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Is everyone on Atlantic right now about to be banned?


Crazed Zealot
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Wait... Who's feelings are hurt? Anyone involved? No? Anyone at all? No?

As much as I agree with you that banning people for hurting other people's feelings is a bad idea, this isn't even what we're witnessing here. No... No... what we are seeing here is even more stupid than that.
You’re right, no one should be appalled at another person making fun of a person’s daughter who passed away from cancer.

Yes, I agree this is something incredibly stupid.


Did some of the other posters here miss something? Or are we talking about just bad-mouthing in crap "PVP talk" on gen chat? Got some news for you bud:
is this true or not? Quotes:
The trash talker --

" make fun of an individuals daughter who passed from cancer."

-- If this is real it may be indirect TOS violation for UO. This is beyond fantasy gaming and pixels. This is real vice, and should absolutely be addressed. It is also discrimination against someone whose child had died of a dread disease that drains soul and all finances before it kills, and devastates families.
Regardless of the psych. situation of the offender it should NOT be categories as "normal chat filth talk". If someone does not or cannot see this it is on them.

The trasher should try to explain the negative comment, and apologise for what she/he said, both to the Devs and also the recipient, imo. If he/she refuses, then ban.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If this is real it may be indirect TOS violation for UO. This is beyond fantasy gaming and pixels. This is real vice, and should absolutely be addressed. It is also discrimination against someone whose child had died of a dread disease that drains soul and all finances before it kills, and devastates families.
Regardless of the psych. situation of the offender it should NOT be categories as "normal chat filth talk". If someone does not or cannot see this it is on them.
Can you show us what the offender said? Those 2 screenshots are not enough.

What players say outside the game is, outside the game.

Also how do we know there is a player who had a daughter with cancer? Why are they telling random online people about it?
I have heard many stories of posters having diseases or problems or situations that they never had.

I am sure that website where people beg for money is full of fake stories.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think there is a line where some speech crosses the line from trash talk to harassment. I'm not sure there is a one size fits all answer to where that line is. I have no doubt that when people cross that line they likely know they are pushing the limits, even when it isn't specifically spelled out.

I'm not sure I would want the job of deciding it all the time, but for UO, we have a team of GM's/Broadsword Staff who get to make that call. If they decide the line has been cross, they have the ability to issue punishment... anywhere from a warning to a perm bad and they burn down every house on the master account. What happens outside of UO... discord, icq, social media... is outside the team's scope of responsibility.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
I think there is a line where some speech crosses the line from trash talk to harassment. I'm not sure there is a one size fits all answer to where that line is. I have no doubt that when people cross that line they likely know they are pushing the limits, even when it isn't specifically spelled out.

I'm not sure I would want the job of deciding it all the time, but for UO, we have a team of GM's/Broadsword Staff who get to make that call. If they decide the line has been cross, they have the ability to issue punishment... anywhere from a warning to a perm bad and they burn down every house on the master account. What happens outside of UO... discord, icq, social media... is outside the team's scope of responsibility.
I would like to think most people are able to see the context and see how it was applied in game.

Regardless, it’s moot. Tail is still in Atlantic, even as of today filling general chat with garbage.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to think most people are able to see the context and see how it was applied in game.

Regardless, it’s moot. Tail is still in Atlantic, even as of today filling general chat with garbage.
Start calling him Pee Wee because he acts like Pee Wee Herman.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I still don't see where the victim of this harassment ever said or did anything about it. If they did, I imagine the offender would be punished, and rightly so.

Little frustrates me more than people stepping up to help people who never asked for help. Historically, only bad things have ever come of this.


Has anyone been banned yet? Cus I feel this thread is not living up to the titles hype. Also I find it funny that pvp just crap talking is more annoying then ppl spamming selling and buying adds that even if ya replied take 5-15 min to get ther attention. You should join in on pvp trash talk. I'm sure they are getting more insta gratification and use out of channel then the ppl using it the "right way"?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
I still don't see where the victim of this harassment ever said or did anything about it. If they did, I imagine the offender would be punished, and rightly so.

Little frustrates me more than people stepping up to help people who never asked for help. Historically, only bad things have ever come of this.
The irony is this is what you’re doing is it not?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Has anyone been banned yet? Cus I feel this thread is not living up to the titles hype. Also I find it funny that pvp just crap talking is more annoying then ppl spamming selling and buying adds that even if ya replied take 5-15 min to get ther attention. You should join in on pvp trash talk. I'm sure they are getting more insta gratification and use out of channel then the ppl using it the "right way"?
In short, no. They’re afraid to action / ban people.

I suspect most things they report as being action or banned are ej accounts when they send out the yearly newsletter.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh I bet Mesana is quaking in her slippers as she eats her kix every morning. Lol
With the # of subscribers currently in the game? People will come back on new accounts so it's ultimately no revenue lost, but if the link @OREOGL gave me is still accurate, if she loses too many paying customers, she's going to be out of a job. EJ accounts "don't matter" as far as subscriber revenue & the monthly/yearly count.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Patron
With the # of subscribers currently in the game? People will come back on new accounts so it's ultimately no revenue lost, but if the link @OREOGL gave me is still accurate, if she loses too many paying customers, she's going to be out of a job. EJ accounts "don't matter" as far as subscriber revenue & the monthly/yearly count.
i don’t think Mooncres is necessarily wrong, she’s went this long without giving a ****, why should she now?
Plus I suspect most of their time is spent on DAOC. So closing a game that’s already abandonware isn’t a far drop. That doesn’t stop them from wanting to milk everything they can out of this.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
There is infamously a convicted child molester who PvPs. Are they then also going to ban everyone who calls him a Pedo?
If you’re going to start protecting players from verbal abuse by banning.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are still going at it in gen chat Alt and discord


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is easy to hit a raw nerve on Tails. Just encourage him to say one of the insta ban terms.
Takes me 1 sentence to get a response. I use random named toons because I am shopping.

