I always overthink things, my apologies in advance, but, I can't stop trying to think of ways to get Kryonix what he wants (a return to group treasure hunting glory days) without blasting apart a fun activity...
One of the things our guilds have struggled with are the long grinds necessary to do some of the high end content (Shadowguard, the Pit, etc...) as getting groups of people with limited playing time and odd schedules through all the steps is a nightmare...
I'd love to have just a loot bump on the current system, add remove traps, but for highest end maps, have a chance to drop an encounter map, something like "A tattered map of a secret passage to Zipactriotl's hidden lair..." Add in an instanced single Dark Father, the Myrm Queen, Corgul's island, Mel, Dreadhorn, Exodus, one Shadowguard boss, etc... it could have a one hour time limit on it or something? Maps drop percentage could scale based on party size as well (tiny chance at 2 members, pretty good chance at 6+)
Probably a dumb idea, but, hey... what the heck.
Oh and dump the puzzles...