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NEWS [UO.Com] The War on Unapproved 3rd party programs

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Good afternoon everyone, We are putting out this detection in maintenance so that means the Japanese shard will get this tonight and the others will get it when your shard performs its maintenance. We wanted to give you an update on our next step to crush the unapproved automatic gameplay in UO. At this time these changes will only apply to EJ accounts. If you are flagged, you will not be able to log back in the shard once you log out. When you try to log back into that shard you will see a message such as this “Your […]

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only EJ accounts....do people still think that the only cheaters in UO are on free accounts? Too afraid to do anything to paid accounts because suddenly there will be so few accounts left? They should have the courage of their convictions and apply this to ALL accounts, otherwise it's worthless.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
This is the first thing in years that I am actually interested in testing.

Last thing was the IDOC changes. I said they needed to drop some tough mobs when the house falls. They nerfed using wrestling on barrels instead.


The Enchanter
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Campaign Patron
Screen grab:


Not sure why the spacing is a bit strange... that aside... great update, long overdue that some of the scripting be address but hopefully tools like this will prove useful and they won't punt on it during the next event. Probably will be some bumps and bruises along the way, but shows they're making effort to tackle what has been a growing problem in recent years.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only EJ accounts....do people still think that the only cheaters in UO are on free accounts? Too afraid to do anything to paid accounts because suddenly there will be so few accounts left? They should have the courage of their convictions and apply this to ALL accounts, otherwise it's worthless.
The number of EJ haters on the official forums swear all the cheaters are using EJ accounts. If EJ were elemelated UO would have no cheaters. So the official forums are spammed with it. Like I say, UO should never listen to poster feedback and requests.

You get things like this.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We had plenty of cheaters and scripters in UO long before EJ was thought up. I have never understood the EJ hatred, they are so restricted it's almost unplayable, I know because I tried. Let's just wait and see how much effect this has on cheating, I'm willing to bet not very much at all, or we will get some ridiculous made up number in a newsletter. We all remember how many times we tried to explain to Messanna the difference between Multi-boxing and Multi-clienting... I don't think she knows even now.


Seasoned Veteran
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Only EJ accounts....do people still think that the only cheaters in UO are on free accounts? Too afraid to do anything to paid accounts because suddenly there will be so few accounts left? They should have the courage of their convictions and apply this to ALL accounts, otherwise it's worthless.
typically you want to roll something like this out to a subset of your users to hash out any issues and reduce blast radius if something doesn't work right. it would be a disaster to suspend a bunch of paying customers over false positives on a brand new feature like this. this is the right way to roll out a change like this. i'd imagine once this is tested and proven out against a live player base, it can be expanded to all users.

they even specify "At this time, these changes will only apply to EJ accounts."


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are only allowed to use third-party programs to save your hands if you are on the dev team, the rest of us are just expected to suffer.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We had plenty of cheaters and scripters in UO long before EJ was thought up. I have never understood the EJ hatred, they are so restricted it's almost unplayable, I know because I tried. Let's just wait and see how much effect this has on cheating, I'm willing to bet not very much at all, or we will get some ridiculous made up number in a newsletter. We all remember how many times we tried to explain to Messanna the difference between Multi-boxing and Multi-clienting... I don't think she knows even now.
Exactly. And because EJ drops and rewards are shard bound now, most are paid accounts that do mass cheating.

Posters asked for action, devs said it was planned, they are implementing something.


Stratics Veteran
Exactly. And because EJ drops and rewards are shard bound now, most are paid accounts that do mass cheating.

Posters asked for action, devs said it was planned, they are implementing something.
I think (or hope) they are approaching this in phases or steps. Perhaps in the not so distant future, this will also apply to sub accounts.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@elster I hope you are right, I really do, but if I'm honest I just don't think they can afford to permanently ban all those paying accounts that are cheating. :(

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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I think (or hope) they are approaching this in phases or steps. Perhaps in the not so distant future, this will also apply to sub accounts.
The post on uodotcom has this "This is the first step we are doing to help stop the cheating in UO. Please know additional measures are on the way. Have a great day!"

so I assume they are starting with EJ and going to test their method with those first. I could be wrong (likely am) but we will have to wait and see

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
The post on uodotcom has this "This is the first step we are doing to help stop the cheating in UO. Please know additional measures are on the way. Have a great day!"

so I assume they are starting with EJ and going to test their method with those first. I could be wrong (likely am) but we will have to wait and see
Testing and warning I think


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Keep them out of NL. Maybe they will apply this to NL. That would bring in more players than are lost because of cheating. Especially PvP. They will adapt and find new ways to automate.

They probably need many those accounts to hold houses, items, etc

The bulk of cheating at drop areas are from 1 dedicated guy running 10 accounts or whatever.
They will adapt to using approved things.

I think most 10 plus account holders are average players and players who this will not affect.

UO will still have cheating. We play it on a computer.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With the NL open beta so close I really don't think this is a coincidence.... I wish rather than actually believe that they can stop cheating, but maybe they will surprise me yet.


Thing is it might just be the ban on ej accts but if you don't think they will be keeping note on regular old accts as well you are mistaken. They will know every acct using these programs and the hammer can come down at any point I would guess.