Then page.

Margarita night so I am busy.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
There is infamously a convicted child molester who PvPs. Are they then also going to ban everyone who calls him a Pedo?
If you’re going to start protecting players from verbal abuse by banning.
This is already a rule…



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a thought keep your personal stuff out of GC and the game. I am pretty sure there is something about that in the TOS, I am to lazy to go find it though. You put it out there for public consumption it is hard to be offended when it gets puked back in your face. Sorry just spent a hour watching a GC conversation about someones colon problems and uncontrolled diabetes...........

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
To be fair, PvP guilds are quite tribal. You have to be in discord, inevitably some personal info will be shared in normal every day conversation. Especially when players have a close bond to other players which does happen if you’re on the same team. And inevitably team members switch teams.
You’ll find in PvP everyone knows everyone’s business.


You’ll find in PvP everyone knows everyone’s business
Still with the pvp blah blah blah I love how it's like the gods are causing a storm while the innocent mortals watch or whatever vice vs anology. Everyone is up in everyone's business don't be mistakin just cus you think ppl are a pvp troll. Your on GC? You prbly are a troll of some kind. Why? Well are you crap talking, selling, or making unnecessary banter? Yes you are a GC troll! Get a disco channel where ppl want to be part of your business. Simple right? Apparently not cus everyone is a dedicated uo user and cant taint themselves on disco server. DONT MAKE MESANA FINISH HER KIX EARLY AND BAN YOU ALL TO THE FAR REACHES OF UMBRA! I bet there is an umbra disco though, so ppl should be good when joining 21st century.


Umbra just always seemed like a shi**y place to live, but if I had to be honest it's prbly actually pretty nice there, considering you have all the vagrants at Luna gate. Umbra trys to compete while doing some side RMT but it's still rough with that glorious Luna bank 2nd floor... anyways, point being I don't have anything against Umbra, so don't bash me on GC. Thanks


if it was Pervy trash talk, that falls under sexual harassment I see why she doesn't like it. Someone is sexualy harassing you. say please stop if you have to tell them 3 times page on them. So and so is sexually harassing me i ask them 3 times to stop and they won't. I had this done to me in trammel after I paged the guy went poof less than a minute. Seriously do not put up with this kinda harassment from anyone.
lol what a karen, you all have the ability to block people, but youd rather be karens and call the popo.... smdh.

Political correctness is censorship
Cancel culture is fascism
No matter how you slice it.

Harassment only has one "R".... so i fixed your 4 typos in my post (which clearly shows you dont know how to spell the word). Maybe study spelling more and do less reporting of others would be in order along with learning where the block feature is in game. dont want to hear it block it, dont report people like a tyrannical Karen, thats what immature children do.

page on me in game i say lots of stuff all within the legalities of the TOS, and ill still make you cry in gen chat.
only the weak pansies are hurt by words.... i can list some local petting zoos if you need em.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol what a karen, you all have the ability to block people, but youd rather be karens and call the popo.... smdh.

Political correctness is censorship
Cancel culture is fascism
No matter how you slice it.

Harassment only has one "R".... so i fixed your 4 typos in my post (which clearly shows you dont know how to spell the word). Maybe study spelling more and do less reporting of others would be in order along with learning where the block feature is in game. dont want to hear it block it, dont report people like a tyrannical Karen, thats what immature children do.

page on me in game i say lots of stuff all within the legalities of the TOS, and ill still make you cry in gen chat.
only the weak pansies are hurt by words.... i can list some local petting zoos if you need em.
Since u think u know it all mr clueless Kevin. Sexual harrrrrassment is against the law In game or not I will not put up with it. when this happened to me there was no chat at the time. Little boy clueless Kevin who thinks he can make me cry in gen chat. what a fool u r. Join unleashed little boy clueless Kevin. Im miss Typo Queen Welcome 2 my country Typomedoyay
Last edited:


Has anyone been banned yet? Cus I feel this thread is not living up to the titles hype. Also I find it funny that pvp just crap talking is more annoying than ppl spamming selling and buying adds that even if ya replied take 5-15 min to get ther attention. You should join in on pvp trash talk. I'm sure they are getting more insta gratification and use out of channel then the ppl using it the "right way"?
you get the gaslight trophy of the thread! 3 pages of a read! pretty funny ya'll. for real though, your tactics are just as bad as global smack talkers imo.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does this thread leave the road to it's topic?
Personal attacks should be private.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol what a karen, you all have the ability to block people, but youd rather be karens and call the popo.... smdh.

Political correctness is censorship
Cancel culture is fascism
No matter how you slice it.

Harassment only has one "R".... so i fixed your 4 typos in my post (which clearly shows you dont know how to spell the word). Maybe study spelling more and do less reporting of others would be in order along with learning where the block feature is in game. dont want to hear it block it, dont report people like a tyrannical Karen, thats what immature children do.

page on me in game i say lots of stuff all within the legalities of the TOS, and ill still make you cry in gen chat.
only the weak pansies are hurt by words.... i can list some local petting zoos if you need em.
Yeah... what @Lady Michelle is describing is not political correctness nor is it fascism. It's just simply wrong. Your claims of PC gone awry makes me believe you are trying to support deplorable behavior by claiming overreaction and pointing out things that the victim can do to avoid harassment. That is a disgusting point of view. See we didn't have this problem when I was growing up. If you wanted to say garbage like this you had to say it face to face. Which would inevitably end up getting the the loudmouth knocked out. I miss those days.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
....said the passed out car crash victim.
He became rich after the lawsuit from the broken neck he suffered from being picked up. So good does come out of it. :lol: