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Spring Dynamic Quests (Don't read if you don't want spoilers!)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Is it just me, or did the re-spawn time go up considerably after midnight this morning?
Before that, I would visit eight locations and grab two eggs at each; and the first would have re-spawned by the time I got back to it. Now, not so much.
I think more people are catching on as to how to find the eggs and where to look. Might be just that more people are out grabbing the eggs now.

Painted Elves

Seasoned Veteran
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I also think that going from 3 / 5 to 20 and 25 points is a bit...uneven? ridiculous?
why not 12 or 15 instead of 20. it just isnt making sense.... o.0

I will say I actually like this event and have been participating :tongue:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think if you read the exchange between me and @Naitch he just made up the number to appease me. He was not complaining about the egg costs for rewards. He wanted them all the same cost. I think he chose 20 all around.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I haven't been able to get a sash. I think I kill things too slow while it's leveling up. The Saliva's are pretty tough for me. I can usually get 2-3 before the boss spawns. I get looting rights on the boss, but no sash.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Weird that you're not getting a sash...remember you have to be at the spawn first lvl or just the beginning of second lvl to get credit for the boss reward.

I've only done the spawn once on my samp but others have gotten multiple sashes, but not if they come at the end of 2nd or later.


i collected 10 hedges got hues : 2560/ 2758 / 2716/ 2718/ 2554/2550 /2553 /2559/2555/ 2557
View attachment 128762 View attachment 128763

Also rare hued eggs 2076 / 1266 [Most eggs are 25XX or 19XX hued]
View attachment 128764

And I've only found 3 rabbits : 1169 / 1195 / 1168
View attachment 128765
How do you water the saplings? I bought pitchers of water from the tavern; however, it won't water the saplings. Once the pitcher is put in my bag it says empty and asks to fill it with what

Lord Brackus

How do you water the saplings? I bought pitchers of water from the tavern; however, it won't water the saplings. Once the pitcher is put in my bag it says empty and asks to fill it with what
You need to fill it from a water source. If you bought it in New Magincia, go down to the docks and double-click the pitcher, then target the nearby water. It should fill it up. Then use the full pitcher on the sapling.

Once you use the pitcher once it will be empty, so you will have to refill it again.

You can also look at getting an Endless Decanter of Water, which is basically a water pitcher that never runs out: Endless Decanter of Water – Ultima Online

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Is it just me, or did the re-spawn time go up considerably after midnight this morning?
Before that, I would visit eight locations and grab two eggs at each; and the first would have re-spawned by the time I got back to it. Now, not so much.
Might be someone else collecting them at the same locations.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How do you water the saplings? I bought pitchers of water from the tavern; however, it won't water the saplings. Once the pitcher is put in my bag it says empty and asks to fill it with what
Water pitchers from inn keepers start full. But the Graft takes the whole pitcher. So if you bought 3 grafts buy 3 pitchers and drop them on the ground when done. If you buy many at a time buy 1 pitcher and go to your house and use it on a graft, fill it from a water source. Bathtub is what I use, sink or trough works.

You can also fill them from stable water barrels (Lord British's Castle has many) and take the empty barrel or tub when you are done. Then place those in random locations and fill them up with water.

Or you can find a wave you can reach and refill them there.

Or you can go all pro and get an endless water pitcher and link it to your bathtub and water plants all you want in your home.

Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
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Is it just me, or did the re-spawn time go up considerably after midnight this morning?
Before that, I would visit eight locations and grab two eggs at each; and the first would have re-spawned by the time I got back to it. Now, not so much.
I have had this exact experience. Day 1 I ran the Fel Brit farms for awhile and was getting 2 eggs per house every 5-15 minutes or so. Now, the same route nets me 2 eggs and takes much longer for respawn. The 2 eggs I'm getting today are coming from the same 2 houses. Maybe day 1 all the spawners were on and now it's random? I can only speculate.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I also think that going from 3 / 5 to 20 and 25 points is a bit...uneven? ridiculous?
why not 12 or 15 instead of 20. it just isnt making sense.... o.0

I will say I actually like this event and have been participating :tongue:
It wouldn't be a virtue if you didn't have to "Sacrifice" not only the 25 eggs... but the time it took you to collect them.

