Yep the RNG is different for everyone...that's why I say we just need time to figure out what's what.
The 2759 I have found 2...
How the RNG loves me lol
The *Semi-Rare*
And the Rare ones I have found
I am not a crazy person that spends 24/7 collecting, don't feel like competing with the bots (It totally saddens me to say that...cheating in a game to pick up easter eggs...what has the world come to! lol)
I know I have only turned in a little over 2000 eggs so far. I am 2 Parrots away from the complete set. I need 2 more Hedges for a full set of at least one per hue tall and short. Candles I have a full set, Butterflies is gonna be the tough one, I get LOTS of duplicates of those.