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Is everyone on Atlantic right now about to be banned?

Lord Frodo

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Just more of the normal PVP trash Talkers clogging up Gen Chat looking for their attention for the day.


Seasoned Veteran
I dunno, just saw different colored text go by out of the corner of my eye and it was Mesanna giving a global warning.


The Enchanter
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I dunno, just saw different colored text go by out of the corner of my eye and it was Mesanna giving a global warning.
What was the global warning regarding?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pervy trash talk. Some find it funny, she does not. That is what I was told.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same as the Llama I heard it was Trash talk also. I bet I was correct on who.

Very quiet on Atl chat right now. :lol:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She clearly hasn't been on Global Chat for years, cuz it's been bad for awhile now...
Oh ya, then you will have someone just go insane every once in a while. I try to calm them down but somehow their talking just gets more profane...


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Trash talk is part of PvP and clogs chat like my arteries get clogged after a carb infusion. I am not sorry I missed it.


Slightly Crazed
Dunno. They made PvP talkers who want to talk trash have subscribed accounts. They pay their fees now. Why is Mesanna furious?

Lord Frodo

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Dunno. They made PvP talkers who want to talk trash have subscribed accounts. They pay their fees now. Why is Mesanna furious?
How about the fact that when they get on Gen Chat that alls they do is **** talk and ruin it for everybody else. They should make a PVP **** Talk Chan. but then they wouldn't get the attention they so much need, nothing worse than a bunch of 2 year olds kicking and screaming. And nobody made them have paid accounts, EJ Accounts can PVP but then they wouldn't have the audience in Help Chan now would they. Even more proof they are nothing more than spoiled little children looking for attention.


Stratics Veteran
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How about the fact that when they get on Gen Chat that alls they do is **** talk and ruin it for everybody else. They should make a PVP **** Talk Chan. but then they wouldn't get the attention they so much need, nothing worse than a bunch of 2 year olds kicking and screaming. And nobody made them have paid accounts, EJ Accounts can PVP but then they wouldn't have the audience in Help Chan now would they. Even more proof they are nothing more than spoiled little children looking for attention.
Agreed. PVP morons who use the gen chat to whine at each other should automatically be removed from gen chat and dumped into a **** talkers channel with no way back.


I wondered why the same characters all moved their inanity to discord. Noticeably harsher than the pvp trash talk. Must have been right on the heels of the warning in game.


Slightly Crazed
Problem as I see it is that we have possibility to be only in one chat.
Let me read both gechat and trade , and help to actually listen to some help request from new players.
And improve banned list , remove limit we have now. So trash talkers will be able to speak to those who are willing to listen their trash . If this is what they like in UO.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Pervy trash talk. Some find it funny, she does not. That is what I was told.
if it was Pervy trash talk, that falls under sexual harrassment I see why she doesn't like it. Someone is sexualy harrassing you. say please stop if you have to tell them 3 times page on them. So and so is sexually harrassing me i ask them 3 times to stop and they won't. I had this done to me in trammel after I paged the guy went poof less than a minute. Seriously do not put up with this kinda harrassment from anyone.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
atl is down. too bad when someone flags they go into pvp channel automatically lol.

atl back up, weird seeing no one in luna lol


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
Didn't you get the memo? Gen Chat PvP is what has become of PvP in UO. A 20 second PvP battle followed by an hour of (terrible) trash talk.

Honestly, I hope their actual PvP skills are better than the general chat PvP is, because "ur bad" followed by "no u" is very unsatisfying to watch for an hour.


Babbling Loonie
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I don’t see heat of battle working unless they can some how make it PvP HOB because I have been jumping around Fel and tram for a couple week’s fighting mobs and don’t want to get stock in any PvP channels because I did a champ in Fel


someone said something about another player's family member who had passed away is what I was able to surmise. I only read a bit of it while working a char and I don't know the players but it was hard not see what was going on when all of gen chat exploded


Crazed Zealot
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I just saw her say she was disgusted and never seen anything like this in 25 years but it was all gone too fast for me.
Imagine this being the response instead of just banning all involved.


Babbling Loonie
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Was anyone actually banned


Crazed Zealot
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Was anyone actually banned
Haven’t a clue. But it seems self defeating to me to say you’re disgusted with said language to people in chat you just banned.
Maybe she said it and then banned them?


No point in destroying a whole shard over PvPers.
I would just make a list of them give them one warning if they act out just delete the account.
Atlantic is home for many people even if you hate it, Its where i started and my dad showed me how to play.
Id hate for something bad to happen to the shard because of pvpers bad mouths.

I myself would just ban them or make it so they can no longer talk like a perm mute.


Aaah, thats an idea: perm mute. I wonder if they can actually implement that for those badmouthing accounts! Or temporary mute - for a few months, till all the angst fizzles away. If they do it again when they are unmuted, make it permanent, or last longer. That way there may be a chance to keep the accounts if they are paying ones. Then they will come back as EJ and start spouting sewage again.

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Didn't you get the memo? Gen Chat PvP is what has become of PvP in UO. A 20 second PvP battle followed by an hour of (terrible) trash talk.

Honestly, I hope their actual PvP skills are better than the general chat PvP is, because "ur bad" followed by "no u" is very unsatisfying to watch for an hour.
20 seconds? You're way over-estimating.

