Mine is that IF upon log in, each character had to choose either non-consensual" or "consensual only" player v player combat, Trammel would NEVER have been necessary. Absent such an option, it was either Trammel or "turn off the servers."
Re characterized a bit, your option, in the Great PvP debate thread on CoB was referred to as a "PvP Switch". To which the immortal quote by DD (and I am sure he cringes now when he is reminded of it) "There will NOT be a PvP switch in UO. Only over my Dead Body will there be a PvP switch".
While he was still with OSI when Trammel went live, he was gone shortly there after to the SoE team to work on SoE's Star Wars, bringing the PvP knowledge with him. SWG is arguably a failure .....
The problem was not directly the PKr, the problem was DD embraced the Hacker, the Cheater, the Exploiter as components to the Evil that the PKr was supposed to be. He implicitly (who knows maybe explicitly) embraced the griefing nature of that kind of mind set. DD honestly thought he could "Control" them. DD and I did agree that for a community to self activate, become a real community, there needed/needs to be a sense of Evil. We, strongly disagreed on what could constitute the make up of that Evil presence. I suspect he has eventually come to the point of agreeing with me.
Nothing would revitalize UO today as effectively as a well played (AS IN ROLE PLAYED EVIL) PKr presence. The single greatest issue is how does one keep the Hacker, the Cheater, the Exploiter etc out of the game, leaving that role to people that can actually Role Play Evil and understand and accept when their presence is genuinely, seriously not wanted and simply leave the individual(s) alone.
In that same Great Debate, one of the proposals I made was a setting the player could set for each character.
1) Attack me and your character will be permanently deleted (AKA leave me alone)
2) Attack me and if I deem it was NOT entertaining or well Role Played your character will be permanently deleted (AKA Ok, I am open to PvP but only if it is entertaining / well Role Played)
3) Attack me, I will under no circumstance delete your character (AKA I am fair game, bring it on)
I still think the above would work wonders in any MMORPG.
Perhaps if OSI / EAM were to implement such a thing, but give the Role Played Evil a free account (or greatly reduced subscription rate) and a mechanism for the victim to remove them (aka invalidate the account) then maybe the Best of the PvP world could be re-vitalized in UO. The Role Played Evil would have incentive to be ... Socially aware / responsible and the player base would not feel ... powerless.