I started playing in '98. WYU was my 1st guild, i was invited by Enigma and Cassius while it was under the leadership of Silver Dryad. The house, the hedge, the forge to the west, and the theater to the east were given and dedicated to WYU because it was a guild dedicated to helping new players. I spent a ridiculous amount of time at this very location chatting, "sparring", organizing dungeon runs, hiding from PKs, etc.... I return to this very spot once a month or so just to reminisce about the times I had with this guild, to this day I still get that knot in my throat when i think about all the great times I had here. WYU was my home, was my online family, and the nostalgia of this guild, has kept me subscribed for many years, and now its gone.........why? it was one of the things that makes Atlantic unique, no other server, free or official has this. This small plot of land, this handful of tiles was my sole reason for visiting Yew. It was a small house in an obscure location, out of the way, not taking up a housing spot; it existed solely as a monument to some of UO's earliest history.
I was junior in high school when discovered UO, and am now married and the father of 3 girls who give me that odd look when they see me playing such an old game, unfortunately as of today, after many years, i'm taking the 1st character i ever created, and one of the original members of WYU, Sir Croy,, and am logging him out at the bench that sits next to the place i once called home. As of today my subscription is cancelled, and my house will eventually fall just the same. Good bye UO, thank you for memories, God bless!