An hour? You're way under-estimating.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
She clearly hasn't been on Gen Chat for years, cuz it's been bad for awhile now...
Yea I mean if she actually logged in to play the game (while in Gen Chat) she would see within an hour all the trash talk. It's annoying but that's why we have an ignore list. Mine has lots of the biggest trash talkers on it so my Gen Chat is usually pretty clean. The only thing I might see is someone responding to them randomly like "yea that's why you died" or something. It is what it is.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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She was actually online at the time setting up an event and watching Gen Chat.....

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Having to put people on IGNORE is total bullcrap! If there is someone asking a question they will probably miss the answer because of the PvP Trash Talk. Nobody uses Trade, do not know why it is even there, so if you are buying/selling it is very hard to see if someone answers you call. The only reason PvPers use gen chat is to disrupt every bodies game play, they are nothing more then Chat Chan PKers. They could easily make a PvP Chan but nobody would use it because then they would not get the attention that their 3 year old mentality desires. How many players has UO lost because of the mentality of UO PvPers in Gen Chat. How many potential PvPers has the TRASH Talker lost because of the way the crap talk new people. I have NEVER heard one PvPer say "hay let me show you how to make yourself better". No they call you NOOB and put you down constantly, who would want to play with a bunch of Aholes like that. This is nothing more than unchecked harassment and UOs answer is to tell the victim to move when in fact they should tell the criminal to leave or face extended jail time. UO needs to police their game better and stop rewarding criminals, it is about time UO stands up for the victim.
Last edited:

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Honestly, I'd just get rid of gen chat altogether. It was immersion breaking garbage when they added it and it still is. Everyone uses discord anyway, why not just open an official discord? Oh yeah, because the person in charge is 100 years old and doesn't know what discord is. Honestly the more I think about the current state of UO, the more I realize that y'all live in old lady land and everything just reeks of prunes and Bengay.

The reason you have to listen to PvP trash talk is because you can only monitor one channel at a time so everyone is basically forced to use one channel. I don't even understand why there are multiple channels if you can only monitor one. Once again, it was a horrible idea with even worse implementation.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Honestly, I'd just get rid of gen chat altogether. It was immersion breaking garbage when they added it and it still is. Everyone uses discord anyway, why not just open an official discord? Oh yeah, because the person in charge is 100 years old and doesn't know what discord is. Honestly the more I think about the current state of UO, the more I realize that y'all live in old lady land and everything just reeks of prunes and Bengay.

The reason you have to listen to PvP trash talk is because you can only monitor one channel at a time so everyone is basically forced to use one channel. I don't even understand why there are multiple channels if you can only monitor one. Once again, it was a horrible idea with even worse implementation.
I disagree. You can close it if you want. I think if anything, they should stop policing it and just give people better tools for controlling their own chats. They do need to allow you to join multiple channels. So PVP people can be in general and PVP to talk ****. And people who like to help can be in General and Help.


I close chat! 100% first thing to do when starting. Not only is it completely obsolete, but honestly anyone that's not mentally challenged would know there is better ways to do anything that the chat offers. That includes if you need attention from other people who need attention. Waiting to hear one thing UO chat provides thats worth using it.... give me 1 reason not to think you need attention by having it on...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I close chat! 100% first thing to do when starting. Not only is it completely obsolete, but honestly anyone that's not mentally challenged would know there is better ways to do anything that the chat offers. That includes if you need attention from other people who need attention. Waiting to hear one thing UO chat provides thats worth using it.... give me 1 reason not to think you need attention by having it on...
UO has a lot of downtime and grind. I like to chat. I can type fast, I like to chat. I like to see the chat moving. I like to talk to people. I like to see people I recognize and ask them about their day and what they are up to. I like meeting new people. I like to chat.

Also, the last Easter event (2022) the chat made it a lot easier to collect the few missing collection items through trading.

Another "1 Reason" can be EM events.


UO has a lot of downtime and grind. I like to chat. I can type fast, I like to chat. I like to see the chat moving. I like to talk to people. I like to see people I recognize and ask them about their day and what they are up to. I like meeting new people. I like to chat.

Also, the last Easter event (2022) the chat made it a lot easier to collect the few missing collection items through trading.

Another "1 Reason" can be EM events.
Meh a decent attempt with trading though at most id ask for contact on any other platform if made contact.
EM event? What you need to talk about same thing you did last one? Not trying to be debbie downer here just Still waiting for decent reason... you type fast want interaction or maybe attention way better places to do it... can't wait to get you on voice Lore you suposed chatter box I'm sure you'd have some good stories that I wouldn't bother to read(seriously). Think how many ppl you would reach, then the chat trolls on UO! I'm sure you would be way more happy and if you have tried your in the wrong place. End argument would be we agree to disagree though buddy.


Well then maybe we should all go back to ICQ then, bullcrap and contrary to what ever you want to believe not every body uses discord.
So what are you using? Didn't hear why to use UO chat and why... should we go back to telegraph then?


Think asked twice lol but why and what if you will plz. I'm honestly curious what yall do for interacting if not the main stream disco/icq... any other platforms beside UO GC

Lord Frodo

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So what are you using? Didn't hear why to use UO chat and why... should we go back to telegraph then?
I do not use any of them. I use Gen Chat in game only and if I want to talk to people I use a phone and TALK not type, kind of old school that way. So you know Morse Code, LOL