I would not remove IDOC's from the game, I think they are too unique and central to some people's play styles to do that. They need some changes though, since the current system has quite a few flaws. Admittedly I have no programming experience whatsoever, so I have no idea how hard this would be to implement, but here are some changes I think could help improve things:
1) Remove the 5, 10, 15 hour drop system. It was worth a try, but all it has done is discourage the normal players who don't have the time to wait around an entire day for an IDOC to fall. The scripters on the other hand, can stay as long as needed, so the new system has given them a large advantage over normal players. I would suggest a system where the house can fall at any time within a 5 hour window after it reaches the final stage of IDOC'ng. Statistically, the house is more likely to fall between 0-3 hours than 4-5 hours, so this would make it more reasonable for a normal player to hang out there for a few hours instead of having to stay all day.
2) Implement small and frequent mandatory anti-cheating patches. Every time there is a patch, the cheat programs stop working for a day or two until their creators update them to work with the new patch. If there were a small daily patch that changed just enough to break their programs it would take most of the illegal advantages away from the cheaters, since their programs wouldn't work for half the day or more until someone updated them, and by then the next patch would be getting ready to break the cheats all over again. Eventually they would get tired of having to fix their cheats on a daily basis, and they would inevitably stop using the cheats as much out of the frustration caused by the cheats being unreliable.
3) Fix whatever is wrong with the Grubbers so that they do what they were originally supposed to, which is grab pieces of loot and run off with them when the house falls. The idea was that people would have to chase and kill the Grubbers to get whatever items they took, separating the group of looters into those picking up items and those chasing Grubbers. Doing this gives both groups less competition for their half of the items, since the other half of the group is distracted elsewhere. For whatever reason, the Grubbers have never worked properly. Almost every time you kill a Grubber at an IDOC it either has nothing at all, or only picked up two or three things, which are usually complete junk. Everyone at IDOC's knows this, so the Grubbers get completely ignored until all the items are looted, which defeats the purpose of their existence.
4) Create different methods for house placement, and alternate them randomly. Instead of the current system where you just drop a house where the old one was, which pretty much guarantees the most experienced IDOC'ers will always win against normal players, add different options that may randomly appear.
For example, 1/3 of the time a lottery box shows up where the house used to be, everyone clicks it, and then 30 minutes later it randomly picks a winner and allows only that person to place the house (and gives them a written notification so they know they won). This seems possible, since resizing your house already reserves the land for you for a certain amount of time. If the player doesn't place the house within 30 minutes, it randomly picks a new winner until it runs out of people, at which time it allows any random person walking by to place. That system gives everyone a fully equal chance to win the house regardless of skill level or monetary wealth.
Another 1/3 of the time, an auction box shows up where the house used to be. The auction lasts for 24 hours, and whoever has the highest bid at the end wins (adding something similar to the Stratics 10 minute rule to avoid last second sniping would probably be a good idea too). This allows those with monetary wealth to purchase the house like they would have done anyway, but instead of them paying another player the gold is deleted from the game entirely. This creates a permanent large-scale gold sink to help repair the damaged economy.
The final 1/3 of the time, use the same system that we currently have, whoever places the house first wins. This allows professional IDOC'ers to use the skills they have developed over the years to win houses still, and sell the houses for profit like usual. They are still able to make gold which they enjoy, but they are no longer able to hold a monopoly over the entire housing market, because 2/3 of the time other people have a chance to win the good houses as well.