Stratics Veteran
I think getting rid of the third party programs is fine, but at the same boat you need to fix your current clients. EC looks terrible, but has good functionality. Classic looks great, but runs terribly and has 0 functionality. Cannot macro pots for pvp, your resolution settings are 20 years outdated etc. Shouldn't be forced to use 1/4 of your monitor due to lack of updates.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I sincerely hope that Pinco's UI and the EC client code improvements provided by volunteers on the official forums won't be treated as cheating. These are incredibly beneficial and necessary for UO.
I kept seeing people praising Pinco's UI here on stratics, so I went to a meet and greet where I asked if it was approved. Mesanana said that UI's (user interface) don't need approval because its not an app. I never would have started using it if it wasn't approved.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Imo, you have to take the good and the bad.resouces being scripted hurt the players years ago, but the fix (randomised spawning)hurt us even more. My fist character was a miner. My second was a lumberjack.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I think getting rid of the third party programs is fine, but at the same boat you need to fix your current clients. EC looks terrible, but has good functionality. Classic looks great, but runs terribly and has 0 functionality. Cannot macro pots for pvp, your resolution settings are 20 years outdated etc. Shouldn't be forced to use 1/4 of your monitor due to lack of updates.
Their version of the classic client is just unacceptable in my opinion. ClassicUO is open source. I really wonder what is stopping them from adopting / forking it. It seems to have a reasonable license. I know the community hates the EC graphics, but I personally think the classic client is borderline unplayable with that frame rate and lack of necessary features.


Stratics Veteran
I kept seeing people praising Pinco's UI here on stratics, so I went to a meet and greet where I asked if it was approved. Mesanana said that UI's (user interface) don't need approval because its not an app. I never would have started using it if it wasn't approved.
Yeah, I hope Mesanna remembers her promise that UI improvements are safe. For now, I welcome even this small first step. Anything that can make us feel positive is good.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess this is why the 3 IDOC's I went to this evening weren't vacuumed up by the bot hoards.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
your resolution settings are 20 years outdated etc. Shouldn't be forced to use 1/4 of your monitor due to lack of updates.
At least you can change the resolution to 1152x864 or 1280x720. This are enough options for my CC.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I second this, ClassicUO is just fantastic, why oh why did they not make use of it?! Same old Broadsword, same old stupid decisions.


Seasoned Veteran
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During this update , I noticed Yamato got reverted to an earlier time. Before the revert I had transferred many items to another shard from Yamato via transfer token. Now the items I had transferred to the other shard are now also in Yamato too since it revert to earlier time, it was unintended duping. Now I'm afraid that my account will be flagged for duping, should I be worried?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
During this update , I noticed Yamato got reverted to an earlier time. Before the revert I had transferred many items to another shard from Yamato via transfer token. Now the items I had transferred to the other shard are now also in Yamato too since it revert to earlier time, it was unintended duping. Now I'm afraid that my account will be flagged for duping, should I be worried?
make a "bug report" via the ingame menu, the duplicates will prob. be deleted but you are safe then.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
During this update , I noticed Yamato got reverted to an earlier time. Before the revert I had transferred many items to another shard from Yamato via transfer token. Now the items I had transferred to the other shard are now also in Yamato too since it revert to earlier time, it was unintended duping. Now I'm afraid that my account will be flagged for duping, should I be worried?
Not likely. This is called black holing and has been around forever. I reported it years ago.

so if people ever figure out how to intentionally crash a shard, they start a transfer and crash the destination shard.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ClassicUO also works on MacOS. ClassicUO in and of itself doesn't have any scripting or full automation features. Also, the plug-in that gives folks the ability to script will not install on MacOS.

Running MacOS / Parallels to run WinOS, to run the native UO Classic Client might trigger the warden... false positive.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let's hope it works as intended or they could end up banning a lot of innocent people, I don't really have a lot of faith in their abilities at this point.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
ClassicUO also works on MacOS. ClassicUO in and of itself doesn't have any scripting or full automation features. Also, the plug-in that gives folks the ability to script will not install on MacOS.

Running MacOS / Parallels to run WinOS, to run the native UO Classic Client might trigger the warden... false positive.

They also have a web client now! ClassicUO runs better in my browser on my mac than the Classic Client does on my native windows gaming PC


Since it's not letting me use orin on my Endless Journey account, i just logged in with Classic Client. As soon as i started moving I've come across a problem, my char stopped on the very first tree I walked by. I can't find the option to auto navigate around objects. I've looked every tab in the options. Anyone know how to switch it on?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since it's not letting me use orin on my Endless Journey account, i just logged in with Classic Client. As soon as i started moving I've come across a problem, my char stopped on the very first tree I walked by. I can't find the option to auto navigate around objects. I've looked every tab in the options. Anyone know how to switch it on?
Go outside, close your eyes and run in a forest, see how that goes. Your guy needs help like you do.

Somehow I have played since 1997 and had to avoid trees the whole time.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’ll stick to playing Orion on my paid account as I couldn’t get past this first hurdle I met after 30 seconds of play.
You were the one advertising for that client for about a year to make it popular. Now you are throwing a tantrum because they are going to take it away. We feel sooo sorry for you. NOT.


If the paid account gets restricted, that's it for me.
Classic has a small screen, the frame is a mess, and it lacks features.
I can't sit and click the mouse for hours just to chop wood.
They could solve the problem quickly and immediately if they handled reported issues swiftly, but they don't at all.
A particular guild on the Asia shard still uses multiple accounts to drag around more than 10 archers per server.
Despite numerous reports, they are still active. Did you know that with NORD VPN, you can connect multiple EJ accounts from one PC? The administrators are still sitting around doing nothing.
I think if NL fails, they will shut down the service.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I happily play every day using EC client. I do wonder how many people complaining about CC's small screen don't know that it can go to 1280 x 720? or is it that everyone is trying to play on a television screen so that it's still too small?

I wonder how we all managed to play back when the norm was a 15" screen?