Painted Elves

Seasoned Veteran
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It wouldn't be a virtue if you didn't have to "Sacrifice" not only the 25 eggs... but the time it took you to collect them.
This makes sense.
but thats only one virtue
too bad theres not vice rewards ; )

i still think a little less eggs would have been good, all rewards are deco only, as of right now....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
i still think a little less eggs would have been good, all rewards are deco only, as of right now....
There is the sash from Champ spawn as well. I'm glad they did both the eggs and champ spawn because I've already kind of become bored with the egg gathering for decorations. I'm not really a decoration type person so I don't care about getting any of the rare hue stuff... but I understand many people are into it so I'm glad they are having fun.

I'll probably grab a few more sashes and then just prepare for the treasures of event in a month... at least until the egg hunting dyes down (pun intended!). On ATL all the farms are well traveled so unless I'm looking right after server up, I usually don't see eggs on the farms. I've been just wandering and finding the random egg in the woods which is pretty slow.


Crazed Zealot
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There is the sash from Champ spawn as well. I'm glad they did both the eggs and champ spawn because I've already kind of become bored with the egg gathering for decorations. I'm not really a decoration type person so I don't care about getting any of the rare hue stuff... but I understand many people are into it so I'm glad they are having fun.

I'll probably grab a few more sashes and then just prepare for the treasures of event in a month... at least until the egg hunting dyes down (pun intended!). On ATL all the farms are well traveled so unless I'm looking right after server up, I usually don't see eggs on the farms. I've been just wandering and finding the random egg in the woods which is pretty slow.
I found the spawn boring, myself. I got a couple sashes out of it, sold them for 30m (10m per), sold a TON of eggs on LS to the tune of about 500 mil. I'm looking forward to the Destard event now, just gotta get all my pets ready.


I found the spawn boring, myself. I got a couple sashes out of it, sold them for 30m (10m per), sold a TON of eggs on LS to the tune of about 500 mil. I'm looking forward to the Destard event now, just gotta get all my pets ready.
What types of pets are you thinking to use?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
What types of pets are you thinking to use?
Will depend on the spawn. The dragon spawn will have low cold resist so like a frost drake would do well (or even a cu) but if they are going to make it fey style mobs too they are typically low against fire so fire beetle would work.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I had some really good luck with the candles; I was able to get 6 candles in a row of ones I didn't have. My next was a duplicate which I traded for one I didn't have and my last was the color I just traded for (I shoulda held out!) but I was able to trade for the color I needed.


The Enchanter
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Yesterday, I was able to get the Vine Wrap sash drop from the spawn near Wind multiple times on the same character. Today, I haven't been able to get it at all on the characters I got it on in previous days. Anyone notice this or having similar issue? Or am I just not getting RNG luck?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yesterday, I was able to get the Vine Wrap sash drop from the spawn near Wind multiple times on the same character. Today, I haven't been able to get it at all on the characters I got it on in previous days. Anyone notice this or having similar issue? Or am I just not getting RNG luck?
Nope got 8 today so far on the two characters I use, Have not missed a sash when I begin the spawn before level 3.

Last one I was in a bad spot when the Cus popped, bears got my guys and ended up just killing 1 bear, Boss popped ran to Boss, helped kill it, Both got a sash. I was worried on that run.

If you are on Atlantic, the spawn is prob going really fast.


Stratics Veteran
View attachment 129047

Finally completed my collection of the rarer hued eggs - the semi rare (bottom) and rarer hued (top)
The bottom are not semi rare, they spawn the same frequency as the other nonrare hues. The difference is perceived rarity due to many of the 25xx hued eggs looking very similar in color so they do not stand out as much as the 19xx.

That being said, I have kept quite a few of the 19xx ones as they are just pretty.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I have to disagree. The brighter intensity colored ones spawn less frequently from my experience.

