The comment was read aloud before the reply.Can you post the comments that lead to the replies so we can judge for ourselves. The first time the art developers picture was shown, most of the 50 plus year old males turned into pubescent teens that saw a girl for the first time. Sounds like it happened without a picture. I stopped reading comments when I looked at the first video comments for two minutes. Half of you are idiots.
Ass hole posts deserve responses as such. Do you work somewhere and allow random people to speak negatively to you?
I don't understand why you need me to post it also so that you may judge.
For someone so quick to call strangers idiots, this seems like a rather idiotic request.
I disagree that the comment is an "A-Hole" post, as you call it.
To me it seems like a general concern shared amongst many players.
I don't understand why you're referencing an artist. My post/comment has nothing to do with an artist.
Yes I work somewhere.
Yes, sometimes customers have a negative sentiment, however this is easy to deal with appropriately.
"Allowing random people to speak negatively to you" is part of many jobs.
Failing to deal with these situations appropriately is why people in many fields lose or have lost their jobs.
You should know these things Pawain, you're not that stupid.