage done to the boss and guess what - - the boss can be almost dead, and then another team can heal it all the way back up and kill it again! If raiders skip this step, the original spawners get a portion of the scrolls, assuming they are alive and on the subserver.
If you attempted to interject the Fel power scroll drop straight into a Tram champ spawn, at least two problems would be encountered. One is that too many of the interference-allowing elements would not work properly within the Trammel ruleset.
Someone else already said much the same thing but simplified it to describing what would happen as 'griefing', which is similar but not quite right. It's not quite griefing in that environment when everyone and his brother comes up to whack on a champ in Tram, trying to snag a scroll for themselves: It would be a malfunction of the fair-loot for fair-participation deal. It would be a long, drawn-out kill of a big monster after SOMEBODY worked the spawn all the way through, and then part of each person's loot might include a power scroll.
The second and biggest problem is that, design-wise, it would be destructive to the system UO has in place to do such a thing with a high-end item such as power scrolls. Note that "ingreds", crimsons, ML hair dye, Travesty masks, and so on come on peerless, not just a monster that stands around and the whole shard can beat on it at once. The difficulty of Peerless bosses is tuned for the number of players who will attempt to do it (2 to 15 people or so, 2 being an extremely small number and perhaps unintended). If Travesty were thrown out in the middle of Tram T2a for the whole shard to freely attack at will, the shard would eventually have killing it down to a system. Taking the Champ Spawn bosses and throwing them out there like abandoned, party-less peerless would represent the same mistake.
To be made to work sensibly, the champ spawn in Tram would have to be integrated into an instance-like situation, like Peerless are, to cause the number of players that would engage it to be correct for the spawn and the boss' level of difficulty. In doing that, you already have radically changed the whole system behind "champ spawns", basically making a new peerless where getting the keys is working up the spawn and then killing the champ is like the peerless boss.
I'm not suggesting doing this or not doing it, I'm just pointing out how it would be. If there's something new and great coming soon that we get to fight for in Fel, and it works just as well as Power Scrolls, then they can do whatever they like with the scrolls as far as I'm concerned. But the point is that power scrolls cannot simply be dumped into Tram champ spawns without messing stuff up not only for Fel but for the whole situation surrounding Power Scrolls.
I'd asked a question in a prior post and not gotten it answered:
and before you go crying about my post. I remember when we started our guild. We all had some PVP experience but far from great. We went out and did spawns on a fairly big shard with 4-6 people during prime time hours. Yes we got raided but that didn't make us cry, that didn't push us to tram, that made us learn. We kept coming back for more when we got raided. Yeah for a long time we were just a small thorn in there side but after a while we gave them a run. We put our minds to it and we learned how to hold them off. If you get killed then come to stratics to cry maybe you should be using that time to learn.
When did you start your guild (month/year)?
Your description of the situation sounds to me like your small guild's experiences happened BEFORE the champs were boosted up.
Coming from that position: The situation experienced by your young guild, as it was was persistantly working spawns and fighting, was better than it is today. Back then, Reptile and Arachnid (before that temporary Dread Spider buff) were within the line-up of spawns that a smaller, less-specialized team would feel they had the ability to complete. Guilds today have only Vermin spawns in that list.
..... which brings us back to the original point of the thread, which was that guilds today are struggling with the difficulty of the non-vermin champ spawns such that they often do not even try them, and I think that sucks.
Putting the spawns back exactly as they were at the time of your guild's early spawning and fighting efforts would represent an improvement of the situation. That is, however, not my suggested fix - I think each level of all of the difficult spawns should be examined and adjusted to be workable with similar speed and difficulty to how Barracoon goes. IMO a guild should be able to charge up to any of these revolving-spawn T2a champ spawn altars, pop it, and get down to work on whatever they get with perhaps only a few changes to the chars they prefer to have there. There's no sense to having a guild pop spawn after spawn and walk away from each one, which is in essence what is happening today.