And once again I want to point out that the points are paultry and honestly Insulting to the time and effort spent by players.
Artisan items were NOT easy to get and it cost a LOT in resources for a shard to reach a full tree... many shards even Atl failed to raise all their trees to full... GLs was one of the few shards that did all their trees but that was in very large part to Shandara... the BoD Queen of GLs... and her kind generosity...
She spends hours and hours on bods... and tons on resources to fill them.
And an Orc Ship takes 8 parts it's not something you get just by doing the quest one time it can take dozens of pirate turn ins to get all 8 pieces and it's worth next to nothing???
IMO this is what Mesanna thinks of our time spent in-game...
Today I was yet again disgusted when I got the Embroidery tool to find it has a Whopping 10 charges???? Seriously? 10 bloody frelling charges on a Vet Reward? This takes a YEAR to get a vet reward... a YEAR... you pick it and get 10 lousy charges? And then what? How do I recharge it? Can it be recharged? Does it take one of that freaking rune switches? Because those are the biggest PITA to craft EVER.
This kind of crap is insulting. My year of time is worth 10 charges?
And she wonders why we complain when she treats us like this. If you think about it my $120+ per year isn't worth more???
We pay their freaking salary... without the players she would be out of a Job... Think on that next time you insult the players