I know that this will bring fire and brimstone, but I suspect it is about time to re-open this painful subject. A real Pandors's Box. Subject to lots of hot debating last year with the pet revamp, lots of negative emotion and heated posts. This is controversial, and not for the weak at wits or heart.
White PS for player characters have been the staple of PVP for decades. Leaving them as they are. Things were stable for many years as they were.
Real question is, the taming revamp created imbalances is the PS that are still lingering today : Why do we need same type of PS for pets as for players? And why subject a non-PVP class of players to the need for PVP dependence, and gigantic expenses, in order to upgrade their pets?
Could there be some solutions that would benefit the game and increase the use of content to obtain these advancements? What are the choices/recommendations to do that? That is regardless of "I have accumulated XX million uo$ worth of PS, and what am I going to do with them now" selfishness.
Some thoughts :
--Create a new item, PS or otherwise (maybe Orange color, who cares?). Make it capable of advancing 105-120 white PS equivalent, but working only on Animals-Pets.
--Make the Pet advancement item drop from bosses at Turtle, not a too easy spawn, OR Sleeping Dragon Serraod the Awakened boss in Tokuno. Make the drops decent, drop 7 Pet PS each time, to the highest damagers. Outside of the PvP/PK system.
--Or compromise a Fel Spawn, like TURTLE, a pretty tough spawn and boss, and make it NON PK or PVP, and drop NOT white player PS but ONLY Pet-specific PS usable by Pets only!
--Decrease the anxiety for players to get the Pet advancements by doing so. Encourage people to do content to directly get these advancements.
--Try to diminish this criminal racketeering terrorizing the tamers that would like to get their pet advancements. Its like "You have to pay your dues to the MOB to keep going, "protection" or else. What game developer encourages this? I suspect this was not foreseen, but this is how things are now, game-wide regarding the pet advancements.
We need people to do content in the game, and STAY in the game, SUBed. We need to increase INTEREST in doing content, and we need new/returning players to STAY, and give the good word out so we can get more SUBS. EJ did a little good, and that is appreciated. But this is still a BURNING subject with a number of players, old and new. What are you waiting for?
Try an experiment for gosh's sake : Put new content with the upcoming High Seas content or something: A drop that will act like pet advancement PS and see what happens.
What do you guys think of this?
White PS for player characters have been the staple of PVP for decades. Leaving them as they are. Things were stable for many years as they were.
Real question is, the taming revamp created imbalances is the PS that are still lingering today : Why do we need same type of PS for pets as for players? And why subject a non-PVP class of players to the need for PVP dependence, and gigantic expenses, in order to upgrade their pets?
Could there be some solutions that would benefit the game and increase the use of content to obtain these advancements? What are the choices/recommendations to do that? That is regardless of "I have accumulated XX million uo$ worth of PS, and what am I going to do with them now" selfishness.
Some thoughts :
--Create a new item, PS or otherwise (maybe Orange color, who cares?). Make it capable of advancing 105-120 white PS equivalent, but working only on Animals-Pets.
--Make the Pet advancement item drop from bosses at Turtle, not a too easy spawn, OR Sleeping Dragon Serraod the Awakened boss in Tokuno. Make the drops decent, drop 7 Pet PS each time, to the highest damagers. Outside of the PvP/PK system.
--Or compromise a Fel Spawn, like TURTLE, a pretty tough spawn and boss, and make it NON PK or PVP, and drop NOT white player PS but ONLY Pet-specific PS usable by Pets only!
--Decrease the anxiety for players to get the Pet advancements by doing so. Encourage people to do content to directly get these advancements.
--Try to diminish this criminal racketeering terrorizing the tamers that would like to get their pet advancements. Its like "You have to pay your dues to the MOB to keep going, "protection" or else. What game developer encourages this? I suspect this was not foreseen, but this is how things are now, game-wide regarding the pet advancements.
We need people to do content in the game, and STAY in the game, SUBed. We need to increase INTEREST in doing content, and we need new/returning players to STAY, and give the good word out so we can get more SUBS. EJ did a little good, and that is appreciated. But this is still a BURNING subject with a number of players, old and new. What are you waiting for?
Try an experiment for gosh's sake : Put new content with the upcoming High Seas content or something: A drop that will act like pet advancement PS and see what happens.
What do you guys think of this?
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