Damon Beasts
Since nothing is actually being done about scripting and multiboxing, except the fake numbers they give us each month, I think its time to bring back the old IDOC system. Im not sure what the point of the new system was, but you have given scripters the advantage once again. Instead of waiting their all day for it to fall, they just check 3 times and then script the hell out of everything even before the house falls. Im sorry, no matter how fast your fingers are, you are not going to completely loot a loaded castle within seconds of it dropping without scripts.
Everyone in game knows who scripts and Im pretty sure so do the Devs but yet they still continue to let it happen, What? are they getting kickbacks? Its hard to believe that with all the programming they have put into the game, they cant come up with a way to stop scripting. Are you that ignorant or just dont care? Which is it?
I for one have been doing this very thing and I will openly admit it just to show everyone that nothing is going to happen if you script. Over the past 6-7 months I have gathered almost 500K of each ore, wood, salt peter, and everything inbetween. EM events are also a joke. Multiboxing for the win and Im not the only one doing it, you see it all the time but I will thank you for all the EM drops I have recieved illegally and sold for billions. So in this time frame, how is it that you have caught all these other people doing the exact same thing Im doing but not me? Hmmmmmmmm. Guess your not really looking too hard.
Everyone in game knows who scripts and Im pretty sure so do the Devs but yet they still continue to let it happen, What? are they getting kickbacks? Its hard to believe that with all the programming they have put into the game, they cant come up with a way to stop scripting. Are you that ignorant or just dont care? Which is it?
I for one have been doing this very thing and I will openly admit it just to show everyone that nothing is going to happen if you script. Over the past 6-7 months I have gathered almost 500K of each ore, wood, salt peter, and everything inbetween. EM events are also a joke. Multiboxing for the win and Im not the only one doing it, you see it all the time but I will thank you for all the EM drops I have recieved illegally and sold for billions. So in this time frame, how is it that you have caught all these other people doing the exact same thing Im doing but not me? Hmmmmmmmm. Guess your not really looking too hard.