By their own admission they are going against that players desires... they say that they care about what that player wanted to do with their anniversary rewards is the most preposterous bunch of crap ever... They are not giving that player back his rewards... they are not then doing what that player wanted... that player quit and therefore he wanted to let them go to the people by allowing them to be still in the house when it drops... so they are going against that players wish...How? You know how the system can access a closed account? People keep assuming it can, you all know the danger of assuming I presume?
If the player cared about his vet rewards, why didn't he put them in his bank? I've packed up houses for a few people who quit and left me access to their accounts to do so. EVERYTHING of value went into the banks of their characters before I deleted their account details from my pc.
I don't do IDOCs. I'd rather play game content than scavenge carcases of fallen houses. You can all pancake about what YOU think the devs should do, but none of you give half a thought to whether what you want is technically possible. Try asking instead of demanding - you might actually get an answer.
You want to play a game ... well I do and part of that playing of the game is in scavenging an IDOC... They have been around since the dawn of UO... and yes it's a playstyle... it is something MANY folk enjoy... and did enjoy... I quit doing them long time ago because I couldn't compete... But what I'm saying is that their excuse for deleting the Vet Rewards is HYPOCRITICAL and NONSENSICAL.. because they are presuming that this is the player who got thems right... well not if they don't give that player back those rewards they chose... Are they returning picks to that player should that player decide to return to UO? NO they are deleting his picks... and removing them completely from the game so should that player come back he is out all those picks he once had and has NO WAY to get them back but to wait another 10 to 20 years of playing??? Or buy them from a Vet who doesn't use their picks. Or buy them from a 3rd party selling website that has 900 of them sitting in a chest somewhere...
And just how is that helpful to the returning vet??? How is that good for people and how is that what that returning vet wanted???
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