I do a bag of 50 each time I go out.


This is just a small sample of what I have. I usually get 2-4 per round...I don't even put the white ones in there because I do get a lot of those.


Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Weird that you're not getting a sash...remember you have to be at the spawn first lvl or just the beginning of second lvl to get credit for the boss reward.

I've only done the spawn once on my samp but others have gotten multiple sashes, but not if they come at the end of 2nd or later.
I showed up at the end of the 2nd wave but ended up alone when the boss spawned. I hoped if I solo'ed her the game would forgive my tardiness and give me a sash anyway. And it did!
Last edited:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to thank everyone who posted pictures in this thread. Y' all have convinced me that "rare" does not mean "desirable" so I am going to turn in every egg I have found and stop checking them for hue number.
Since anyone can find 20 to 200 eggs a day. The ones who want rare eggs have them. By the 22 everyone who wants a rare other item will have those.

If you are expecting to make gold off rare stuff you can save them for players that miss this.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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That's what I'm doing. I am not trying to make a quick buck...I enjoy hunting and collecting and gathering so this event has been fun, thou tedious! But I am enjoying it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's what I'm doing. I am not trying to make a quick buck...I enjoy hunting and collecting and gathering so this event has been fun, thou tedious! But I am enjoying it.
Question for you out of curiosity. Like everyone else I'm enjoying this very much. With your experience have you picked up many 1921 hue? Got my first one today.

Also, for fun if you (or anyone) gets the chance, look at hue 2758. I have two 2758s but they appear different. Look at them closely, one is more smooth than the other but both the same hue.

Have fun all.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Question for you out of curiosity. Like everyone else I'm enjoying this very much. With your experience have you picked up many 1921 hue? Got my first one today.

Also, for fun if you (or anyone) gets the chance, look at hue 2758. I have two 2758s but they appear different. Look at them closely, one is more smooth than the other but both the same hue.

Have fun all.
I do..as I stated in the post above, you can see a bunch of 1921's strewn throughout those bags. I have a full set of those as I do like them just because they are plain!

Also you should have 5 2758's, there are 5 styles of eggs.

Technically they are:



Visually I call them Striped, Alien Eyes, Speckled, smooth and shiny.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In the top chest there are 8 hues, it looks like you have 1922 and 2755 too ? In my experience I don't think they are rare ... I got lots of those while the other rare 6 hues I got like 40ish on 2000ish eggs ...
I found the 2755 to be more scarce than the common hues (metal dye tub colors) but who knows... I really just posted for reference as I havent seen any other pictures with a full set :)


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yeah 2755 is more scarce in my observations as well Prawn, I have yet to find that hue in the Easter_4 variation but have found it in all the others.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah 2755 is more scarce in my observations as well Prawn, I have yet to find that hue in the Easter_4 variation but have found it in all the others.
I find plenty of 2755... the pinkish 2759 has proven very elusive to me... after 3000 eggs have only found 6.. still missing model 40725 (stripped) and 40728 (speckled) o.0


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yep the RNG is different for everyone...that's why I say we just need time to figure out what's what.

The 2759 I have found 2...

How the RNG loves me lol

The *Semi-Rare*

And the Rare ones I have found

I am not a crazy person that spends 24/7 collecting, don't feel like competing with the bots (It totally saddens me to say that...cheating in a game to pick up easter eggs...what has the world come to! lol)

I know I have only turned in a little over 2000 eggs so far. I am 2 Parrots away from the complete set. I need 2 more Hedges for a full set of at least one per hue tall and short. Candles I have a full set, Butterflies is gonna be the tough one, I get LOTS of duplicates of those.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I'm no bot either... spend hours on end though picking up eggs... so far have turned in enough for a full set of Candles (with some trading)... and a full set of Parrots... ( was given one)...

However as far as "rare" eggs... don't have near as many of those as the rest of you... have loads of the 1900 ones and 1266... do not keep any of the 2500 ones... as for the others maybe some are more common than others... but I hardly get any of the "rares" at all ...