if it was Pervy trash talk, that falls under sexual harassment I see why she doesn't like it. Someone is sexualy harassing you. say please stop if you have to tell them 3 times page on them. So and so is sexually harassing me i ask them 3 times to stop and they won't. I had this done to me in trammel after I paged the guy went poof less than a minute. Seriously do not put up with this kinda harassment from anyone.
lol what a karen, you all have the ability to block people, but youd rather be karens and call the popo.... smdh.
Political correctness is censorship
Cancel culture is fascism
No matter how you slice it.
Harassment only has one "R".... so i fixed your 4 typos in my post (which clearly shows you dont know how to spell the word). Maybe study spelling more and do less reporting of others would be in order along with learning where the block feature is in game. dont want to hear it block it, dont report people like a tyrannical Karen, thats what immature children do.
page on me in game i say lots of stuff all within the legalities of the TOS, and ill still make you cry in gen chat.
only the weak pansies are hurt by words.... i can list some local petting zoos if you need em.