Popps, throwing has a sweet spot that is not max range, that does(or did) more damage and had better accuracy.
Read about here.
so velocity increases damage by 1 for every tile away you are.
I gather from that link that
The absolute maximum range is capped. The calculated maximum range a player can throw their weapon is used to determine how accurate their throw actually is when trying to hit a target at a certain distance. This allows the player to have a “sweet-spot” area where their throwing is most effective, while pushing towards their maximum range or throwing while too close to the target results in a less damage or accuracy.
Underthrown – If, while equipped, a weapon has a maximum range of six tiles, and a player throws at a player two tiles away (too close) they have a Hit Chance penalty of 12%, but no damage reduction.
Perfect – Maximum range of six tiles, thrown a distance of four tiles. No Hit Chance penalty, no damage reduction
Overthrown – Maximum range of six tiles, thrown a distance of six tiles. No Hit Chance penalty, but 47% damage reduction
Let's take the example of the Soul Glaive I picked in my previous post...
According to the above, Throwing a weapon at max distance (11 tiles) would cause a 47% damage reduction.
Now, because of Velocity, the Base Damage changes, if the Target is hit at the max 11 tiles distance, from 16-20 to 27-31 (+11 damage for 11 tiles).
Yet, because of the 47% damage reduction for the target being hit at the max 11 tiles and not at the intermediate "sweet spot", even with Velocity, at the max 11 Range the damage resulting should be, if I understood it as correctly, 14-16 .
Not sure what the sweet spot might be for a Soul Glaive with a max range of 11 tiles as the example mentions it being 4 tiles for a 6 tiles max range weapon.
Assuming though, that it was to be the same "percentage" calculated on the max range, since 4 tiles is 66.66% of 6 tiles, I would guess that the "sweet spot" for an 11 tiles max range weapon as the Soul Glaive, was to be 66.66% of 11 tiles or, 7 tiles...
Now, with Velocity, if that Soul Glaive was to be Thrown to a Target positioned at 7 Tiles, the Base Damage, to my understanding, should therefore become 23-27 (16-20 +7 from the 7 tiles).
So, I seem to understand, Velocity does not cancel out the Sweet Spot of Throwing, but still adds to it....
Did I get it right or wrong ?
Regardless though, I honestly do not understand this concept of a "sweet spot" for Throwing.... I mean, how many scenarios are there really, where a Thrower might have a Target that did not move so that they can always throw at that "perfect" distance ?
As we know, in reality it is pretty much always a dance, which makes it quite hard, if not impossible, to always maintain that "perfect" distance to the target for best hit chance and damage done results....